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Michael Tellinger from South Africa explains how his ideas of creating a better world for everyone is happening right now - a domino effect. He also talks about the latest on South Africa’s Stone Circles, the Ubuntu movement, the Annunaki, Elohim and Sumerian texts. 

Much of history has been hidden from us.. .
Tellinger uses the free labour market to grow his idea which is fine but temporary free labour can only work as long as there is people willing to give freely, to make this model work for those who partake in it there needs to be a permanent management and maker platform who also train those who want to help themselves in real life skills, only then is the labour being put to good use for the town/s involved.

In other words there needs to be more makers of things, than organizers, and even then the organizers need to contribute part of their labour to others involving a part in the making of the real commodities otherswise they are what as Michael Hudson classes as unearned income hangers on, who produce nothing but pen to paper.

I do not buy the alternative energy stone circles model purely down to how the conservation of energy model works, while the human energy is giving to the myth/unproven.

Here is North Yorkshire there is a system called LETTS which uses their own money tokens called Cobbles, this is to trade amongst the members who currently use fiat money to deposit in order of gaining the alternative tokens, this is never going to work because those fiats are being taxed beforehand, the way to do things is to trade your skills, trouble is there are not many members who have enough real life skills who are willing to trade them and teach them to others.

My model works perfectly for those who have followed it by retaining their own labour and turning that labour into much needed commodities, and giving away any surplus to those in need for free.

This Tellinger has yet to achieve and is in reality another form of Human Farming without the farm workers recieving anything for their labour while the produce is taken.

These models can only work for the producers on a much smaller scale like a village with most of its makers and users in house so as the create a balance, once you pass a certain number the control mechanism gets much larger and the benefits smaller.

Michael knows this, as many of his helpers have gone walk abouts before completing their tasks.
One Small Town Strategy -

How One Small Town Can Change The World ...
034 Ubuntu and the Blue Avians' Message Part 1 -!/v/cosmicdisclosurefore...1cNbDhi743

040 Ubuntu and the Blue Avians' Message Part 2 -!/v/cosmicdisclosurefore...dpHcdPw4Yn

FB POST on 14/7/21 - Blue Avian Civilization ...


I am representing the Blue Avian Civilization, I come in peace to introduce myself and my race. My name is Tear-Eir. We are peaceful beings, who believe in Prime Creator’s statement that we are all One.

We are humanoid covered with indigo blue feathers over our bodies. We are from 7th and higher dimensions. Our Masters are multi-dimensional beings of the 12th density. We are slim and 8 feet tall. Our favorite form of communication is telepathic, we also have developed our own language, and we can communicate with sign language by using one hand.

We visited Earth a couple billions years ago. We like to move around and not to stay too long in one place. My civilization evolved from small little birds and became advanced both in spiritually and technologically. Our spacecrafts are huge the size of a full planet with the look of a round sphere. When we are stationed with our ship, no one can get through to us, especially the Negative Forces, we purposely block all of the portals in the area.

I am a peacemaker, so I travel to many different Galaxies, Universes and Star Systems and participate in meetings to keep peace in the Cosmos. Not every race wants peaceful coexistence like the Orions, Archons, Reptilians and etc., who love to destroy and enslave other civilizations.

We work closely with Pleiadian High Council, Galactic Federation of Light and many other Alliances. The Masters do their best to share our wisdom with other races. It’s important for us to spread our beliefs of living in harmony and peace with other beings. I like to use teleportation to see my students as I am 12th dimensional Master.

When humanity moves to 5th dimension, we have in the plans to come and visit your planet and share with you our enlightenment and knowledge. Each of you is a creator and can create your own future, and you don’t need anyone to tell you how, as you are multidimensional beings on the verge of creating a New Earth.

We recommend for you to use your own discernment about, what is the best for you as too many in your reality are trying to confuse and distract you from your real purpose of making Heaven on Earth. With each passing moment the veil is becoming thinner and thinner, and nobody is going to be able to hide the truth anymore from humanity.

The time is going to arrive when the ones, who mistreated and lied to you, are going to pay their dues for everything, they have done to the Human Civilization. All of the secrets hidden from the humankind are surfacing right now. The Dark Entities are starting to run without looking back. The truth is a lot of positive events are happening now on Earth, and nobody is talking about it. This is going to change in the near future.

I am grateful to Universal Channel for letting me speak to all of you today. Thank you.

The truth is in front of You.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez