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Every Legal Vote -

2020 Election First Debate with Revolution Network!

Trump-Biden Presidential Debate moderated by Chris Wallace l Full
"Will You Shut Up Man?" - Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Dominant But Biden Better Than Expected

It was contentious, for sure; but here is a quick summary of the performance:
[li]SCOTUS - Trump won by TKO[/li]
[li]COVID - Biden won, but close.[/li]
[li]Economy - A tie[/li]
[li]Race - A tie (Trump facts on Biden's history versus Biden repetitive claims Trump's a racist but no gotcha)[/li]
[li]Law And Order - Trump won (Biden unable to get past 'defund' and reform)[/li]
[li]Track Records - Trump won (Biden unable to get past Green New Deal malarkey)[/li]
[li]Election Integrity - A tie (but we might have given Trump the edge on Coup/recent ballots issues)[/li]
Overall, Biden did a lot better than many expected but on policies and straightforward facts, Trump won the first debate comfortably.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer made it clear what the goal was:
Quote:“Clearly this is the most chaotic presidential debate that I have ever seen. That most of you have ever seen I suspect. ... I wouldn’t be surprised by the way if this was the last presidential debate between the president of the United States and the former vice president of the United States but we will see.”
*  *  *
Full Debate Post-Mortem
As is usual the evening began with a few hundred protesters, unsure of exactly what they were angrily protesting outside the presidential debate to "dump Trump" and explain that "Black Lives Matter"...
Quote:A crowd of several hundred is gathered here outside the presidential debate, preparing to march shortly #Debates2020 #DebateTuesday #Cleveland
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) September 29, 2020
Biden (or whoever was running his Twitter feed) showed some humor right before the debate...
Quote:It’s debate night, so I’ve got my earpiece and performance enhancers ready.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 29, 2020
In the 2016 debates, Mexican Peso was the markets' proxy (falling when Trump did well and rising when Hillary outperformed). It's not clear what the current market proxy will be - gold?
No handshake - as pre-agreed - at the start...

The first question was on SCOTUS.
President Trump clarified his position: “We won the election. Elections have consequences... We won the election and therefore we have the right to choose her.”
Quote:President Trump on nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court:

"We won the election. Elections have consequences. We have the Senate, we have the White House and we have a phenomenal nominee. ... We won the election, and therefore, we have the right to choose her."
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) September 30, 2020
Biden's response aggressively swung to healthcare and abortion as opposed to the actual process and claimed 100 million Americans would lose healthcare because of ACB.
Biden stumbled early on with his answers and the first gaffe hit - "how many of those who have died from COVID have survived?"
Trump stomped right on him, over-ruling the moderator going directly at Biden's talking points. Biden stumbled a little but held it together: "I’m not here to call out his lies, everyone knows he’s a liar."
Quote:"Everything [Trump] is saying so far is simply a lie." —@JoeBiden #Debates2020
— CAP Action (@CAPAction) September 30, 2020
Trump blasted Biden for pandering to the left and Bernie. Biden responded:  "I am the Democratic party right now."
Quote:President @realDonaldTrump: "Your party wants to go Socialist... and they're going to dominate you, Joe. You know that."@JoeBiden: "I am the Democratic Party right now."

Trump: "Not according to Harris."#Debates2020
— The Hill (@thehill) September 30, 2020
The discussion escalated, and the SCOTUS section ended with this:
Quote:“Will you shut up, man?” Biden says, as Trump repeatedly taunts “will you pack the court? Will you pack the court?”

Biden to Trump: “Would you shut up, man?”
— Dan Linden (@DanLinden) September 30, 2020
Then the debate moved on to COVID.
Biden began by attacking Trump for 200,000 dead and his lack of response. In a stunning moment of irony, Biden claimed Trump "should get out of your bunker, and out of the sand trap, in your golf course."
“You would have lost far more people,” Trump says, interrupting Biden.
Then the discussion shifted to shutting down the economy: “He wants to shut down this country and I want to keep it open,” Trump says.
Quote:Trump to Biden: “Did you use the word smart?”

