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I start this thread with another great book from the Lyndon LaRouche organization.
The most shocking about the book is that it was already written in 1981, while it’s still denied that the Anglo-American crime syndicate placed the Islamic extremism of Ayatollah Khomeini in charge of the oil-rich Iran, a little more than 25 years after they had put the Shah in power.
Within the US government, a relatively small group is responsible for the downfall of the Shah:
Zbigniew Brzezinski of the National Security Council;
Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of State;
George Ball, the NSC's Iran Task Force special coordinator;
David Newsom and Henry Precht of the State Department;
William H. Sullivan, US Ambassador in Teheran;
Harold Brown and Charles Duncan at the Pentagon;
General Alexander Haig and General Robert Huyser of NATO's command;
Stansfield Turner and Robert Bowie of the CIA.
Together with a select group of British intelligence agents and the Muslim Brotherhood secret society, the following group of Middle East specialists, from 1977 to 1979, acted as the liaison between the organisers of the Khomeini revolution and the Carter adminiation:
Former US attorney general Ramsey Clark was the coordinator;
Richard Cottam of the University of Pittsburgh;
Marvin Zonis of the University of Chicago;
James Bill of the University of Texas at Austin;
Thomas Ricks of Georgetown University;
Richard Falk and Bernard Lewis of Princeton.
Bernard Lewis came from Oxford University, where he specialised on the Islam and the Middle East.
The "Bernard Lewis plan" is the code-name for a top-secret British strategy to use Islamic extremism to disrupt the entire Middle East, for which Iran was the first experiment. The plan puts the heads of state of Muslim nations against the Muslim Brotherhood using those nations' own national minorities.
Dr. Lewis was an attendee of the 1979 Bilderberg meeting in Austria where "Muslim fundamentalism" was the leading topic.
This strategy is still goings strong, with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS still doing the evil work for these psychopaths.
See Bernard Lewis with Henry Kissinger more recently.
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In March 1975, the Shah defied the “stunned” Henry Kissinger and made a deal with Iraq´s Saddam Hussein, with the mediation of President Houari Boumedienne of Algeria and Saudi King Faisal, to abandon the Kurds (that were also supported with arms from Israel) in exchange for territorial concessions in the Shatt al-Arab waterway.
King Faisal died – literally the same month – on 25 March 1975 when he was shot point-blank by his half-brother’s son, Faisal bin Musaid, who had just come back from the US. Houari Boumedienne died in December 1978 of a “rare blood disease”.
See (from left) the Shah, Boumedienne and Saddam when the Algiers accord was signed.
[Image: 12c1408ab3c5c0d0c0af62875b9ac8cd4f66f7c2.jpg]
In his memoirs, Kissinger tells that he was vigorously against abandoning the Kurds. He warned the Shah that any agreement with Saddam Hussein was “worthless” and that the defeat of the leader of the Kurds Mustafa Barzani would “destabilize the entire area”.
In Jerusalem, Kissinger discussed the situation with Yitzhak Rabin, who complained that the Shah had “sold out the Kurds” and Kissinger replied:
Quote:I was shaken too by the Iranian decision. Because we had participated in it too. The brutality of it.

For two centuries the British have controlled the smuggling (including drugs) in the Gulf between Asia's Far East Golden Triangle and the West. These channels were now used to smuggle arms and ammunition for the Islamic “revolution” in Iran (in return for money of course).
The man in charge of Savak' s day-to-day affairs was General Hossein Fardoust, a childhood friend of the Shah since they attended the Le Rosey school in Switzerland in the 1930s, was likely the ringleader of the "inside" track of the revolution; already at the beginning of 1978 he was exploring for allies among the commanders of the armed forces and the intelligence services.
After the Shah’s health visit to the US had been planned, in the beginning of October, Ibrahim Yazdi contacted his old friend Ramsey Clark, who replied on 12 October:
Quote:It is critically important to show that despots cannot escape and live in wealth while nations they ravaged continue to suffer. I urge the new government of Iran to seek damages for criminal and wrongful acts committed by the former Shah, and to recover properties from the Shah, his family, and confederates, unlawfully taken from the Iranian people.
This preceded the hysteria that led to the US Embassy personell taken hostage.
In 1976, World Bank adviser Rene Dumont led an expedition to Iran to investigate the agricultural system there, and by 1981 was an adviser to Khomeini.
Dumont had earlier been expelled from Cuba and Algeria for being a CIA agent.
In early 1977, the Club of Rome's Aurelio Peccei, Jacques Freymond, and professor Ali Shariati began to direct the Muslim Brotherhood in Western Europe to a new, zero-growth version of Islam as part of the efforts to get rid of the Shah by the Aspen Institute.
In 1977, the Muslim Brotherhood coordinating organisation “Islam and the West” was founded in Geneva.
Besides funds from the Islamic Solidarity Fund (a subproject of the World Muslim Congress), the prestigious “International Federation of Institutions of Advanced Studies” helped to get it started. The second of these counts among its funders: Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (co-founder and long-time chairman of Bilderberg, the WWF and 1001 Club); Aurelio Peccei; Robert O. Anderson president of Atlantic Richfield and the head of the Aspen Institute.
Called "Islam and the West", this project held its first planning sessions at Cambridge University in England. Under the guidance of Peccei, Lord Caradon, and Muslim Brotherhood leader Maarouf Dawalibi, "Islam and the West" assembled a policy outline on science and technology for the subversion of Islam. The outline was published in 1979, and backed by the “International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Study”, headed by Club of Rome member and NATO science adviser Alexander King.
At a November 1977 conference in Lisbon, Portugal, sponsored by the Interreligious Peace Colloquium (that was set up by Cyrus Vance and Sol Linowitz), Peccei conspired with several leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, particularly with the well-known Iranian Seyyed Hossein Nasr, a personal friend of the Shah.
Professor Nasr together with Dr. Manucher Ganji obtained money from the Shah's wife, Farah Diba, and others for a Club of Rome project for Iran.
Isn´t it ironic that President Carter helped to get rid of the Shah, which ruined hs chances to be re-elected, while the Shah himself funded the Club of Rome that was working for his downfall?
Robert Dreyfuss - Hostage to Khomeini (1981):
(archived here:
US support for Khomeini

Henry Precht, one of the diplomats involved in Iran, described the missions to get rid of the Shah:
Quote:To ensure access to Iran’s new political elite and establish a pro-American regime in Iran.

This Islamic opposition was led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who was living in Najaf, Iraq. In Iraq he was already visited by Americans. CIA operative Richard Cottam, who had led the 1953 coup against Mossadeq, discussed with Khomeini for the US government.

In 1978, Saddam Hussein expelled Khomeini and moved to Neauphle le Chateau (a suburb of Paris). In October of 1978, Khomeini and the Carter administration reached an official agreement on how the Shah would be toppled and the future Iran-US cooperation.

