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The idea that life as we know it has only emerged on one tiny planet in one little solar system is rather ridiculous, but academia, media and the rest of the Mainstream dismiss the idea of life on other planets with their dismissive phrase about ‘little green men’. 

Astronomers estimate that there are at least a hundred billion galaxies in the observable Universe. That’s the observable Universe – the tiny frequency range which humans and their technology can see. What about the infinity of what we can’t see? It is also important to note that mainstream science has gone from believing in one galaxy in only the 1920s to at least a hundred billion, with some estimates at 500 billion. When scientists tell you what is ‘known’ it is only what they believe is known at that moment (not very much). It’ll be something else tomorrow, next week or next year. 

Intelligent life exists on many levels of reality, from pure consciousness through to waveform, electrical/ electromagnetic and digital/ holographic energy. Research into ‘aliens’ tends to focus almost entirely on the human visual frequency range or the ‘physical’. 

Taking the narrative beyond the physical is not an easy thing. In a 2012 article in Psychology Today about DMT, the main active constituent of ayahuasca, it describes how users can ‘encounter non-human intelligences, often resembling aliens’. Ayahuasca has been called a ‘plant of the gods’ because it can open the frequency channels to those dimensions of reality where the perceived ‘gods’ reside. 

Non-human or extraterrestrial life exists in a multiplicity of forms and expressions even among those who observe and interact with Earth. Some are benevolent, some neutral and still others have a malevolent agenda. They have appeared to humans over thousands of years and they are the source of endless myths about ‘the gods’. The History Channel series is based on these stories and evidence to support them. Ancient Indian documents and texts describe advanced flying machines that brought the gods. 

Dr. V. Raghavan, retired head of the Sanskrit department at the University of Madras, says that centuries-old documents written in the ancient Indian language describe extraterrestrial visitations: Fifty years of researching this ancient work convinces me that there are living beings on other planets, and that they visited earth as far back as 4,000BC. There is a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text. 

Inner-circles of government and military know that extraterrestrial life is still visiting this planet and they just don’t want us to know. Most ‘aliens’ come in and out of our reality. Accounts by those who claim to have seen them or their craft are ridiculed when they describe how they appeared out of nowhere and disappeared just as quickly. To a closed mind, this is impossible, but it’s not. When they enter our frequency band they appear to any observer as if they have manifested out of nowhere and the reverse when they disappear. They have neither appeared out of nothing nor disappeared into nothing. They enter the frequency range of human sight and leave again. Now you see them, now you don’t. 

Extraterrestrial species can travel apparently vast distances instantly by overriding illusory space-time. Some craft may appear to be ‘physical’, but the more advanced of them move as energy (teleportation) and their craft are energetic forms which can appear as anything from what seems to be a metallic spaceship to what looks every bit like a cloud. 

Other flying saucer-type craft that people think must be ‘aliens’ are really flown by humans with secret technology. Anti-gravity craft have been built in the most secretive military bases especially in the United States for many decades and there are deep underground bases or ‘DUMBS’ all over the world where interaction takes place between the human ‘elite’ and extraterrestrial beings.