“There’s nothing smart about you, Joe.”
— Dan Linden (@DanLinden) September 30, 2020
The next topic was the economy, and its recovery.
“We built the greatest economy in history, we closed it down because of the China plague,” Trump said, adding that "Joe wants to shut down this Country. I want to keep it OPEN!"
Biden pivoted to the $750 tax issue, but focused on the fact that “you can’t fix the economy until you fix the COVID crisis."
Moderator Wallace then shifted to ask Trump if he paid $750 in Federal taxes.
Trump slammed Biden by asking what he had done for 47 years?
“You’re the worst president America’s ever had, c’mon.” - Biden to Trump, to which Trump replied: "I’ve done more in 47 months -- than you’ve done in 47 years."

Biden: “You’re the worst president America has ever had, come on.

Trump: “I’ve done more in 47 months than you’ve done in 47 years, Joe.”
— Dan Linden (@DanLinden) September 30, 2020
Then the discussion jumped to Biden's tax plan but the big moment was when Trump pivoted to Hunter Biden asking about the $3.5 million from a Moscow mayor's wife. Biden denied it, Trump slammed... “He didn’t get three and a half million dollars, Joe?”
Quote:Trump to Biden:

"While we’re at it, just out of curiosity, the mayor of Moscow’s wife gave your son $3.5 millions of dollars. What did he do to deserve it?"
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 30, 2020
Biden claimed that was "totally discredited," except it hasn't been. Biden: “my son did nothing wrong at Burisma.”
Quote:Wallace shutting down the Hunter line of attack isn’t going to please the Trump supporters. Also - TENSE AND UNCOMFORTABLE exchange
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) September 30, 2020
The issue of race came up next.
Wallace: “Why should voters trust you rather than your opponent to deal with the race issues facing this country over the next four years?”
Biden began by focusing on Charlottesville: “this is a president who has used everything as a dog whistle to try to generate racism -- to try to generate racist division.”
Trump went after Biden hard, reminding him of the busing decision, the "super predators" comments:
“He did a crime bill, 1994, where you called them super predators,” Trump says. “You have treated the Black community about as bad as anybody in this country.”
Biden stumbled through trying to say that there is systemic racism in America. Trump emphasized his law-and-order stance.
The topic shifted to Critical Race Theory, and Trump did a good job explaining his position: “They were teaching people to hate our country, and I’m not going to do that, I’m not going to allow that to happen,”
Quote:"What is radical about racial sensitivity training?" asks Chris Wallace.

"They were teaching people to hate our country," replies @realDonaldTrump.
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) September 30, 2020
“He’s the racist,” Biden says of Trump.
Then the debate transitioned to Law & Order.
Trump says “Democratic cities” are where the problems have been occurring.
Biden: “I’m in favor of law ... Law and order with justice where people are treated fairly.”
“I’m totally opposed to defunding the police budget,” Biden says - well that's not exactly true is it...
Quote:Joe Biden told a far-left activist he will “absolutely” cut funding for police departments.

Biden cut police funding when he was vice president and he will do it again. #Debates2020
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) September 30, 2020
Wallace asks Trump: Are you willing to condemn white supremacists, militia groups?
“Sure, I’m prepared to do that,” Trump says of condemning White supremacists. “Almost everything I see is from the left wing not the right wing.”
“Proud boys -- stand back and stand by -- but I’ll tell you what somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left.”
Biden then claimed that "Antifa is an idea, not an organization."
Quote:Trump: Name one police group that supports you.

Biden: We don't have time.

Trump: We have plenty of time. Name one.

Guess who interrupted that exchange to save Biden? Chris Wallace.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 30, 2020
“When a bat hits you over the head, that’s not an idea,” Trump says of antifa.
The topic of the candidates' track records came up next.
“There has never been an administration that has done what I’ve done,” Trump says, “and that’s with the impeachment hoax.”
Quote:“There has never been an administration or president who has done more than I’ve done in a period of three-and-a-half years.” -@realDonaldTrump on his record #Debates2020
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) September 30, 2020
Biden: “Under this president we’ve become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided and more violent. When I was vice president we inherited a recession, we fixed it.”
Trump and Biden got heated as Biden attempted to bring up Beau Biden's heroism, but Trump pivoted to Hunter and left Biden stumbling.
Climate Change then popped up (presumably on track records)
“We have to do better management of our forests,” Trump says. “Every year, I get the call, ‘California’s burning. California’s burning.’”
In a rather shocking admission, Biden said?: “No, I don’t support the Green New Deal.” Biden then says after asserting: “The Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward.”
— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) September 30, 2020
Does Biden know that Kamala Harris was a cosponsor of the Green New Deal?
And the last topic of the debate was Election Integrity...
“This is going to be a fraud like you’ve never seen,” Trump says of mail-in ballots.
Biden: “If I win, that will be accepted. If I lose that will be accepted.”
Trump also bought up the Obama/Biden coup: "There was no transition. They came after me trying to do a coup."
*  *  *
It's over. Now the pundits weighing in.
Quote:"That was a shitshow"
— Dave Brown (@dave_brown24) September 30, 2020
Finally, we can't leave the post-mortem without commenting on Wallace's performance. While Trump did try his usual bullying, Wallace repeatedly steeped on Trump's responses to Biden
Quote:Chris Wallace is shamelessly biased. It’s a beautiful demonstration of fake news in action. I’m actually glad it’s happening, because you can see it for yourself.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 30, 2020
Which gave us an idea...
Quote:Next debate (assuming there is one) each candidate should be in a booth where they can hear, but mics will be off until their turn to speak
— Guy Adami (@GuyAdami) September 30, 2020