US president Jimmy Carter sent General Robert Huyser to Iran to ensure support for the revolution amongst Iranian generals. On 4 January 1979, Huyser arrived in Iran to instruct Iranian generals that they should support Khomeini’s revolution, through not interfering.
Within the Carter cabinet, national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski pushed for the “revolution”. Huyser wrote in his memoir:
Quote:Brzezinski wanted to convey to the Iranian military a green light to stage a military coup, and considered that it did so. President Carter intended it to convey such a meaning only as a last resort.
On 18 March 1979, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Watan reported:
Quote:At the last moment, the United States have explicitly asked the leaders of the army and the generals to take this position, and the American State Department urged its ambassador to convince, as soon as possible, the most prominent generals to not intervene and declare their neutrality in case of political conflicts.

The Shah wasn’t informed on Huyser’s mission, while the previous time the general had come to Tehran his visits were scheduled “well in advance”.
The Shah later commented:
Quote:Huyser succeeded in winning over my last chief of staff, General Ghara-Baghi, whose later behaviour leads me to believe that he was a traitor. He asked Ghara-Baghi to arrange a meeting for him with Mehdi Bazargan, the human rights lawyer who became Khomeini’s First Prime Minister. The General informed me of Huyser’s request before I left, but I have no idea of what ensued.
I do know that Ghara-Baghi used his authority to prevent military action against Khomeini. He alone knows what decisions were made and the price paid. It is perhaps significant that although all my generals were executed, only General Ghara-Baghi was spared. His saviour was Behdi Bazargan.

On 14 January 1979, US ambassador William H. Sullivan organised a meeting between Ebrahim Yazedi, an assistant of Khomeini, and a representatives from the US State Department.
See Sullivan secretly meeting representatives of Khomeini.
[Image: ae9850609de2beed5bcd59c52de76fb5fe3b49f8.jpeg]

Since 1961, Yazedi had lived in exile in the US because he opposed the Shah. Here he became close to the CIA and the US State Department and became a US national. Warren Zimmerman told Yazedi to inform Khomeini to wait with his return to Iran until Huyser had made the necessary arrangements.
On 26 January, American diplomat Ramsey Clark met Khomeini in Neauphle le Chateau. After the meeting Clark told reporters on the coming “revolution”:
Quote:I have a great hope that this revolution will bring social justice to the Iranian people.
The Shah had already left Iran, never to return.

On 4 February 1979, Khomeini took control of Iran and appointed an interim-government. To lead this government he chose Mehdi Bazargan.
In 1978, Bazargan was an American informant. On behalf of the US government John Stempel, Henry Precht, Warren Zimmerman and Richard Cottam had meetings with the Iranian Freedom Movement, led by Bazargan.
On 14 February Bazargan, appointed the members of his cabinet. The important posts of second prime-minister and foreign minister went to Abbas Amir-Entezam and Karim Sanjabi. No less than 5 people in this cabinet held dual Iranian-US citizenship.
Amir-Entezam had lived in the USA for 20 years. He had already been an informer for the CIA in the 1953 coup against Mossadeq (which brought the Shah to power).
Sanjabi had been a regular contact of the US embassy in Tehran.

President Carter said about Bazargan’s government:
Quote:He and his predominantly Western-educated cabinet members cooperated with us. They protected our embassy, provided safe travel for General Philip C. Gast, who had replaced Huyser, and sent us a series of friendly messages. Bazargan announced publicly his eagerness to have good relations with the United States, and said that Iran would soon resume normal oil shipments to all its customers.

At the end of 1979, it was clear that Khomeini’s revolution wasn’t a complete succes and in need of a new push.
On 1 November 1979, Bazargan met President Carter’s head of the National Security Agency (NSA), Zbigniew Brzezinski, in Algiers. Then the US gave the Shah permission to travel to the US for medical treatment. The Iranian media claimed that the American “Satan” was trying to put the Shah back in power. In response, Iranian students took the American embassy personnel in Tehran hostage on 4 November.

On 5 November, Ayatollahs Khomeini, Behesti and Montazeri all expressed support for the occupation.
On 6 November, Bazargan resigned as prime-minister.

In January 1980, Iran elected Abul Hassan Bani Sadr for prime-minister. Bani Sadr had met the Americans since Khomeini’s stay in Paris. His CIA contact was Guy Rutherford.
Years later, Bani Sadr admitted that the Iranian hostage crisis had been part of a plan to strengthen Khomeini’s position domestically:
(archived here:

In 1978, the last full year the Shah regined in Iran, the average Iranian earned $2,540, compared to $160 in 1953 (when he was brought to power in Operation Ajax). The national currency was stable for 15 years.
According to the Shah:
Quote:In 1973 we succeeded in putting a stop, irrevocably, to sixty years of foreign exploitation of Iranian oil-resources...
In 1974, Iran at last took over the management of the entire oil-industry, including the refineries at Abadan and so on...
I am quite convinced that it was from this moment that some very powerful, international interests identified, within Iran, the collusive elements, which they could use to encompass my downfall.
It appears that deposing the Shah was planned from 1974 in the National Security Council in Washington, led by Henry Kissinger, whom the Shah thought of as “friend". It took until the beginning of the Carter administration that the decision was made to take action.

William Sullivan was chosen for U.S. Ambassador to urge the Shah to get out.
In December 1977, CFR member, Bilderberger, and banker with Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb and "authority on Iran", George Ball, was sent to deliver the Shah the same message.
The Shah commented that he “knew that Ball was no friend".

The Shah had suddenly become the target of a slandering campaign in the Western press. According to the US media, the Shah was suddenly "a despot, an oppressor, a tyrant". For Western TV cameras, protestors in Teheran carried empty coffins, claiming these were "victims of SAVAK".
The Kennedy family financed a committee for the “defense of liberties and rights” in Teheran, which was really a headquarters for revolution.
When Carter visited Iran at the end of 1977, the press reported that his departure to Teheran International Airport was through empty streets, because the city was "all locked up and emptied of people, by order of the SAVAK". What the media “forgot” to mention is that Carter departed at 6 a.m., when the streets were naturally empty!
In November 1977, when the Shah toured Virginia, about 500 Iranian students showed up, enthusiastically cheering for the Shah. Only the 50 Western protestors, who couldn’t even speak Persian, were shown in the US media.

On 19 August 1978, a fire allegedly started intentionally by Khomeini supporters at the Rex Cinema in Abadan, killed 477 people. Blocked exits prevented escape. The international press blamed it on the Shah and his "SAVAK".
On September 8, thousands of demonstrators in Teheran were ordered to disperse by an army unit. Rooftop snipers then sprayed the crowd, killing 121 demonstrators and 70 soldiers and cops. Again the Western press blamed the Shah for the massacre.

In 1960, Colonel Michael Goleniewski, second-in-command of Soviet counter-intelligence in Poland, defected to the West. He exposed many communist agents, including Henry Kissinger (?) and Ayatollah Khomeini.

Around the villa in Neauphle le Chateau occupied by Khomeini, there was a coming and going of the world's secret services, including CIA, MI6, KGB and SDECE. The CIA had even rented the house next door. Libya, Iraq and Russia were providing money.
Members of the Tudeh (communist) Party formed Khomeini's secretariat in France. In cooperation with the French Communist Party they provided couriers to pass his orders and tapes to Iran. Most of the witness-statements claim that the East Germans were in charge of the radio-transmissions; and at least 8000 cassettes of the Ayatollah's speeches were sent directly to Teheran. The BBC (British Brainwashing Corporation) became Khomeini's propaganda organ.
Nahavandi affirms that in Iran:
Quote:the Voice of America, the Voice of Israel and, especially, the BBC virtually became the voice of the revolution, moving from criticism, to overt incitement of revolt, and from biased reporting, to outright disinformation.
Khomeini gave 132 interviews in 112 days to the large amounts of journalists coming to Neauphle-le-Château.

General Robert Huyser pressured Iran's generals to giving in without a fight.
The Shah wrote:
Quote:Huyser directly threatened the military with a break in diplomatic relations and a cutoff of arms if they moved to support their monarch. It was therefore necessary, to neutralize the Iranian army. It was clearly for this reason that General Huyser had come to Teheran.

On 1 February 1979, with US officials joining the welcoming committee, Ayatollah Khomeini arrived in Iran amid media fanfare.
Although counter-demonstrations, some as large as 300,000 people, erupted in Iran, the Western press barely mentioned them.

The Shah, took the invitation of Mexican President Lopes Portillo.
His “friend” David Rockefeller sent a trendy doctor to examine the Shah, who convinced him to fly to New York for treatment in October 1979. On 4 November 1979, Iranians took 52 hostages from the US embassy in Teheran. According to Nahavandi, assisted by Soviet special services.
Mexico didn’t allow the Shah to return and because he couldn’t stay in the US was forced to go to Panama, where he and his wife would be placed under virtual house arrest. Egyptian president Anwar Sadat then sent a jet to Panama, to take the Shah and wife to Egypt, where the Shah died on 27 July 1980, reportedly of “cancer”.
Anwar Sadat was assassinated the next year.

It´s claimed that more Iranians were killed during Khomeini's first month in power than in the Shah's 37-year reign:
(archived here:
Khomeini and the BBC

In 1979, the British and US governments installed Khomeini into power.
In the Shah's own words: "If you lift up Khomeini's beard, you will find Made In England written under his chin".
The BBC put Khomeini on a public pedestal. The Persian-language broadcasts of the BBC were used as a propaganda tool for Khomeini, making him the only alternative to the Shah's rule. These broadcasts made him the “unchallenged leader” of the Iranian revolution.

By October 1978, negotiations between the Shah's government and British Petroleum for renewal of the 25-year old extraction agreement had collapsed because the Shah refused to give Britain exclusive rights to Iran's future oil output.
Iran appeared on the verge of independence in its oil sales policy for the first time since 1953; prospective buyers included Germany, France and Japan.

According to William Engdahl:
Quote:In November 1978, President Carter named the Bilderberg group's George Ball, another member of the Trilateral Commission, to head a special White House Iran task force under the National Security Council's Brzezinski. Ball recommended that Washington drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the fundamentalistic Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini.

The coup against the Shah was run by British and American intelligence, with the “American” Zbigniew Brzezinski (born in Poland), taking the “credit” for getting rid of the “corrupt” Shah, while the British characteristically remained in the background.
See Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Madeleine Albright having a laugh.
[Image: a22c0ddfbbf70ba300cdd6528c108f908072226d.jpg]

Other possible motives for getting rid of the Shah:
He signed petroleum agreements with Italian oil company ENI;
He began to close down the opium industry.

Another possible motive for bringing Khomeini into power is to orchestrate the American hostage drama to get rid of President Carter (and preventing an October surprise):
(archived here:

In June 2016, the BBC didn´t report on its own role, but instead suggested that in January 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini had secretly asked Jimmy Carter’s assistance to overthrow the Shah. Khomeini promised that after his return from exile in France, he would prevent a civil war in Iran, and wouldn’t be hostile to Washington...

A 1980 CIA study says that:
Quote:in November 1963 Ayatollah Khomeini sent a message to the US Government through [Tehran University professor] Haj Mirza Khalil Kamarei”, in which he explained “that he was not opposed to American interests in Iran” and that “on the contrary, he thought the American presence was necessary as a counterbalance to Soviet and possibly British influence”.

According to Masud Wadan:
Quote:The US with the support of France, Britain and Germany struck a deal regarding Khomeini at the Guadeloupe Conference [1979]. This three-day summit agreed upon the seating of Khomeini as the leader of Iran.
(archived here:

Here’s the Shah on Jewish, Israeli influence in the US.
Licio Gelli and the hostage drama

Here´s more information on the arms for hostage deal with Ayatollah Khomeini´s Iran in the 1980s, including the participation of the infamous Propaganda Due (P2) Masonic Lodge of Licio Gelli.

Former CIA agent Richard Brenneke, on Italian TV, confirmed that the P2 lodge was involved in a deal that involved weapons for Iran if they would keep the American hostage drama going until after the presidential election (in which Jimmy Carter lost to Ronald Reagan, with Bush Sr. as his running mate).

Brenneke said that P2 Grand Master Licio Gelli was present at the October 1980 meeting in Paris where US and Iranian representatives discussed the deal. He claimed that George H.W. Bush, then US vice president, took part in a separate October 1980 meeting with CIA Director William Casey (Reagan's campaign manager).

Excerpts from the interview with Richard Brenneke:
Quote:The P-2 was involved in the operation for which I ended up in court, that is the delay in the liberation of the American hostages in Iran in 1980. Members of P-2 participated in the operation and even attended meetings in Paris and other European cities. The same people were involved in the arms smuggling into Iran which took place after these meetings while there was still an embargo against Iran. The P-2 collaborated with agencies of the American government in sending weapons to Iran after the meeting of 1980.

"October surprise." The aim of the meeting was to organize the freedom of the hostages after, not before, the elections. The meeting was important because there were Mr. Casey, who later became the head of the CIA, at that time manager of the Reagan-Bush electoral campaign and Donald Gregg, who became ambassador to South Korea and at that time worked for the CIA and the National Security Council. At the meeting I attended Bush was not there, but Bush was...

The present President Bush was at that time a vice presidential candidate. From the information I had, I know that Bush was in Paris in the same days for meetings dealing with the freedom of the hostages and the payment of a ransom for their freedom. Gelli took part in these meetings. I do not know if he attended the same meetings with Bush but he definitely attended the same meetings I attended.

