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The mysteries of astrology and other forms of divination such as tarot cards, rune stones and their like is defined as ‘the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.’ Nothing presses the buttons of the skeptics mentality more than the suggestion that astrology is a science; but it is. Or you could call it an art, it works either way. 

Sceptics have no understanding of how astrology can work and so, by their shallow definition, it can’t work. Of course, Astrology can and does work in the right hands and in the right depth and detail. Everything is information including planets, stars and ‘space’. Their movements and interactions exchange information with the universal field. They imprint their information signature upon this field and combine with the movements of planets and stars in relation to the Earth, which enables a change in the the planetary energy/information field, or the energy ‘sea’ with which we are constantly interacting. 

Different planets or groups of planets will have most influence on the Earth field at different points in the cycles. Configurations of planets known in astrology as conjunctions, oppositions, trines, sextiles, squares etc., produce even more powerful information impacts through their combined influence. Humanity, in turn, is interacting with these changing influences but not all in the same way. Our Body-Mind has astrological information fields which are dictated by where the planets and stars were in the cycle when people were born, or conceived. Even a few minutes apart can produce subtle differences. We all have an energetic blueprint within us of the heavens as they were when we were born/conceived. 

Ancients divided the annual cycle (pattern) into segments called astrological signs to represent different energetic/information states caused by the positions of the planets and stars. There are differences, too, within these segments as changes happen hour by hour. Someone born in Leo will have a different astrological - energetic/ information field, to someone born in Aries. They will interact with and be influenced by planetary movements through their lives in different ways to each other. 

This is the basis of astrology and ancient astronomers, also astrologers knew the two disciplines were inseparable. Astrology columns in newspapers and magazines are dismissed because ‘how can it be the same for so many people?’ It is of course too generalised; but when you go into the detail of an individual’s astrological background, those influences can be measured and interpreted by a skilled astrologer. Importantly these astrological influences are influences and they don’t have to dictate as we have our own free will.

Astrology is all about energy flows. Why do many corporate CEOs and business people employ astrologers to advise them on when to make moves in business to ensure that the energy environment is most conducive to a successful outcome? 

Astrology may seem nonsense to many but only to those who have never studied the subject. Others will find that their experiences and the connections to astrological influences are clear when they analyse their lives or situations.
(02-19-2018, 03:51 PM)Steve Wrote: [ -> ]The mysteries of astrology and other forms of divination such as tarot cards, rune stones and their like is defined as ‘the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.’ Nothing presses the buttons of the skeptics mentality more than the suggestion that astrology is a science; but it is. Or you could call it an art, it works either way. 

Sceptics have no understanding of how astrology can work and so, by their shallow definition, it can’t work. Of course, Astrology can and does work in the right hands and in the right depth and detail. Everything is information including planets, stars and ‘space’. Their movements and interactions exchange information with the universal field. They imprint their information signature upon this field and combine with the movements of planets and stars in relation to the Earth, which enables a change in the the planetary energy/information field, or the energy ‘sea’ with which we are constantly interacting. 

Different planets or groups of planets will have most influence on the Earth field at different points in the cycles. Configurations of planets known in astrology as conjunctions, oppositions, trines, sextiles, squares etc., produce even more powerful information impacts through their combined influence. Humanity, in turn, is interacting with these changing influences but not all in the same way. Our Body-Mind has astrological information fields which are dictated by where the planets and stars were in the cycle when people were born, or conceived. Even a few minutes apart can produce subtle differences. We all have an energetic blueprint within us of the heavens as they were when we were born/conceived. 

Ancients divided the annual cycle (pattern) into segments called astrological signs to represent different energetic/information states caused by the positions of the planets and stars. There are differences, too, within these segments as changes happen hour by hour. Someone born in Leo will have a different astrological - energetic/ information field, to someone born in Aries. They will interact with and be influenced by planetary movements through their lives in different ways to each other. 

This is the basis of astrology and ancient astronomers, also astrologers knew the two disciplines were inseparable. Astrology columns in newspapers and magazines are dismissed because ‘how can it be the same for so many people?’ It is of course too generalised; but when you go into the detail of an individual’s astrological background, those influences can be measured and interpreted by a skilled astrologer. Importantly these astrological influences are influences and they don’t have to dictate as we have our own free will.

Astrology is all about energy flows. Why do many corporate CEOs and business people employ astrologers to advise them on when to make moves in business to ensure that the energy environment is most conducive to a successful outcome? 