America has a new manufactured crisis, ElectionGate, as if all the other troubles piling up like tropical depressions marching across the September seas were not enough.

America needs a constitutional crisis like a hole in the head, and that’s exactly what’s being engineered for the holiday season by the clever folks in the Democratic Party’s Lawfare auxiliary.
Here’s how it works:

The complicit newspapers and cable news channels publish polls showing Joe Biden leading in several swing states, even if it’s not true.
Facebook and Twitter amplify expectations of a Biden victory.
This sets the stage for a furor when it turns out that he loses on election night.
On cue, [b]Antifa commences to riot all around the country.
Meanwhile, a mighty harvest of mail-in votes pours into election districts utterly unequipped to validate them.
Lawfare cadres agitate in the contested states’ legislatures to send rogue elector slates to the electoral college. The dispute ends up in congress, which awaits a seating of newly-elected representatives on January 4, hopefully for Lawfare, mostly Democrats. Whoops…!
Turns out, the Dems lost their majority there too. Fighting in the streets ramps up and overwhelms hamstrung police forces in Democratic-run cities.
January 20 — Inauguration Day — rolls around, and the Dems ask the military to drag Trump out of the White House “with great dispatch!” as Mr. Biden himself put it so nicely back in the summer.

The U.S. military breaks into two factions. Voilà: Civil War Two.
You didn’t read that here first, of course. It’s been all over the web for weeks, since the Democratic Party-sponsored Transition Integrity Project (cough cough) ran their summer “war game,” intending to demonstrate that any Trump election victory would be evidence of treason and require correction by any means necessary, including sedition, which they’d already tried a few times in an organized way since 2016 (and botched).
The Democrats are crazy enough now to want this. They have driven themselves crazy for years with the death-wish of eradicating western civ (and themselves with it). There are many reasons for this phenomenon, mostly derived from Marxist theories of revolution, but my own explanation departs from that.
The matter was neatly laid out a year ago during the impeachment ploy: After the color revolution in Ukraine, 2014, Mr. Biden was designated not just as “point man” overseeing American interests in that sad-sack country, but specifically as a watchdog against the notorious deep corruption of Ukraine’s entire political ecosystem — as if, you understand, the internal workings of Ukraine’s politics was any of our business in the first place.
The evidence aired publicly last year suggests that Mr. Biden jumped head-first and whole-heartedly into the hog-trough of loose money there, netting his son Hunter and cohorts millions of dollars for no-show jobs on the board of natural gas company, Burisma.
And then, of course, Mr. Biden stupidly bragged on a recorded panel session at the Council on Foreign Relations about threatening to withhold U.S. aid money as a lever to induce Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko to fire a prosecutor looking into Burisma’s sketchy affairs.
Naturally, the Democratic Party impeachment crew accused Mr. Trump of doing exactly what Mr. Biden accomplished a few years earlier.
The impeachment fizzled, but the charges and the odor of the Biden-Burisma scandal lingered without resolution — all the while that Mr. Biden posed as a presidential candidate in the primaries.
This week, the Senate released a report detailing findings of their investigation into the Biden family’s exploits abroad. It didn’t look good.
Also implicated are the State Department officers in the Kiev embassy who pretended not to notice any of this, pointing also to their engagement in further shenanigans around the Trump-Clinton election of 2016 — a lot of that entwined in the Clinton-sponsored RussiaGate scheme.
Of course, the Senate was not so bold as to issue criminal referrals to the Justice Department.
If Mr. Biden actually shows up at this week’s debate, do you suppose that Mr. Trump will fail to bring up the subject?
Does this finally force Mr. Biden’s withdrawal from what has been the most hollow, illusory, and dispirited campaign ever seen at this level in U.S. political history?
All of which is to say that the Democratic Party has other things to worry about, besides who will replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.
That may be hard to believe, but it’s how things are now after four years of implacable, seditious perfidy from the party.
A week ago, all the talk centered around the Democrats’ election coup plan, as publicized stupidly by the so-called Transition Integrity Project. Nice try. What if all those mail-in ballots sent out recently have Joe Biden’s name on them and it turns out that he is no longer a candidate?
Hmmmm…. No doubt the recipients were so eager to fill them in and send them out that there’s no going back on that scam. Apparently, a Biden withdrawal was not one of the scenarios scrimmaged out in the Transition Integrity Project’s “war game.”
What then? A do-over?
Hence, panic in the swamp. Joe Biden’s misadventures, and his pitiful fate, are but the outer rainbands of the brewing storm.
There’s the threat of further and widespread riots, of course, but since when has insurrection proved to be a winning campaign strategy in a country not entirely gone to the dogs?
People who are not insane usually object to their businesses being torched and their homes invaded. At this point, after months of violent antics by criminal nihilists, one can even imagine Multnomah County, Oregon, turning Trumpwise.
The orgy of political hysteria, insane thinking and violence is a psychotic reaction to the collapsing techno-industrial economy — a feature of it, actually.
When all familiar social and economic arrangements are threatened, people go nuts. Interestingly, the craziness actually started in the colleges and universities where ideas (the products of thinking) are supposed to be the stock-in-trade.
The more pressing the practical matters of daily life became, the less intellectuals wanted to face them. So, they desperately generated a force-field of crazy counter-ideas to repel the threat, a curriculum of wishful thinking, childish utopian nostrums and exercises in boundary-smashing.
As all this moved out of the campuses (the graduation function), it infected every other corner of American endeavor, institutions, business, news media, sports, Hollywood, etc.
The country is now out of its mind… echoes of France, 1793… a rhyme, not a reprise.