My accusations are very serious and I would not do it without evidence.... Some of these documents were given to the court on the occasion of the trial against me. They are still in the trial record. Some documents I gave to members of the inquiry commission of the U.S. Congress…

Brenneke also told that the campaign of George H.W. Bush was (indirectly) financed from Libya, through royalties paid by Qaddafi into Texas oil companies that supported Bush.
Ibrahim Razin (later more on Razin) confirmed that an agreement was reached between Bush and Iran that involved arms and the delayed release of the American hostages in Iran:
(archived here:

In the spring of 1990, federal prosecutors charged arms dealer Richard Brenneke, because he claimed to have first-hand knowledge of the Paris meetings.
Brenneke was acquitted because not a single juror was persuaded that Brenneke was lying.

In 1986, Iran's ex-president Abol Hassan Bani-Sadr also told about a meeting between Republicans and Iranians in Paris in October 1980. Senior Reagan-Bush campaign advisers - Richard Allen, Laurence Silberman and Robert McFarlane - acknowledged that they had held a private meeting at Washington's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in September or October 1980 with an unnamed Iranian emissary.

Gary Sick (former staff member of the NSC), who had worked for the Carter administration, also claimed that a deal was made between the Republicans and Iran for a delayed release of the hostages.

Ari Ben-Menashe was an Iranian-born Israeli who worked for the Israeli military intelligence from 1977-87. In the spring of 1986, he came with accurate stories about the arms-for-hostage deals with Iran.
Ben-Menashe asserted that in October 1980, Bush Sr. went into a meeting at a Paris hotel with Casey and Mehdi Karrubi.

The brothers Jamshid and Cyrus Hashemi served as intermediaries between the Carter administration and the Iranian government (to get the hostages released before the elections).
Jamshid Hashemi claims that he and Cyrus helped arrange hostage meetings in late July and early August 1980 between Casey and cleric Mehdi Karrubi.

In an intercepted call shortly after the November election, John Shaheen (who knew Casey since they served in the OIS during WW II) tells Hashemi that he should begin "a direct one-to-one relationship" with Casey.
Before Shaheen's death in 1985, he told FBI investigators that he had introduced Hashemi to Casey (before he became CIA director).

The Senate “investigators” found out that Casey was in London, Monday afternoon 28 July.
They couldn’t find where Casey was on 26, 27 July 1980:
(archived here:

Brenneke said the meetings took place 19, 20 October at the Crillon Hotel and at the Hotel Florida in Paris. He said Bush was in Paris less than 24 hours and Casey went on to Frankfurt after the meetings.

Heinrich Rupp flew a group of VIPs from Washington to Paris on 18 October 1980.
He said that possibly George H.W. Bush and William Casey were among the passengers.

Mansur Rafizadeh, chief of the Shah of Iran's secret police and covert CIA agent, was involved with the negotiations and confirmed that a deal was made to delay the release of the hostages in return for weapons to Khomeini's Iran.
Rafizadeh said that the deal was made by William Casey, Richard Allen and/or Bush Sr.

25 April 1980 - Desert One rescue attempt, while Oliver North is in Iran, is sabotaged by the CIA/Secret Team in communication with William Casey.
Cynthia Dwyer tells that the CIA caused it to fail (Dwyer gets locked up in Iran).

29 October 1980 (6 days before the 4 November election) - Carter is assured that $240 million in US arms and unfreezing Iranian assets will result in the release of the 52 hostages before the election. (???)

29, 30 October 1980 - Richard V. Allen and George H.W. Bush meet in Paris, France with the Iranian Mohammad Beheshti. Bush and Allen bribe Beheshti's representative to delay the release of the 52 hostages. (???)

20 January 1980, Inauguration Day - The 52 hostages are released.
9 February 1981 – The last American hostage, Dwyer is finally released and returns to the US.

Late February/Early March 1981 - Cyrus Hashemi begins shipments of US arms to Iran, claiming they are "part of an effort necessary to get the hostages released".

21 July 1986 - Cyrus Hashemi dies in London of a “rare form of acute leukemia”.

Barbara Honegger, part of Reagan's campaign team, said that Cyrus Hashemi was murdered by government agents because of his knowledge of the arms-for-hostages deal.
Honegger also confirmed that William Casey knew in advance about the (failed) Desert One rescue mission of April 1980.
Later Honegger was present at a meeting in a “party atmosphere” because “Dick [Allen] cut a deal" to prevent the “October surprise” release of the American hostages.

William Casey, Richard Beal, Cyrus Hashemi, Jalal Al-din Farsi, and Ayatollah Mohammed Baheshti, allegedly involved in the 1980 “October Surprise” deal, all died very suddenly and mysteriously.

In 1988, Los Angeles attorney James H. Davis represented 15 of the 52 hostages to demand compensation because their release had been delayed by the Reagan campaign.

It’s very strange that nobody could find evidence on the whereabouts of George H.W. Bush, Donald Gregg, and William Casey on 19 October 1980 (when some claim they were in Paris):
(archived here:

For more information on Gladio and the notorious Propaganda Due (P2) Masonic Lodge:
William Engdahl – A Century of War; Anglo-American Oil Politics

On the history of manipulation of Iran, William Engdahl has done excellent research, see (part of) my summary on his excellent book; William Engdahl – A Century of War; Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (first published in 1992):

Ayatollah Khomeini – Thatcher economics, the IMF in the 1980s
In 1975, the CFR, under the direction of New York attorney Cyrus Vance, drafted a series of policy blueprints for the 1980s. The CFR called “A degree of “controlled disintegration” in the world economy is a legitimate objective for the 1980’s”.

In 1978, the Shah’s government of Iran and British Petroleum were “negotiating” on the renewal of the 25-year oil extraction agreement. In October 1978, the talks had collapsed over the British “offer” that demanded exclusive rights to Iran’s future oil output.
In November 1978, President Carter named the Bilderberg group’s George Ball, a member of the Trilateral Commission, to head a special White House Iran task force under the National Security Council’s Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Robert Bowie from the CIA was one of the lead “case officers” in the new CIA-led coup against the Shah that they had placed into power in 1953. US security advisers to the Shah’s Savak secret police implemented a policy of ever more brutal repression, to maximize antipathy against the Shah. At the same time, the Carter administration began protesting abuses of “human rights” under the Shah.
The BBC’s Persian-language broadcasts, drummed up hysteria against the regime in exaggerated reporting of incidents of protest against the Shah and gave Ayatollah Khomeini a full propaganda platform inside Iran.
The Shah fled in January 1979, and by February Khomeini had been flown into Tehran to proclaim the establishment of his theocratic state.

