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Here is some food for thought, pre-contaminated masks perhaps, maybe nothing at all.

A talk by a professional on wearing masks.
MKUltra mind control survivor Cathy O’Brien on the CIA/military use of masks in controlling the mind – ‘My daughter was forced to wear one from aged two to control her breathing and perception.’ If you and your kids wear masks this is a MUST READ – please share

Masks are an obvious mind control device, and I am disturbed so many people are complying on a global scale.
Through the years when I’ve seen images of people in China wearing masks that control the air they breathe “due to pollution”. I knew it was as much of a population control mechanism of depersonalization as are burkas.
Masks depersonalize while making a person feel as though they have no voice. It is a barrier to others.
In MK Ultra Project Monarch mind control, Michael Jackson had to wear a mask to silence his voice so he could not reach out for help. 
Remember how he developed that whisper voice when he wasn’t singing? Masks control the mind from the outside in, like the redefining of words is doing. By controlling what we can and cannot say for fear of being labeled racist or beaten, for example, it ultimately controls thought that drives our words and ultimately actions (or lack thereof). 
Likewise, a mask muffles our speech so that we are not heard, which controls voice…words…mind. 
This is Mind Control.
People who would never choose to comply but are forced to wear a mask in order to keep their job, and ultimately their family fed, are compromised. They often feel shame and are subdued. People have stopped talking with each other while media controls the narrative.
Mandating Control
Consider, too, how global education introduced that concept of “we’re all winners” in sports, classrooms, recess, etc. Competition was defused, and it in turn defused a sense of fighting back.
It is as if insurgents can do any violent thing they want because “we’re all in it together” wearing masks. Of course, this works well to mask identities of those breaking the law while further subduing those conditioned to not fight back.
Most importantly, those mandating masks literally are controlling the air that we breathe. That is why my daughter Kelly had to wear masks from the age of 2. 
She and I had been MK Ultra conditioned that our abusers held the power of life and death over us. We had been programmed on levels that control heartbeat, eye blinks, and breathing like military special forces endure. 
Even Reagan’s “favorite music group” was Air Supply which was used as a deliberate do-or-die trigger for me. Those in the know on MK Ultra recognized the mask as a signifier of robotic programming that they believed prohibited the victim from ever having the ability to think to talk.
The Choice is Yours
I hear daily from healed people who had been traumatized/PTSDed that cannot wear a mask without flashing back on ways their breathing was controlled- from ball gags and penises to water boarding. 
Controlling the air we breathe is an ultimate force of power that controls life and death. Seeing media’s constant barrage of assault, murder, or arrest of those who do not comply compounds the control even more.
New World Order perpeTraitors know exactly what they are doing and so do I.  Therefore, I remain confident in not wearing a mask while compassionately understanding why people have such a hard time taking off their masks! 
Media-hyped fear mongering suggesting that anyone who does not wear a mask “does not care about others” is as polar opposite as violent insurgents are labeled “peaceful protesters.” People are encouraged when they see my smiling face and find hope that this “new normal” of wearing masks is our choice to comply or not. It really is up to us.
As always, the more you know the more you see and I have cause to see the reality of global mind control being implemented. Mind control has been and is the ultimate New World Order agenda for creating their slave society as per my testimony in TRANCE Formation of America.
Next on the agenda; stronger control over populations through vaccines tainted with microchips. 
Make Your Voice Heard
The good news is that these criminals who lost control of our globe 2016 are arrogant and fail to consider the strength of the human spirit, which is the very reason I survived. We are now witnessing and experiencing a Great Awakening of global proportion as people wake up from years of mind control because, as always, perpeTraitors overplayed and tipped their hand. 
And humanity holds the winning card- strength of spirit!
Now, people must gather their strength of spirit, take off their masks whilelegitimately  peacefully protesting New World Order vaccines, and make their voices heard!

Visit – Trance Formation Of America
A great new documentary series PLannedilLusion is out which features Vernon Coleman talking about Masks and testing.

I have been trying from Australia to alert both Richie and Vernon but its like pulling teeth. If anyone here cares about gtting the truth out, respects Vernon and can reach both Richie and Vernon please forward the following details URGENTLY

Vernon coleman is featured in the following videos
PLannedilLusion episode 2 - (Ten Things You Cannot Deny)

PLannedilLusion episode 3 - (Masking The Test For Cases)

To send email correspondence goto
Mandatory Mask Wearing Is Silent Terrorism Meant for Psychological Submission

