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Playlist of videos created to inform, empower and remind us to be very discerning  about everything we know right now....especially when viewing mainstream media and government fear programs ..... 

The News Benders (1968) !!!?

Stunning Insights into the Corona - panic by Dr Wolfgang Woldarg -

Do Viruses Exist?

Cough 19 - not a Virus (Removed)

Viral Marketing -

The Hidden Agenda for the Worldwide Shutdown -

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise - Events Reel
Informative article, looking forward to share this on social media so every person can read this.
The Corona Virus Epidemic Was Planned By The Rockefeller Foundation - (Removed)

Rockefeller blueprint for police state triggered by pandemic exposed -

Currently, the world is in the midst of a global health pandemic, or so we are told. We have been covering all of the events which have preceded the coronavirus outbreak that suggest we are not being told the entire story.

This list includes Event 201, the coronavirus pandemic simulation which preceded the first reports of the outbreak by six weeks...

I enjoyed reading it very much
How Far will the Globalists Go to Bring the United States to Its Knees? w/ Joel Skousen (1 of 2)

Author and legal expert, Joel Skousen, joins the program to discuss the deep state infiltration and their globalist plans. He explains the lengths the globalists will go to bring the United States to its knees. He also shares his thoughts on President Trump, the future of the United States, and the dollar reset. He brings a different viewpoint and many ideas that many have not heard on this show. You can learn more about his work, sign up for his World Affairs Brief, or purchase one of his books at

How Far will the Globalists Go to Bring the United States to Its Knees? w/ Joel Skousen (2 of 2)

Imperial narrative control has five distinct elements -

All of our world’s worst problems are created by the powerful. The powerful will keep creating those problems until ordinary people use their superior numbers to make them stop. Ordinary people don’t use their superior numbers to stop the powerful because the powerful are continuously manipulating people’s understanding of what’s going on.

Humans are storytelling creatures. If you can control the stories humans are telling themselves about the world, you control the humans, and you control the world.
Mental narrative plays a hugely prominent role in human experience; if you’ve ever tried to still your mind in meditation you know exactly what I’m talking about. Babbling thought stories dominate our experience of reality. It makes sense then that if you can influence those stories, you’re effectively influencing someone’s experience of reality.

The powerful manipulate the dominant narratives of our society in approximately five major ways: propaganda, censorship, Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation, government secrecy, and the war on journalism. Like the fingers on a hand they are distinct from each other and each play their own role, but they’re all part of the same thing and work together toward the same goal. They’re all just different aspects of the US-centralized empire’s narrative control system…
Who controls the news controls the World
By James Corbett

I noticed a funny thing when browsing the propaganda newswires lately: all of the stories about the Queen’s death said the exact same thing! What’s going on here, and why does it matter?
Join James for a wild ride through the history of newswires and the formation of the fire-induced collapse hypothesis as he explores the dictum Who Controls the News Controls the World on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report…