
Full Version: Where did the Twin Towers go And why did they turn to Dust?
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(02-23-2018, 05:15 PM)Steve Wrote: [ -> ]PDoctor Judy Wood and her research into the 9/11 attacks -

Hi Steve
 I have the book and it is excellent and so comprehensive with the evidence it puts forward
 there is some great interviews with Judy Wood on
And with Andrew Johnson

She basically gave up her career for this investigation and has been vehemently attacked for this theory which makes me believe she has "hit a nerve" with the real criminals, and she was attacked even from within the 9/11 truth movement because she didn't support the controlled demolition theory.

I would definitely recommended the book to anyone as the pictures clearly show her theory in fantastic detail.
Hi Andy, yes I’m sure she has suffered much criticism in presenting the proof in such an effective way and at the same time sacrificed her career. This is quite clear when comparing the first podcast with the second. Poor lady.

There are many architects today who agree that the manner in which the Twin Towers along with building 7 we’re destroyed simply doesn’t make sense. For the sake of those who died and for their relatives, we all deserve to know the truth and that is why the official version of events needs to be challenged.

I look forward to reading her book one day.
(02-23-2018, 10:56 PM)Steve Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Andy, yes I’m sure she has suffered much criticism in presenting the proof in such an effective way and at the same time sacrificed her career. This is quite clear when comparing the first podcast with the second. Poor lady.

There are many architects today who agree that the manner in which the Twin Towers along with building 7 we’re destroyed simply doesn’t make sense. For the sake of those who died and for their relatives, we all deserve to know the truth and that is why the official version of events needs to be challenged.

I look forward to reading her book one day.

Agreed, however,  I don't think we will know the truth in our lifetime as it would cause chaos.
But you are right, we must keep challenging the official narrative so that all those who died, including the many who have been murdered and silenced since the event, get some sort of justice.
It is the event that "red pilled" me that is for sure
..... there was no sizemic wave or event registered at any scientific stations following the collapses (such an impact on the ground would have), supporting the assertion that the buildings were vapourised/dustified!
If you look at each event that happened that day it makes sense. If you try to join them together they don't make any sense at all. This indicates that each event was planned separately, and then joined up. The joins don't match the events that happened each side of the events. Nothing happened at the same time, they happened in serial not parallel, this indicates limited resources to administer the proceedings.

I must have watched every last video on You Tube, and still watch new ones. There are far too many coincidences and conflicts on record to make the whole day plausible. The video of the planes entering the towers cannot be genuine, a plane, down to the wing tips cannot slice through steel and concrete. Later video shows that the vertical beams are still in place in the holes, with survivors stood on the edge leaning on them?

If the upper floors turned to dust then there is no mass pushing on the lower floors to make them collapse.
If the pancake theory is true, then clap your hands as fast as you can 90 times. The top floor was on the ground in 10 seconds, that means free fall speed, with no resistance from anything below. It defies the laws of physics.
Watch heavy steel girders flying sideways and upwards for hundreds of feet, gravity would not allow that to happen.

The questions are endless, but there have been no answers.
Yes, the whole thing defied everything I thought I knew. When I heard it explained as a ritual sacrifice years later( Icke), my hole puckered, and I re-doubled my efforts to drink myself to death. Down the hole I went. I stole my courage from some women I knew, found a job as a florist. I could go on, as I like to do, but I don't want to bore us. The Stoned Philosopher
I have studdied this subject in great detail over the years and looked at Wood's theory and it simply does not hold water, I am a structural and mechanical engineer and can say without doubt that it was a series of controlled demolitions using several different angles of attack, Wood's partical beam weapons does not enter my thesis and simply could not work due to the amount of material that was left after the buildings were down, mostly below ground, and a 90 foot pile above where the lobby area was situated, remember the lobby area was mostly open space where the debris collected also.

I have read everything that Wood has put forward and there are so many holes in it one does not know where to begin, firstly she uses the distracting model of self combusting cars which is my forte, I was for several years an expert vehicle tech also an RAC recovery mechanic and have personally collected many different burnt and partly burnt out vehicles and trucks and know vehicle fires inside out and she has it totally incorrect I'm afraid.
Vehicle fires are more than capable of melting an entire engine and alloy type wheels with consumate ease, inside an engine bay is everything needed to create an oven type effect to do the job, fuel, brake fluid, oil, plastic which actually burns hotter than pertol or diesel and lasts for much longer burn times, these  facts can also be see with other vehicles destroyed if you follow the DI Forum thread resoponses on the fairly recent forest fires in California, where dozens of real time photos reveal the same facts with streams of alloys flowing from under the burnt out vehicle shells, look for the same user name for further conjecture on this phenomenon.

The Twin Towers and my thesis goes as follows

The twin towers were brought down by first weakening the footing/sub levels which was tested out earlier in 1993 when the basement was attacked, and I think that during this down time for making repairs, is when it was pre-prepped for later. The towers were attacked from the ground up and the top down, a double avenue of attacks.

If you study the layout of the building you will see it was the ideal candidate for hiding destructive materials, many of the main columns were huge hollow box construction where I think that copious amounts of thermite/devices could easily be stored, indefinately, until they were needed, these main columns were the ones that were left afterwards, after the severed sub levels were filled to capacity, compressed and packed neatly into the tub or footing area thus holding back the walls there, packed in tight as a bug in a rug by the steady ever increasing and downwards pushing force.

These buildings did not fall into their own footprint like building seven, which can be clearly seen all around them, by the sheer damage of the other buildings they destroyed in real time, in several clips you can see huge sections of outer fascade peeling outwards and downwards, not dust but solid sections of  building, steel and aluminium.

The outer fascade of the buildings were left intact in order of containing and gathering up as much of the falling debris as possible, like a giant funnel guiding things down the middle until it could not hold any more and then can bee seen bursting outwards like a giant mushroom which you can see if you watch the many film clips in the moment. 
The very thin concrete floor sections were pulverised by the steel beams themselves, that quickly gathered up like a giant grinder, If the steel within the buildings were reduced to dust "as Wood says", the concrete slabswould still be left intact, you see, dust does not destroy solid objects, and the clean up job would take far less time to remove afterwards.

Judy Wood in my view, and my expert knowledge of mechanics and steel structures, is fast asleep as are those who religiously repete and follow her and read into things that they do not fully understand are simply being led by the nose.
Posting "Dr Judy Wood" - LOL

Its 2018, Dr Wood got debunked last century.

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