Iran’s oil exports to the world were suddenly cut off, some 3 million barrels per day. Curiously, Saudi Arabian production in January 1979 also cut some 2 million barrels per day.
Unusually low reserves of oil held by the “Seven Sisters” oil multinationals contributed to the oil price shock, with prices for crude oil soaring from a level of some $14 per barrel in 1978 towards $40 per barrel for some grades of crude on the spot market. The ensuing energy crisis in the US was a major factor in bringing about Carter’s defeat in the presidential election a year later.
Despite the fact that an oil price of $40 per barrel represented a dramatic increase in dollar terms, the media hysteria over the “incompetent” Carter administration, led to a further weakening of the dollar.
Since early 1978, the dollar had already dropped more than 15% against the German mark and other major currencies. In September 1978, the dollar fell in a near panic collapse when it was reported that Saudi’s central bank SAMA had begun liquidating billions of dollars of US treasury bonds.
The oil price shocks in 1973 and 1979, which had raised the price of the world’s basic energy by 1,300% in 6 years, had understandably caused inflation.

British PM Margaret Thatcher, insisted that the 18% inflation in Britain had been caused by government deficit spending, carefully ignoring the 140% increase in the price of oil since the fall of Iran’s Shah. In June 1979, a month Thatcher had become PM, the UK’s chancellor of the exchequer, Sir Geoffrey Howe, began raising base rates for the banking system a staggering five percentage points, from 12% to 17%in only 12 weeks. The Bank of England simultaneously began to cut the money supply, to ensure that interest rates remained high:

Here´s a thread with some relatively recent information on Iran:
Supplying Saddam with arms

So while Iran was supplied with weapons from the Western “democracies”, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was also armed to the teeth to fight the evil Ayatollah Khomeini (that had been put in charge of Iran by Britain and the US)....

In the 1980s, UK officials shredded documents after deliberately smuggling Chieftain tank hulls to Iraq via Jordan.
The ECGD gave insurance guarantees that were supposed to cover only civil projects but were used on arms sales to Saddam Hussein’s regime. About £1 billion of money was paid by the British taxpayer to supply Saddam with weapons.

Firms who benefited from this wonderful example of “freedom and democracy” are: the Midland Bank (now part of money laundering giant HSBC); Morgan Grenfell (now part of – once again - the Deutsche Bank); Racal and Thorn-EMI (both sold to the French Thales); and Marconi (acquired by the giant BAE Systems).

The first arms firm to profit was Racal, which was provided with a secret "defence allocation" of £42 million of special ECGD insurance, after getting a contract with Iraq in 1985. Racal shipped sophisticated Jaguar V radios to Iraq´s army on credit.
Racal was building a factory in Iraq when the Gulf war broke out. Then the ECGD had to write Racal's bankers an insurance cheque for £15.7 million.
In 1987, ECGD's secret "defence allocation" had been used up by Racal. So Ministry of Defence officials reclassified the contract as civil.

In 1987 Marconi Command & Control got a taxpayer guarantee for £10 million, to sell Amets to the Iraqi army. The ECGD ended up writing a cheque for £8.2 million when Marconi didn´t get paid.

In 1988, an £18 million deal for Tripod Engineering on a fighter pilot training complex for the Iraqi air force got reclassified as civil. The taxpayer ended up paying £2.9 million on compensation for this deal.
In 1988, Thorn-EMI got ECGD insurance to ship supplies of Cymbeline mortar-locating radar to the Iraqi army and to train Iraqi officers. The taxpayer had to pay out almost £1 million in compensation:

It has also been reported that Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s son Mark Thatcher received $18 million in kickbacks for the help to secure arms sales to Saudi Arabia:
Gerald James – arming Saddam

Gerald R. James, who was once chairman of ASTRA, filed a FOIA request on 1 June 2007 with some interesting information in this context. Including the bizarre claim that Stephanus Kock was “said to be” media mogul Robert Maxwell’s brother (which I don’t believe at all!).
There is another story that Stephanus Kock and Robert Maxwell were born in the same Czech village…

Quote:Inside sources said Kock was from Carpo Ruthenia via South Africa and Rhodesia and became a naturalised British citizen in 1968. He was said to be Robert Maxwell's brother and a former head of Group 13, the Government's dirty tricks and murder squad.

The principal companies which Astra acquired under my Chairmanship were all long-established defence contractors, the founding dates varying from the Napoleonic Wars up to 1948. All had existing experienced management with longstanding relationships with their main customers, the US and UK governments, European, NATO and Commonwealth governments. Business with other governments in the Middle and Far East, Africa and South America, as well as the Eastern bloc was conducted through and with the full knowledge and help of the UK, US, Canadian and Belgian governments.

There were also sub-contractors from companies like Allivane the CIA-MI6 front company (pages 516-529 and particularly pages 527-528). James Taylor (page 523) worked on our site at Sandwich on secondment from the MoD. I have copies of the Swedish customs report which led to the Dutch Economic Police Report into Muiden Chemie (pages 521-522). This Swedish customs report was into the propellant 'Cartel' which involved companies such as ICI/Nobel Industries of the UK, Muiden Chemie of Holland, PRB of Belgium, Astra of the UK, Royal Ordnance of the UK, Rio Tinto of Spain, Nobel/Bofors of Sweden and Raufoss of Norway. The cartel was set up to supply the huge amounts of propellant required to supply Iraq and Iran for their artillery in the eight year war 1981- 1988 and in furtherance of US/UK policy (pages 516-529). After other acquisitions such as Walters Group in the USA (Walters Inc and Accudyne), BMARC in the UK, Kilgore in the USA and PRB in Belgium, it became clear that there was a vast underlying traffic of weapons and ammunition and fuses involving these companies.

Kock was at the centre of a huge organisation involving the whole defence establishment and companies such as Allivane, Astra, Polly Peck, Ferranti/ISC, Maxwell, BCCI (which were all deliberately collapsed) and 150 various front companies at the centre of the secret US/UK policy. Other companies deliberately collapsed included SRC of Belgium, Matrix Churchill, Ordtec, Euromac, Atlantic Commercial in the UK. It was disconcerting and alarming to discover that not only were Astra's bankers, Midland and Bank of Boston, and consortium banks such as the Bank of Nova Scotia part of the UK and US governments' tools in furthering policy but also that our lawyers, Baileys Shaw & Gillett, and accountants, Stoy Hayward, were implicated.

Main personnel at Societe Generale de Belgique ('SGB'), the vendors of PRB to Astra such as former EC Commissioner Davignon, the SGB Chairman and the SGB Managing Director, Herve de Carmoy, formerly senior foreign director of Midland Bank and a close associate of Kock, as well as Jean Duronsoy, the negotiator of the PRB sale to Astra were leaned on by the UK and Belgian governments from a high level and panicked.

He approached us again in March 1990 through our Austrian agent, Cranz, and Chris Gumbley. He met Gumbley on 22nd March 1990 for a whole day with Cranz and his lawyers and told him he wanted me to return the next week with documents to help his case against HMG and senior civil servants which he had already launched. Bull was particularly concerned about corruption and the fact he had offered more for PRB than Astra. He also seemed to know we would all be set up. An hour after Gumbley left him he was shot.
Project Babylon

Here’s some more interesting information on the arms sales to Saddam Hussein in the 1980s, in defiance of a United Nations embargo.
The so-called “supergun” was never built though.