The United States approaches the November 2020 election with growing apprehension, even dread.

Among the possibilities:

- Protracted uncertainty about the presidential contest. Think Florida 2000 but with several states’ results unresolved for weeks or even months (“Experts held ‘war games’ on the Trump vs. Biden election. Their finding? Brace for a mess”);

- A disputed outcome, perhaps with Donald Trump and Joe Biden both claiming victory, compounded by a “blue shift,” where states are claimed by Trump on election night but flip over to Biden as additional absentee and mail-in ballots conveniently turn up days or weeks later;

- Violent civil conflict, spurred on in the streets by goon squads mobilized and funded by a Who’s Who of the corporate and foundation establishment; and

- A color revolution style regime change operation staged by groups like the Soros-linked “Transition Integrity Project” and managed by people like “legal hatchet man” Norm Eisen, perhaps culminating in a military coup to remove Trump and install Biden in the Oval Office (as detailed by former Virginia State Senator and Judge Advocate General officer Richard Black).

For those who have followed events outside the United States during the past few decades, much of this sounds familiar. We’ve seen it before – inflicted on other countries.

Now It’s Coming Home to the US

As explained by Revolver News, what happens in America next to a great extent may be a form of blowback from a specific event: the US-supported 2014 regime change operation in Ukraine:
Quote:A 'Color Revolution' in this context refers to a specific type of coordinated attack that the United States government has been known to deploy against foreign regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe deemed to be 'authoritarian' and hostile to American interests. Rather than using a direct military intervention to effect regime change as in Iraq, Color Revolutions attack a foreign regime by contesting its electoral legitimacy, organizing mass protests and acts of civil disobedience, and leveraging media contacts to ensure favorable coverage to their agenda in the Western press.

It would be disturbing enough to note a coordinated effort to use these exact same strategies and tactics domestically to undermine or overthrow President Trump. The ominous nature of what we see unfolding before us only truly hits home when one realizes that the people who specialize in these Color Revolution regime change operations overseas are, literally, the very same people attempting to overthrow Trump by using the very same playbook. Given that the most famous Color Revolution was the [2004] 'Orange Revolution' in the Ukraine, and that Black Lives Matter is being used as a key component of the domestic Color Revolution against Trump, we can encapsulate our thesis at Revolver with the simple remark that 'Black is the New Orange.'
This hardly should come as a surprise. The same government agencies and their corporate, NGO, and think tank cronies that are now weaponizing Black Lives Matter, Antifa, other Wokesters, and military putsch plotters here at home to remove Trump have turned regime change abroad into an art form. Ukraine was one of their signal successes, featuring a cast of characters later key to the failed “Ukrainegate” impeachment.