"If you are too weak to give yourselves your own law, then a tyrant shall lay his yoke upon you and say:” Obey! Clench your teeth and obey!” “And all good and evil shall be drowned in obedience to him.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Since when is depriving the body and mind of oxygen, and breathing in expelled carbon dioxide (CO2) good for the health of humans? Since when is wearing a partial face covering that is multiple times more porous than can protect against any virus penetration helpful? Since when is hiding all expression from others not psychologically damaging? Since when is it legitimate and not hypocritical for the state to outlaw Muslim women from wearing head and face coverings that are part of their culture, and in the same breath force all Americans to cover their faces with a mask? Since when does any politician have any right to dictate to an entire population that they have to wear masks or any other type of clothing? Since when in this day and age did absolute slavery of all become a mainstay of American society?
Forced mask wearing due to political control over people is a major aspect of the tyrannical response to this fraudulent virus ‘pandemic.’ Social distancing, forced testing, quarantines, mandated business closings, temperature checks, mass surveillance, and any number of other atrocious invasions of privacy are all demeaning and oppressive, but the state and local orders supported by the national political and ‘health’ organizations to wear masks, is especially instructive of the real agenda sought. That agenda is as clear as day, and is being implemented not only as a test of mass societal compliance, but also to force people apart and to remove closeness, expression, and emotion from the human psyche. This is a purposeful state exercise with the intent of destroying the spirit of the American public, leaving only a society of unfeeling and obedient drones awaiting the next order handed down from on high.
As bad as the ruling and political class’s totalitarian response to this so-called emergency has been, it pales in comparison to the pathetic reaction by the people of this country. For a population that has long claimed superiority status over all others on earth, thinking that they were exceptional, most all bowed down to false state authority as if they were slaves bowing to a master. This is akin to a religious reaction that could only be possible if the people now believe that the state is God. Why else would so many voluntarily allow themselves and their families to be destroyed by complying with orders to not work to sustain their livelihoods? Why would so many be humiliated at every turn because they were too frightened to question such draconian measures being implemented without even a trace of truth evident. How could the very people that have had their lives purposely destroyed by the state they sanction and support, ignore all the lies that have been exposed over and over again about this pandemic hoax? How could any thinking human not be able to see the absurd nature of this scam called Covid-19? How does any population in mass get to this sorry state of ignorance?
The state’s gaining compliance of mandatory mask wearing is the ultimate test of herd acquiescence to rule, and will be used as the gauge by the claimed elite ruling authority to see just how far the state can go in its efforts to subdue the American public. It will also act as a guide for all future atrocities planned by the monsters at the top of the control pyramid. This will include the timing of the release of the coming poisonous and deadly Covid vaccine. When most everyone is more frightened of this fake virus than losing all freedoms, the vaccine will magically appear. That will happen in the next few months, unless it is made available right before the farcical presidential election to enhance the chances of the incumbent. Regardless of when it is released, it will be based on a political decision, not on any impossible efficacy of the tainted concoction designed to harm in order to advance a particular agenda.
This entire fiasco and long-planned manufactured pandemic has been staged in order to initiate and perpetuate a global reset that will include cataclysmic changes to all humanity. This requires economic destruction worldwide, total population conformity, a new and restructured monetary system, mass tracking and tracing to gain a total surveillance state worldwide, and a controlled technocratic infrastructure buildup beginning in all large cities, with expansion outward over time. The U.S. is the head of the snake, and when the U.S. power elites gain total control of this population, the rest of the world will fall in line. That is why Americans are the best chance the world has at this time to avoid this oligarchic global dictatorial overthrow, but currently, this is one of the least resistant and weakest populations on earth. This dynamic will have to change before any successful dissent can take shape.
The first order of business should be the elimination of all mandated mask wearing. This could be easily accomplished if large numbers of people simply quit wearing masks. In any free society, wearing or not wearing a mask for faux protection would be up to each and every individual. If any real private business chose to require it or not, that would be their choice, but no one would be required by government at any level to wear or not wear any face covering. In other words, no one should comply with any government order issued by any threat of force. Since government does unfortunately exist, it could legitimately suggest ideas for the public, but without any assigned requirements whatsoever. That would leave the governing system emasculated, as it should be. In the far distant past, when the people of this country understood the necessity and sanctity of freedom, the government in areas of restriction of the people was left impotent.
As I wrote recently in this article:

“Power and control are the underlying aspects and core convictions of all government action. The government, even though the more powerful ruling class of banking, corporate, and wealthy claimed elites control it, is the enforcement arm of the real power. Government therefore, is the closest to the people, and by tearing down government power, the top tier of the ruling class become exposed and vulnerable, and more unprotected. So mass resistance against government can lead to tearing down the system of power and control, and help to lead us back to more freedom and less oppression.”
Complacency and conformity are useless, and will lead only to servitude. The time for action is now or never.
The post Mandatory Mask Wearing Is Silent Terrorism Meant for Psychological Submission appeared first on LewRockwell.
Tyrants: “Prepare To Wear Masks & Socially Distance Even After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine”

Doctors are now saying we should expect to practice social distancing and wear masks even after everyone is vaccinated.  Talk about moving the goalposts in an epic fashion!
They have warned us of this in the past too:
They Moved The Goalposts…AGAIN!: “It’s Not Over When The Vaccine Arrives”
There is no going back. It’s not going to be “normal” again.
Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who also co-invented the rotavirus vaccine (is in the back pocket of Big Pharma) suggests that even after you’re injected with the horrific concoction of whatever is going to be in the COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll still have to socially distance and wear a face mask.  In other words, get used to living life as a slave because it’s not going back to “normal” as we knew it.
As a “vaccine expert,” Offit helped develop the rotavirus vaccine, which supposedly protects young children against infections with the virus that can cause severe diarrhea. He also sits on the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, according to Market Watch. So he’s got a vested interest in making sure you take the vaccine.
Offit is now keeping a close eye on the clinical trials underway for COVID-19 vaccine candidates and the Trump administration’s potential influence on federal agencies closely involved in the pandemic response. “The government has shown its capacity to impose its will on science-based federal agencies”, he said. “There is a reason to worry.”
Of course, there’s a reason to worry. A vaccine will come and this one will be like nothing ever released or used on human beings before. Offit then says that Moderna would normally wait to see whether a vaccine works and was safe before they mass-produced it. What the government said is, “Look, we’ll take the risk out of it for you. We’ll pay for the Phase 3 trial. We’ll pay for mass production.” That’s good, actually.” So the government has already made certain that vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for the side effects, or even death of those who take the vaccine.
“A vaccine is a part of what’s going to get us out of this mess,” says Offit. But we still have to wear masks and social distance. Get used to the new normal, or wake up.
Cabinet won't wear masks for first face-to-face meeting since March -
Masks, all you need to know...

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