In 2012, in the trial of Asil Nadir a “secret” 1991 CIA report surfaced. There are 2 versions of this report. Both carry the crest of the US Central Intelligence Agency, and are headed “Project Babylon: The Iraqi Supergun”. One is censored.
Certain paragraphs are marked “S NF NC”, which means “Secret, Not to be seen by Foreign Nationals or defence Contractors”.
The unredacted copy is stamped in red with the Hebrew word for “secret” and text typed in black: “From office of prime minister. Date received 11.91”. This suggests that the report was delivered to Yitzhak Shamir’s government in Israel in November 1991 or maybe it was hand delivered at the 3-day Middle East conference in Spain convened on 30 October 1991.
[Image: 1da6e9cfe9e969bbf90ed82ed5ed9212b47cb685.png]

A group of British businessmen and officials smuggled arms to Saddam Hussein. This included artillery expert Gerald Bull, who designed the Iraqi Supergun in “Project Babylon”.
On 22 March 1990, Gerald Bull was shot and killed on the doorstep of his flat in Brussels, Belgium. Twenty thousand dollars lay untouched in his briefcase.
Nine days later, investigative reporter Jonathan Moyle was found dead, hanging in a hotel room in Santiago, Chile where he was investigating arms dealers. Moyle had earlier reported on arms sales to Iraq.

Two weeks after the murder of Bull, British Customs seized 8 gun barrel sections, designed by Bull and manufactured by Sheffield Forgemasters, on board the ship Gur Mariner heading for Iraq.

According to the CIA report, “Kock hired two ex-SAS men [named in the unredacted version] to eliminate Bull”. Stephan Kock also “found that defence journalist, Jonathan Moyle, possessed evidence of UK covert deals. Consequently, Kock and [a third named agent] eliminated him in Santiago, Chile”.
Stephan Adolphus Kock had Bull eliminated because he had “planned a lawsuit to expose UK covert deals”.

Kock also:
Quote:arranged the arrest of supergun project manager Cowley and Walter Somers CEO Peter Mitchell, along with several Forgemasters and Walter Somers personnel. UK Customs raided Matrix Churchill, and arrested three executives, while MoD police arrested Ordtec and SRC executives connected to BMARC deals; the (mostly MI6) BMARC executive was protected to avoid exposure. Kock requested the DTI hold a public enquiry into Astra.
Subsequently, Kock arranged the arrest of Unipac CEO Asil Nadir via the UK Serious Fraud Office. However, charges against Cowley and Mitchell were dropped for fear of UK deals with Iraqi supergun. As the Conservative Party sought to avoid defeat in the upcoming UK election, they lost confidence in Thatcher and forced her to resign. (S NF NC).

Kock was a Czechoslovakian consultant to Midland Bank. In 2008, Kock died at his home in Scotland.
Sir John (later Lord) Cuckney, former MI5 spy and chairman of the state-owned International Military Services (IMS), arranged for Kock to work at Astra, making secret supply contracts with Nadir’s Unipac. In 2008, Lord Cuckney also died.

Explosives were manufactured by the British fireworks firm Astra and smuggled in the disguise of chocolate. Gerald James, then head of Astra, has always claimed that Astra didn´t know, but was unknowingly used by Kock.
According to the CIA report, chief executive of Astra, Christopher Gumbley, “travelled to Brussels to meet Bull”.

Olivia Frank, who was forced to spy for MI5 on Elizabeth Forsyth in jail (accused of laundering £400,000 for Nadir but ruled innnocent a year later) and later spied in Germany for Mossad, has said:
Quote:On May 10, 1993, six days after Asil Nadir left Britain, MI5 approached me...
Their officer described me as perfect for a so-called deniable operation and offered me a large sum of money as reward if I would agree to meet Mr Nadir in Turkey. MI5 intended to harm him. In order to facilitate false identities, they provided new National Insurance records for me and my partner. An MI6 officer took over the operation when Mr Nadir invited me to meet him in Istanbul. By this time, the investigative reporter Roger Cook had become involved.

I delivered it to Asil’s solicitor Giles Bark-Jones via his partner Fred Bunn, in November 2010 when I met Elizabeth Forsyth, once more, in a London hotel.

According to Elizabeth, Her Majesty’s Government signed no fewer than 36 PII certificates. This had the effect of censoring numerous Turko-British government letters, so that I believe only one such letter was partially revealed in court and even that was redacted.

Frank delivered the CIA dossier for Nadir’s defence to his team. But the UK Government suppressed it through a 36 PIICs.

Elizabeth Forsyth pointed out that Nadir’s Polly Peck International and Astra had shared the same accountant, Dennis Robertson.
In 1997, the late Lord Harris of Greenwich told that the Serious Fraud Office at Polly Peck had found cheques from Unipac to the Conservative Party worth £365,000.

On page 22, the un-redacted CIA report says:
Quote:The situation that made Project Babylon feasible began in 1981, as UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sought to grow the British economy through covert arms deals with Iraq, then at war with Iran. In 1982, at the outbreak of the Falklands conflict, Thatcher sought assistance from the US administration and subsequently, we provided intelligence support. Consequently, in 1983, directed by White House strategy, we co-ordinated covert operations with MI6 that eluded Congressional precincts and projected UK rules that sustained arms sales to Iraq via global covert routes established by the UK. In alliance with MI6, we set up Allivane International, at the core of covert deals with Iraq. Its ultimate owner, Chilean arms dealer Carlos Cardoen, received funds from the UK and played a key role.
(archived here:

Here’s part of the censored, redacted report:

Here’s the “unredacted” version of the previous part of the report but this isn´t even the most interesting part:

Google and the other “search” engines are having some problems actually finding the information I´m looking for.
For example, when I searched in April the results show images (upper screenprint), but could´t find any images after I click on it (lower screenprint).
[Image: Iraq-Babylon-Google.png]
Project Babylon – Supergun for satellites

This post is an important clarification on Saddam Hussein’s Project Babylon “supergun” that would have been built by Gerald Vincent Bull...
This “supergun” wasn’t designed as a weapon but to put satellites into orbit; now that would be a real threat!

Isaac Newton first envisaged the concept of a “space gun” in his 1728 book “A Treatise of the System of the World”. A better known representation of the “space gun” is in Jules Verne’s “From the Earth to the Moon”, in which astronauts fly to the Moon aboard a ship launched from a cannon on the surface of the Earth.

In the First World War, Max Dräger and Fritz Rausenberger built the Paris Gun so that the German army could bomb the French capital at 75 miles. Its projectiles were the first human-made objects to reach the stratosphere.
In the Second World War, Albert Speer approved plans for a gun to fire on London from the coast of Calais - the V-3 cannon – it supposedly fired 142 rounds that resulted in (only) 10 dead and 35 wounded.
At the end of the war, the gun tubes were disassembled and shipped to the US for testing, before they were scrapped in 1948.