Another consequence of regime change: corruption. As the old saying goes, any idiot can turn an aquarium into fish soup, but no one has yet figured out how to reverse the process. Once a country gets broken it tends to stay broken, whether the “breaking” is accomplished by military means (Serbia 1999, Iraq 2003, Libya 2011) or by a color revolution from the streets (Serbia 2000, Georgia 2003, Ukraine 2004-2005 and again in 2014, Kyrgyzstan 2005, Lebanon 2005, Armenia 2018, plus many others of varying degrees of success, and failures in Iran, Russia, Venezuela, China (Hong Kong), and Belarus. With the target nation’s institutions in shambles, the dregs take over – in Libya, for example, even to the point of reintroducing trade in sub-Saharan African slaves, whose black lives evidently don’t matter to anyone at all.

Iraq: Crush, Corrupt, Cash In

Finally, once regime change occurs and corruption is rampant, another shoe drops: foreign vultures descend on the carcass, profiteers who in many cases are the very same people that helped to create the chaos on which they are cashing in. Invariably, these carpetbaggers are well-connected individuals in the aggressor states and organizations positioned on the inside track both for the carve-up of the target country’s resources and (the word “hypocrisy” doesn’t begin to describe it) for funds to implement “reform” and “reconstruction” of the devastated target.

The showcase of this scam, pursuant to Colin Powell’s reported “Pottery Barn Rule” (You break it, you own it) was the money ostensibly spent on rebuilding Iraq, despite assurances from the war’s advocates that it would pay for itself. With the formal costs conservatively set at over $60 billion to $138 billion out of a tab for the war of over two trillion dollars, the lion’s share of it went to US and other vendors, including the notorious $1.4 billion no-bid contract to Halliburton subsidiary KBR, of which then-Vice President Dick Cheney, a major proponent of the war, had been a top executive. (“Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit.”)

In Ukraine, Biden’s Son Also Rises

The predatory cronyism vignette most pertinent to the Black/Orange regime change op now unfolding before us with the intent of installing Joe Biden in the Oval Office is that of his son, Hunter, and a Ukrainian energy company with a sketchy reputation, Burisma Holdings. (Right at the outset, even some of Hunter’s associates thought the gig with Burisma was too “toxic” and broke off ties with him.) Though ignored or dismissed as fake news and a conspiracy theory by Democrats and legacy media (or do I repeat myself?), the facts are well enough known and fit the Iraq pattern to a T: then-Vice President Joe Biden pushed for regime change in Ukraine, which succeeded in February 2014 with the ouster of the constitutionally elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. In April 2014, Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was brought onto Burisma’s board (along with a fellow named Devon Archer, later convicted of unrelated fraud) at an exorbitant level of compensation that made little sense in light of Hunter’s nonexistent expertise in the energy business – but which made plenty of sense given that his dad was not only Veep but the Obama administration’s point man on policy toward Ukraine, including foreign assistance money. [NOTE: It now has come out that in 2015 Hunter put his dad, the US Vice President, in direct contact with Burisma, news the giant tech firms sought to suppress on social media.]

When a troublesome Ukrainian prosecutor named Viktor Shokin seemed to be taking too much interest in Burisma, Papa Joe came to the rescue, openly threatening the western-dependent politicians installed after Ukraine’s 2014 color revolution with withholding of a billion dollars in US aid until Shokin, whom Joe unironically alleged to be “corrupt,” got the heave-ho. As Tucker Carlson nails it, Shokin’s ouster followed a direct request from Burisma’s Clinton-connected PR firm, Blue Star Strategies, to Hunter to lobby his dad to get Shokin off their back. Joe did just what was asked. He later bragged: “I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here [i.e., Kiev] in, I think it was about six hours.’ I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

But First There Was Serbia

Today many people remember Iraq, some have a clue about Ukraine. But Serbia, which preceded them, is off the radar screen of most Americans. To recap:

As a Senator in the 1990s, Joe Biden was one of the most militant advocates of US military action against Serbs during the breakup of the Yugoslav federation, first in Croatia (1991-95), then in Bosnia (1992-95), and then in Serbia’s province of Kosovo (1998- 1999). (As has been said about others like Hillary Clinton and the late John McCain, Biden evidently has never met a war he didn’t like. Along with Hillary, in 2003 Biden helped to whip Senate Democrat votes for the Bush-Cheney Iraq war.) Channeling his inner John McCain, Biden continually called for the US to bomb, bomb, bomb bomb the Serbs while (in a foreshadowing of the Obama-Biden administration’s support for jihad terrorists in Libya and Syria, which ultimately resulted in the appearance of ISIS) pushed successfully for sending weapons to the Islamist regime in Bosnia and then for the US to arm the Islamo-narco-terrorist group known as the “Kosovo Liberation Army” (KLA).

Joe Biden was the primary sponsor of the March 1999 Kosovo war authorization for military action against Serbia and Montenegro, S. Con. Res. 21. (As a little remembered historical note, Biden’s resolution might be seen as the last nail in the coffin of Congress’s constitutional war power. While S. Con. Res 21 passed the Senate, it failed in the House on a 213-213 tie vote, with Republicans overwhelmingly voting Nay. It didn’t matter. Bill Clinton, reeling from the Lewinsky scandal, went ahead with the bombing campaign anyway.) The ensuing 78-day NATO air operation had little impact on Serbia’s military but devastated the country’s infrastructure and took hundreds of civilian lives. (Even now, more than 20 years later, Serbia suffers from elevated cancer levels attributed to depleted uranium munitions.) But for Jihad Joe even that wasn’t punishment enough for people he collectively demonized as “illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers, and rapists.” In May 1999, at the height of the NATO air assault, he called for the introduction of US ground troops (“we should announce there’s going to be American casualties”) followed by “a Japanese-German style occupation.”

Eventually the bombing stopped in June 1999 when then-Serbian strongman Slobodan Milošević acceded to temporary international occupation of Kosovo on the condition that the province would remain part of Serbia, as codified in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. It was a promise the US and NATO, not to mention their European Union (EU) concubine, had no intention of keeping. Under the nose of the NATO occupation, ostensibly demobilized KLA thugs were given virtually free rein to terrorize the Serbian population, two-thirds of whom were driven out along with Jews and Roma, the rest sheltering in enclaves where they remain to this day. Orthodox Christian churches and monasteries, many of them centuries old, were particular targets for destruction and desecration. KLA commanders – who were also kingpins in the Kosovo Albanian mafia dealing in sex slaves, drugs, weapons, and even human organs – were handed local administration.

In 2007 Senator Biden praised the new order as a “victory for Muslim democracy” and “a much-needed example of a successful US-Muslim partnership.” A year later, the Bush administration sought to complete the job by ramming through Kosovo’s independence in barefaced violation of UNSCR 1244 and despite strong Russian objections. But instead of resolving anything the result was a frozen conflict that persists today, with about half of the United Nations’ member states recognizing Kosovo and half not. Touting itself as the most pro-American “country” [sic] in the world, the Kosovo pseudo-state became a prime recruiting ground for ISIS.

But hey, business was good! Just as in Iraq, the politically well-connected, including former officials instrumental in the attack on Serbia and occupying Kosovo, flocked to the province fueled by lavish aid subsidies from the US and the EU, which for a while made Kosovo one of the biggest per capita foreign assistance recipient “countries” in the world. One such vulture – sorry, entrepreneur – was former Secretary of State Madeleine we-think-a-half-million-dead-Iraqi-children-is-worth-it Albright, a prominent driver of the Clinton administration’s hostile policy on top of her personal Serb-hatred. Albright sought to cash in to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars on sale of the mobile telephone company PTK, originally a Yugoslav state-owned firm that was “privatized” (i.e., stolen) in 2005 as a joint stock company, but who later dropped her bid when it attracted unwanted publicity. Also in the hunt for Kosovo riches was former NATO Supreme Commander and operational chief of the Kosovo war General Wesley Clark, who reportedly cornered a major share of the occupied province’s coal resources under a sweetheart deal that seems to have vanished from public scrutiny since first reported in 2016.