Astrology may seem nonsense to many but only to those who have never studied the subject. Others will find that their experiences and the connections to astrological influences are clear when they analyse their lives or situations.

Good post Steve.
I think the reason for the garbage in the press, with the likes of Mystic Meg etc is designed for the masses to scoff at it and not look too deeply into the subject
That way the real knowledge never gets learned and the majority of the masses just laugh at it. The elite do not want the masses to educate themselves in this manner so they fill peoples head with rubbish and make all astrologers look like gypsies.
It is definitely done by design
(02-19-2018, 03:51 PM)Steve Wrote: [ -> ]The mysteries of astrology and other forms of divination such as tarot cards, rune stones and their like is defined as ‘the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.’ Nothing presses the buttons of the skeptics mentality more than the suggestion that astrology is a science; but it is. Or you could call it an art, it works either way. 

Sceptics have no understanding of how astrology can work and so, by their shallow definition, it can’t work. Of course, Astrology can and does work in the right hands and in the right depth and detail. Everything is information including planets, stars and ‘space’. Their movements and interactions exchange information with the universal field. They imprint their information signature upon this field and combine with the movements of planets and stars in relation to the Earth, which enables a change in the the planetary energy/information field, or the energy ‘sea’ with which we are constantly interacting. 

Different planets or groups of planets will have most influence on the Earth field at different points in the cycles. Configurations of planets known in astrology as conjunctions, oppositions, trines, sextiles, squares etc., produce even more powerful information impacts through their combined influence. Humanity, in turn, is interacting with these changing influences but not all in the same way. Our Body-Mind has astrological information fields which are dictated by where the planets and stars were in the cycle when people were born, or conceived. Even a few minutes apart can produce subtle differences. We all have an energetic blueprint within us of the heavens as they were when we were born/conceived. 

Ancients divided the annual cycle (pattern) into segments called astrological signs to represent different energetic/information states caused by the positions of the planets and stars. There are differences, too, within these segments as changes happen hour by hour. Someone born in Leo will have a different astrological - energetic/ information field, to someone born in Aries. They will interact with and be influenced by planetary movements through their lives in different ways to each other. 

This is the basis of astrology and ancient astronomers, also astrologers knew the two disciplines were inseparable. Astrology columns in newspapers and magazines are dismissed because ‘how can it be the same for so many people?’ It is of course too generalised; but when you go into the detail of an individual’s astrological background, those influences can be measured and interpreted by a skilled astrologer. Importantly these astrological influences are influences and they don’t have to dictate as we have our own free will.

Astrology is all about energy flows. Why do many corporate CEOs and business people employ astrologers to advise them on when to make moves in business to ensure that the energy environment is most conducive to a successful outcome? 

Astrology may seem nonsense to many but only to those who have never studied the subject. Others will find that their experiences and the connections to astrological influences are clear when they analyse their lives or situations.

True Steve

The Masonic term that says, knowledge shall the stability of our times, rings out true to those who have used the knowledge of Astrology and how the cycles of nature worked for and against those living under its banner, and how IT has governed mankind for thousands of years, and was then twisted by clever minds using what is known as Sympathetic Magic and Totism that followed  from simply observing and remembering how nature still follows the flow of our sine wave energy from the Sun and Moon in both hemispheres.

Every parable in the bible and form of sybolism is based upon the Tropical, Siderial and anomolous year or growning seasons, and the same season that the elite used and governed when we went to war for them and planted our crops, once we were taught by thoseclever minds who invented agriculture, to how we make the moves needed to survive, and as technology arrived in earnest the Luddite and one living from the land and under its influence, knew how it worked who then tried to destroy that technology, their new tech was as bad as a poor season for two consecutive harvest for those who depended upon such a gift to mankind.

We might be able to re-organize our situation if we reconnected with nature instead of money, law and our illness in trying to control both, it and us by it, something that natural law uses not.

See the famous clock tower in Prague with its double speak dials, the blue one above is esoteric geometric parlance and truth, and the one below with its twelve yellow biblia or seasonal pauperum, which most of our young today understand neither how both work or where their food comes from.