After Gerald Bull finished his Ph.D. thesis in 1950, he started to work at the Canadian Armament and Research Development Establishment (CARDE), which was researching various rocket and missile projects. On 1 April 1961, Bull resigned after he got into an argument with his superior over paperwork.

Gerald Bull continued his remarkable career, in a partnership with Charles Murphy and Arthur Trudeau (director of US Army Research and Development) in Project HARP (High Altitude Research Program; that´s not HAARP!).
Their most important test site was on the Caribbean island of Barbados. In January 1963, the first succesfull tests ran; the third of these launched a Martlet-1. Two days later, a second Martlet-1 reached 16.8 miles with a radio transmitter beacon attached.
By the end of June a world-record altitude for a gun-launched projectile was reached of 57 miles. The Martlet was equipped with electronics to measure upper-level winds and magnetic fields.
On 18 November 1966, a Martlet-2 was launched that reached 111 miles high  —  a world record until this day for a gun-launched projectile.

See a depiction of Gerald Bull’s vision of launching satellites into orbit from the surface of the Earth.
[Image: Bull-HARP-space-launch.png]

After the US Army was forbidden to conduct launches above 62 miles, and the Canadian government stopped Bull’s funding in 1967, he founded the Space Research Corporation.
The company needed money, so Bull immediately signed arms deals with the Canadian and US military research arms. Bull designed ammunition so US Naval destroyers and battleships could fire from miles off the shore of North Vietnam. Became an American citizen by act of Congress so he could be granted top security clearance.
Throughout the 1970s, Bull worked as an international artillery consultant for the US, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Israel, Holland, Italy, Britain, Canada, Venezuela, Chile, Thailand, Austria, and Somalia.

In the late 1970s, the CIA encouraged Bull to build a new gun for South African, despite the US arms embargo.
As a result of a change in its foreign policy after Jimmy Carter became US president Bull's arms business with South Africa was declared illegal, and he was sentenced to jail. Bull spent six months in prison.

After his release, Bull moved to Brussels and worked for China and Iraq.
After designing a pair of artillery pieces for the Iraqis, in 1988, he persuaded the Iraqi Minister of Industry that Iraq could become a genuine space power, with "Think of the prestige".
Saddam Hussein greenlighted the project, which called for a space gun that was 512 feet long, weighed 2,100 tons, and had a 3.3-foot diameter. It was designed to be capable of placing a 4,410-pound projectile into orbit. The segments, which were being constructed in Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

See a 1964 depiction of Bull’s HARP supergun. Note the jeep (mid-left) that looks tiny in comparison.
[Image: 569d8260942c998c23a1af1e6e916203f6762814.jpg]

Because of its size the Iraqi space cannon would have been nearly useless as a conventional weapon:
(archived here:

Interestingly after in 1967 project HARP was cancelled by lack of government funding, Gerald Bull found new sponsors in none other than Peter and Edgar Sr. Bronfman.
The main shipping company for Space Research Corporation was Israel's Zim Shipping Company (that moved out of the Twin Towers a couple of months before 9/11).

The Pakistani chairman of the infamous Swiss-based Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), Saad Gabr, bought Space Research after Bull was locked up in prison:
(06-23-2019, 02:43 PM)Firestarter Wrote: [ -> ]Here’s the “unredacted” version of the previous part of the report but this isn´t even the most interesting part:
The country sources for the components of the Iraqi “supergun” are in the “unredacted” report …
UK (Sheffield Forgemasters, Walter Somers);
Spain (Rio Tinto, Unecta);
Switzerland (Oerlikon);
Belgium (Gechem);
Italy (Agusta);
Netherlands – No company named.

The added value of the following archived web page is that automatically redirects to the archived PDFs for which the originals are no longer on the internet; all the following PDFs can be found at:

The “Intelligence summary” is more interesting than the longer “unredacted” report...
Margaret Thatcher, asked assistance from the CIA to set up Alliavane International and Astra.
In 1985, Thatcher signed the Jordan Defense Package with King Husayn to export arms to Iraq.
MI5 enrolled Mark Gutteridge as export manager to Iraqi-owned Matrix Churchill based in the UK.
Astra acquired BMARC, approached Societe Generale-Gechem to acquire PRB but was blocked. Societe Generale was founded in the 1820 by King Willem I of the Netherlands.

This includes the assassinations by Kock of Gerald Bull and journalist Jonathan Moyle and the arrest of several of the people involved (to silence them).
Kock had informant Lionel Jones eliminated.
Kock even had former Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Andre Cools eliminated because he threatened to investigate the sale of PRB to Astra.

Quote:The situation that made Project Babylon feasible began in 1981, as UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sought to grow the British economy through covert arms deals with Iraq, then at war with Iran. In 1982, at the outbreak of the Falklands conflict, Thatcher sought assistance from the US administration and subsequently, we provided intelligence support. Consequently, in 1983, directed by White House strategy, we coordinated covert operations with MI6 that eluded Congressional precincts and projected UK rules that sustained arms sales to Iraq via global covert routes established by the UK. In alliance with MI6, we set up Allivane International, at the core of covert deals with Iraq. Its ultimate owner, Chilean arms dealer Carlos Cardoen, received funds from the UK and played a key role. He used false end user certificates that disguised true consignment destinations, as his company shipped arms to Iraq via Chile and Jordan. Our strategy accelerated, via the British Embassy in Washington, when we advised UK arms producer Astra, whom we saw as pivotal to our strategy, to share offices in London, England, with the Institute for the Study of Conflict, headed up by UK Security Service (MI5) agent Brian Crozier. It enabled us to monitor and coordinate Astra's projected covert deals. (S NF NC)

In 1984, the UK issued guidelines theoretically intended to limit arms sales to Iraq, intentionally flexible, as the deals flourished, in 1985, Thatcher signed the Jordan Defense Package with King Husayn: it initiated a conduit to Iraq, and subsequently, Thatcher announced the arms to Iraq guidelines to Parliament. In 1986, Stephan Adolf Kock joined Astra from the UK Midland Bank secret defense department. Kock led an MI6 strategic infiltration into Astra to conceal covert deals, while MI5 enrolled Mark Gutteridge as export manager for Iraqi-owned Matrix Churchill, a 'dual-purpose' tooling producer based in the UK. In 1987, Saddam Husayn desired indigenous arms production with help from Matrix Churchill and Astra consultant Roy Ricks. Subsequently, Technology and Development Group, subsidiary of Al-Arabi Trading run by our mole, Husayn Kamel Hassan al-Majid in Baghdad, acquired Matrix Churchill. This move helped Cardoen build a missile factory in Iraq. Meantime, Astra bought Waher Group, which produced fuses for Iraq through our agent Jim Guerin of International Signals Corporation (ISC) based in the UK, subsequently merged with Ferranti. As Iraq became the UK's major customer, the Iranian procurement office in London, England was closed down. (S NF NC)