At the moment there seems to be no smoking gun of a direct Biden family payout, à la Ukraine, but there is a possible trail via Hunter’s Burisma-buddy Devon Archer and Archer’s fellow-defendant John “Yanni” Galanis, who in turn is connected to top Kosovo Albanian politicians. In any case, the Biden clan seems to have paid a lot of attention to Kosovo for not having skin in the game. Joe’s late son and Delaware Attorney General, Beau, worked in Kosovo following the war to train local prosecutors as part of an OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) “rule of law” mission (admittedly a big task in a mafia-run pseudo-state), for which a road was named after him near the massive US base Camp Bondsteel. With Hunter on hand for the naming ceremony, Joe Biden took the opportunity to express his “condolences” to Serbian families who lost loved ones in the NATO air assault – of which he was a primary advocate.

A ‘Shokin’ Demand

Perhaps the best parallel between Biden’s handiwork in Ukraine and his interest in Kosovo also relates to getting rid of an inconvenient individual. But in this case, the person in question wasn’t a state official like Burisma prosecutor Viktor Shokin but a hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

In May 2009 Vice President Biden insisted on visiting one of Kosovo’s most venerable Serbian Orthodox Christian sites, the Visoki Dečani monastery. Ruling Bishop Artemije of the Eparchy of Raška and Prizren, which includes Kosovo and Metohija, refused to give his blessing for the visit, in effect telling Biden he was not welcome. Bishop Artemije long had been a bane of Biden and others advocating detachment of Kosovo from Serbia, starting with his first mission to Washington in 1997 as war clouds gathered. In 2004 Bishop Artemije sued the NATO powers in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg following their inaction to protect his flock during an anti-Serbian rampage by Muslim Albanian militants in March of that year. Then, in March 2006, as preparations were underway for a “final solution” to the Kosovo issue, Bishop Artemije launched an intensive multinational lobbying and public relations effort (in which Yours Truly was the lead professional) to try to derail the US policy to which Biden had devoted so much attention. While the Bishop’s campaign was unsuccessful in reversing US policy it was instrumental in delaying it for over a year – to howls of outrage from Biden’s associates in Washington. Thus, for Biden, the monastery visit snub by Bishop Artemije was adding insult to injury.

The end for Bishop Artemije came a few months later, at the beginning of 2010 at the time of two visits to Kosovo by US Admiral Mark P. Fitzgerald, then Commander, US Naval Forces Europe and Africa, and Commander, Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples, (who retired later that year, becoming, unsurprisingly, a consultant “with numerous defense and commercial maritime and aviation contractors”). At that time, an unconfirmed report indicated that a high NATO officer (whether Admiral Fitzgerald or someone else is not specified) stated in the course of one of his local meetings (this is verbatim or a close paraphrase): “What we need here is a more cooperative bishop.” (More details are available here. Since that posting last year the NATO command in Naples seems to have scrubbed the items about Fitzgerald’s 2010 visits from their site.)

Shortly afterwards, Biden’s troublesome priest was forcibly removed by police and exiled from his see, without ecclesiastical trial, by Church authorities in Belgrade under pressure from compliant Serbian politicians installed after the October 2000 color revolution, in turn pressured by NATO. The pretext? Transparently baseless charges of financial wrongdoing. In other words, bogus accusations of “corruption” – like against Ukraine’s Shokin.

One could almost hear Joe Biden chortle: “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

But Look at the Bright Side…

Back to the incipient coup facing the United States, there should be no illusion that what’s at stake in the unfolding scenario for the removal of Donald Trump is not just his presidency but the survival of the historic American ethnos of which he is seen as an avatar by both his supporters and detractors. Remember, we’re dealing with predators and scavengers who are happy to burn the old, evil America down as long as they can achieve total power and continue to feather their cushy nests. Short of a blowout Trump victory by a margin too big to hijack, we’re headed for a dystopian state of affairs.

If they do manage to remove Trump, “by any means necessary,” and Joe Biden takes the helm, we can anticipate a bevy of globalist warmonger appointees that make Trump’s team look like disciples of Mahatma Gandhi. Among the names floated like Nicholas Burns, Antony Blinken, Michele Flournoy, Evelyn Farkas, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, all were on board with Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria … [NOTE: The Atlantic Council, known as NATO’s semi-official think tank in Washington and which will be instrumental in staffing a future Joe Biden administration, also has been the beneficiary of generous donations from Hunter Biden’s paymaster, Burisma.]

It’s a recipe for wars, regime changes, and color revolutions galore.

But to finish on a positive note, the potential future business opportunities will be endless!

Reprinted with permission from Strategic Culture Foundation
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