Today we are truly diss-connected from either reality.
Today's Horoscopes Monday 7th May 2018 -
Uranus entering Taurus validates astrology and the zodiac: volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and more -
Podcast from June 1, 2018 with Astrologer, William Stickevers discusses the global economy, politics and moore …

Podcast notes 

0-10 min - Introduction to guest. Forecasts for the corporate realm. Background in classical music, technology, programming, the developing the astrology and the influence and direction of Robert Cook, Astrologer. The gradual career path change from Clarinet player to Astrologer. Use of IT skills applied to astrology, gaining a software engineering degree at 29 after going back to school.

11- 20 min - his work with Alfie Levoy, world famous Astrologer and the time spent in New York and its lifestyle in the 90s - Gekko and Sex in the City, boom era. Was practicing astrology not a complete contrast? Astrology applied to the financial markets and world. He was able to advise Hedge Fund managers etc on market trends. The emergence of the internet in 1993/4. The Uranus Neptune alignment effect on the dot com collapse. The internet boom and move towards AI. The collapse of the Retail Sector. His involvement behind the development of algorithms used in dating sites. The 4th industrial revolution. Astrological advice to high profile clientele from Tokyo. How the aastral charts are used and how people are shaped by their charts - the parameters used. 

21-30 min - the forecasting methods used in Nation State and Company charts, use of informed speculation. The more information that can be supplied, the better the prediction will be, ie Tesla to sell or hold stock. Donald Trump prediction of nomination and victory (see website). Why Trump won - the factors and undercurrents at play. The failed policies of Obama. The stark contrast between Wall Street and Main Street. The effect of the crash over the next few years. The UK economy is in worse shape than the US. The federal Reserve and Obama, continuing the Bush era. The Trump moral failure. Global industrial, economic and financial upheavals and revolutions. Brexit and the worldwide shake up to do with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto alignments, along with the Arab Spring uprising and Occupy Wall Street events. 20 revolutions in a two year period. The break down and break up of the EU.

31-40 min - When Italy (achilles heel) votes to leave, it’s the end of the EU. The rise of the 5 star political union to break away from the EU. We are on the verge of a global recessionn/depression. Many are left treading water with no political solutions or answers to our unsustainable problems, because our politicians are the problem. There will be a reset following the global geopolitical and financial recession/depression. We will undergo a radical reconfiguration event which will impact us on every level, which is close to a WW2 scenario. How astrologers got it so wrong in 1939. The judgement call from astrologers is invariably biased. Financial and economic reset is imminent.
The unstable world increases the possibility of WW3 between Russia, China and the US and is more probable than the Cuban Missile Crusis of 1962. The unstable situation in the Middle East is grave, along with the situation in Latvia and the Baltic States as indicated in their astrological charts, showing intense regional conflict.

41-50 min - planetary activities increase markedly from now to 2021 for individuals in the Military Industrial Complex area. Wars usually follow on from global upheavals, with every 100 years showing a game changing event. We are already overdue a major event and this is bourne out by the astrological cycle index. Throughout history, and in the 2nd decade in each century, there is  upheaval. Historically, there were occurances in 410, 510, 1014, 1215, 1314, 1415, 1517, 1618, 1812 and 1814. But are things different today?  You cannot outsmart the charts but instead need to make informed decisions. What about Brexit? The collapse of the banking system starting in Italy will lead to the collapse of the Eurozone. There are lessons to be learnt from WW2 for Britain, France and Europe. 

51-63 min - The Guest’s non partisan stance enables him to make accurate predictions - he couldn’t do it otherwise. Trump’s future and what he does next is key to world events. Has a powerful horoscope showing prowess and a clear agenda. Will scandals bring Trump down? The Deep State Elite and civil war between groups A and B. The Deep State Oligarchical Elite in the US and Europe is bourne out astrologically. The Saturn Pluto conjunction in 1947 points to the Deep State. The Kennedy assassination and Nixon resignation. Lee Harvey Oswald. Disclosure and advanced technologies / reverse engineering. There are 2 militaries, 2 space programs, 2 budgets, 2 industrial complexes and 2 governments operating outside of the US constitution. Whistleblowers and others are starting to speak up about the CIA’s control of the Deep State since 1945 and the shadow banking system. 

William Stickevers website, blog, FB and YouTube details.
Today's Horoscopes Tuesday 5th June 2018
(I'm Aries, with Virgo ascendant)
Today's Horoscopes Friday 8th June 2018 -
As the Moon in Aries angles towards powerful Mars and cautious Saturn, we may be undecided about a course of action....
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