As Astra acquired BMARC, its executive unaware of BMARC's covert deals via conduit countries to Iraq, Kock conceived a strategy against potential exposure. Meantime, when Astra approached Belgian company Société Général de Belgique (SGB) – Gechem, to acquire Poudreries Réunies Belgique (PRB), they blocked Astra's proposal due to a review of US-UK pro-Iraq policy as Pakistan acquired nuclear capability. (S NF NC)

As Gumbley traveled to Brussels to meet Bull, Kock maintained surveillance and discovered that they planned a lawsuit to expose UK covert deals. Consequently, Kock hired (...),
(SAS) to eliminate Bull. Subsequently, MoD police arrested Gumbley. He served 9 months in prison on fabricated corruption charges. Meantime, as we coordinated an MI6 set-up, alleged nuclear capacitors shipped from US by Euromac for Iraq was seized at Heathrow Airport, it led to the arrest of CEO Ali Daghir and Jeanine Speckman. Meantime, Kock found that defense journalist, Jonathan Moyle, possessed evidence of UK covert deals. Consequently, Kock and (...)
eliminated him in Santiago, Chile. (S NF NC)

As the UK continued to deflect responsibility, Kock arranged the arrest of supergun project manager Cowley and Walter Somers CEO Peter Mitchell, along with several Forgemasters and Walter Somers personnel. UK Customs raided Matrix Churchill, and arrested three executives, while MoD police arrested Ordtec and SRC executives connected to BMARC deals; the (mostly MI6) BMARC executive was protected to avoid exposure. Kock requested the DTI hold a public inquiry into Astra. Subsequently, Kock arranged the arrest of Unipac CEO Asil Nadir via the UK Serious Fraud Office. However, charges against Cowley and Mitchell were dropped for fear of exposure of UK deals with Iraqi supergun.

In 1991, incoming Prime Minister John Major told Parliament that for some considerable time the UK had not supplied arms to Iraq. Meantime, Kock had covert deals informant Lionel Jones eliminated. As the DTI Select committee Inquiry into arms to Iraq began, BCCI, based in London, England, involved in arms, drugs deals and donations to Conservative party funds, was closed down. As Kock completed his strategy, he had former Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Andre Cools eliminated as he was about to investigate the sale of PRB to Astra. IMS, involved in covert deals through PRB, ceased trading and all records destroyed. As the DTI repeated Thatcher's assurance of 1989, to Parliament: “Our examination of the records shows that the policy announced in Parliament (in 1985) was adhered to both in the spirit and the letter.” (S NF NC)

The “Analysis” comes with the conclusion that it´s probably an authentic “1991 CIA standard report”.
Also interesting is that it brings some additional corroborative information...

The CIA and UK Cold War activist Brian Crozier set up an office in UK to help coordinate the arms deals between 1984 and 1987 for the British government, which included Allivane, Astra, BMARC and Matrix Churchill.
Ex-British Security Service (“MI5”) operator Sir John Cuckney with Kock forced Gerald James to resign and remove all directors from the board of Astra who had voiced suspicions about the Astra-Unipac-PRB links.

Gerald Bull and Terence Byrne have both alleged that officials and politicians, including Peter Levene and Margaret Thatcher, pocketed large sums of “commissions” on the weapons sale to Iran and Iraq.

In March 2005, a Netherlands prosecutor reported that Frans van Anraat was a middle man with high-level British and US connections, who supplied thousands of tons of agents for poison gas to the former Iraqi government in 1980-88.

From the sworn affidavit by Bull, 17 January 1990:
Quote:In March, 1987, I had two meetings with John Cuckney, one of the advisors to Margaret Thatcher on the Iraqi contracts, personally arranged for the Midland International Trade Services (Defense Equipment Finance Department) to advance the loans for the project? Cuckney told me he had been authorized by the Prime Minister, to whom he reported directly.

l should explain I was left in no doubt that Thatcher was also being briefed by Gordon Reese, who was advising her on the contracts with both lran and lraq?

Cuckney arranged for Midland to advance SRC, via NM Rothschild and Galverston Securities, 60 percent of the cost of the first stage of Project 839. In November 1988, Midland entered into a contract with Amir Saadi to completely underwrite the purchase of the propellant from PRB for the said project. Herve de Carmoy having personally initiated negotiations. In 1988, de Carmoy moved from his post as Director of the International Banking Division to the Midland Bank to SGB and became Managing Director of Gechem owners of PRB.

For more on Astra, see Gerald James - "ln the Public Interest":
Quote:The Astra case and my case reflect much that has been to the fore in recent years in not only scandals around arms companies like Astra, Matrix Churchill, Ordtec, Forgemasters, Walter Somers, Ferranti and companies like Polly Peck, BCCI and Maxwell but also in the Scott Inquiry, the BSE Inquiry and the Lloyds of London affair and other scandals. The underlying problem is secret unaccountable government which bypasses Parliament and how the law is administered in the UK, gives aid and succour to such a state of affairs. The most common device is the concealment of evidence and manipulation of cases.

The “Witness statement” from the American Terence Charles Byrne Sr., 1 May 1991 could be even more interesting than the intelligence summary.
Byrne Sr. became a Director of Allivane International registered in the UK, that was founded by his son Jr. (who asked him to join the board).

This isn’t only about the arms pipeline to Saddam Hussein but the information on Iran is even better!
Byrne Sr. details that later CIA director William Casey (who had been Reagan’s campaign manager) and Edwin Meese (counsellor to President Reagan) were arming Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran (in a deal that involved the release of the hostages). Some of the arms were shipped via the UK.

Casey knew Iranian politician Mohammed Hashemi that was involved in toppling Shah Pavlavi of Persia to get Ayatollah Khomeini into power of Iran. Hashemi became minister in Khomeini’s government.
The uprising orchestrated from the US, led to the Revolutionary guard of Khomeini taking 52 staff of the US embassy hostage.
Casey negotiated with Hashemi to keep the hostages locked up until Reagan had been crowned US president.
[Image: Byrne-Khomeini.png]

Byrne had information that a helicopter involved in rescuing the hostages on the orders of President Carter that collided and crashed was delibaretely sabotaged.

The US also helped to supply Iraq with weapons through loans with which they could buy them in countries like Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Since Allivane was supplying weapons to both Iraq and Iran. The ammunition provided from the UK included biological and chemical weapons.

Joost de Graaf of Muiden Chemie from the Netherlands supplied information that led to Allivane being shut down.
Astra converted to explosives from Muiden Chemie and Allivane into ammunition.

In 1982, Sir John Cuckney set up the Defense Equipment Finance Department of Midland Industrial Trading Services that arranged all the financial arrangements:
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