
Full Version: An alternative Non Catholic Prophecy view to Wednesday's Show.
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As a Christian, I would like to play Gods advocate and give some opposing views to Wednesdays show.  The Catholic Church is not Christian and came out of the Roman Empire, via an emperor called Constantine. The eastern orthodox began in Constantinople and is also pagan in origin. The Church of England came because Henry the eighth wanted to divorce his Catholic wife. The early Church actually began on the day of Pentecost in Acts Ch. 2, that Church never had Peter as its pope. They were first known as Christians at Antioch Acts Ch. 11: 26, they were never called Catholics as Christians are by definition ‘followers of Christ’ not followers of popes or Vatican teachings.
On the subject pedophile priests, I have heard from Catholic insiders that, it is a sin to have sex with a woman as a priest but it is OK to have sex with a boy if you are absolved by another priest.  For those who are not happy with that system. There is the testimony of a girl from a strong Catholic family who was forced to become a nun, as were many other girls from similar Catholic families. She then was passed around to various Catholic priests for their pleasure and told to say nothing as no one would believe her. This system is also pagan in origin ‘Mystery Babylon’ and dates back to vestal virgins and sodomite boys of ancient times. That is why the book of revelation calls the Catholic Church the beast and the mother of harlots, regardless of what council, we are up to. Peter by the way was married and it was the Gospel that Jesus, ‘is the Christ’, that statement is ‘the keys to the Kingdom of heaven’, it is on that statement that the Church is built on, not Peter himself. The Church hasn’t been given the keys so they can change the lock by the way. The protestant reformation was to return the Church, to its Christian origins and protest against pagan Catholic teachings, by the way. Just on another comment made during the show Freemasons worship Baal by another name and swear allegiance to Lucifer in their rituals known as rights. There’s a YouTube clip of Boris Johnson, Standing in front of the Palmyra Baal gate in London, it’s worth a look.
The guys mentioned Gnosticism, I have written on this false religion on a previous post. The apostle John spoke of Gnostics in a letter he wrote to the early Church, when he said Anti-Christ (which means instead of Christ) is already in the world. The office of pope, not just the current one, or the one who stepped down, who was mentioned in the show (who I believe was a Nazi war criminal) is in fact Anti-Christ. Jesus made this statement,   Mat 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.  The title ‘Holy Father ‘ is a title that belongs to God alone, The popes all carry titles that add up to 666 numerically , which according to the book of Revelation is the number of a man. The term Father (not in the natural cogitation) is used to describe a Spiritual leader, along with Master, which belongs to Jesus.
Yes we are in the End times, prophesied in scripture; this actual Revelation was given to the Disciple John by Jesus himself. Not to some children by Mary (that sounds more like climate change given by Greta). Unlike the secrets of Fatima the truths of which are hidden. Revelation is for all to read but like John, when he first received it, he was in the Spirit (praying in the God given language, speaking in other tongues). Most of Revelation has already happened, including the vials or judgements poured out on Catholic Europe in the Middle Ages, which included the black plague. That deadly disease was helped to be spread by rats, thanks to the Catholic superstition, concerning cats being evil. The so called mark of the beast is already here, it’s called ‘the sign of the cross’ which is still a requirement of practicing Catholics today. In the Middle Ages you couldn’t buy or sell goods without making that sign, Catholic or not. During the inquisition many people who refused to convert to Catholicism were tortured and put to death for it.
Why is 5G and total control of society necessary? It is in line with this statement made  by God to  Satan, Isaiah Ch. 14:12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Isa 14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: Isa 14:14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isa 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.  This plan of Satan will come out of Zion but not the true mount Zion ordained by God. To carry out this plan he has to know human beings, from a cellular level and upwards. This is in the realm of God alone and can’t end well. The second part of him being bought low comes at the time of Jesus return and his subsequent reign on earth.
To sum up Steven Fry’s statement and Richie’s comments on good people (good people by man’s judgement).  Since the Garden of Eden, God has given the earth into the hands of the prince of the world Satan as that was mankind’s choice (to 'do it my way' as Frank Sinatra sang). After the sacrifice of Jesus, on our behalf the Holy Spirit (free pardon) has been made available. We are in a period of grace, for all to repent before judgement. That time is nearly over. Then God will intervene directly and take control and rule in righteousness and true love. Perhaps the people who say, why doesn’t God put a stop to all the evil now, are really saying why doesn't God save us and then go away again and leave us in peace. Sorry once he comes again, he will stay.