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Saturn / Sun Worship

Saturn worship Roman Emperor Constantine (272-337AD) officially founded today’s Christianity at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD. Constantine had no problem changing religions because he wasn’t really changing anything except the name. 

He worshipped Sol Invictus, the ‘Unconquered Sun’, just as Babylonians worshipped the sun god Nimrod/Tammuz who became Father God/Jesus. Mithra was the ‘Invincible Sun’ or ‘Unconquered Sun’. Here’s the question that unlocks so much: They were sun gods, but which sun? 

Rome’s major deity was not the sun we know today but the Black Sun/ Dark Sun, Saturn. It becomes ever more obvious when you realise that the ancient sun gods were Saturn sun gods. Among them are Atum/ Ra (Egypt); Utu (Sumer); and Shamash/ Ninib (Babylon). Norse god myths had the same meaning. Ancient Greeks called Saturn ‘Helios’ and Romans called it Sol, hence Emperor Constantine’s Sol Invictus. 

Helios is translated as sun in the sense of the one we see shining today, but this is the wrong sun. Helios is Saturn and we have Mithra, the Jesus blueprint, associated with Helios and called Sol Invictus or Unconquered Sun. There were once two suns with Saturn the most dominant in the Earth sky and the focus of worship. Heliopolis or ‘City of the Sun’, in Egypt, was dedicated to Saturn and an original obelisk made for Heliopolis stands to this day outside the Vatican in the centre of St Peter’s Square in Rome. 

Why? The Roman Church (and all forms of Christianity, which came from the Roman Church) is a continuation of the Babylonian and Roman religion, and the worship of Saturn. Emperor Gaius Caligula ordered the Heliopolis obelisk to be moved to Rome in 37AD when Romans were openly worshipping Saturn in the ‘Christmas’ festival of Saturnalia. Rome is still the ‘City of Saturn’ (‘ City of the Sun’) with more obelisks than Egypt and several from Heliopolis. 

Original Egyptian obelisks are also located in London, Paris and New York, and the Washington Monument is the same symbolism. Obelisks are in part symbolic of the penis (bloodline) and translations include ‘Baal’s shaft’ or ‘Baal’s organ of reproduction’. Baal was another name for Nimrod (Saturn/ Father God). 

Obelisks are used profusely by secret societies like the Freemasons although most of their compartmentalised initiates will not know the significance. Christianity’s ‘God’ is the Demiurge/ Saturn, and the Christian Devil, or Satan, is the Demiurge/ Saturn. What a perfect hoax - you worship me and give me your energy and allegiance whichever deity you choose. You worship the God of Light? That’s me. God of Darkness? That’s also me! 

The same story plays out across the major religions. Energy flows where attention goes and worship is an extreme form of attention. This means that a focus on either the Christian God or Christian Devil creates an energetic connection to the frequency of the same deity, the Gnostic Demiurge/ Saturn. They can be combined because Saturn is infested and controlled by the Demiurge influence, as a computer can be overwhelmed and directed from its original purpose and mode of operation to become a full-blown manifestation of a virus. 

‘Saturn god’ really means ‘Archon god’ or Demiurge. There was no virus in the original bad copy and Saturn had to be subsequently infected. Saturn, in short, has been possessed and become a ‘fallen angel’ or Archon. Yahweh/ Jehovah, the Old Testament god of Judaism, is so shockingly bloodthirsty and lusts for violence, power and control because this version of ‘God’ is also a name for the Demiurge/Saturn. 

Gnostics associated the Old Testament god with the Demiurge who created the fake ‘physical’ reality, and the ‘God’ creating the world at the start of Genesis is actually the Gnostic Demiurge creating the Matrix –‘Let there be light’. The Jewish god El (‘ Mighty One’) is their Saturn god and can be seen within the collective name of Elohim (Archons). Elohim appears in the Bible 2,500 times. 

An extreme Christian group based in Oklahoma call their community ‘Elohim City’ with no idea what the name really refers to. Saturn-day or Saturday is sacred to Jews as the Shabbat/ Sabbath and the Christian day of worship is Saturn Sunday. Tetragrammaton is the Hebrew name for God that ‘must never be spoken’, and also appears as YHWH (sometimes YHVH), Yahweh, Jehovah, El/ Elohim, Adonai (‘ My Lord’) and profusely in the Bible as the ‘Lord’. 

Tetragrammaton is the ‘Lord Archon’ or Demiurge/ Saturn. A Greek form of the Tetragrammaton was Iao ‘the highest of all the gods’ and ancient Greek historian Diodorus Siculus said Iao (Demiurge/ Saturn) was the God of Moses. Iao is the god of Autumn (death/ Saturn) in Greek mythology and became associated with the term ‘Diablo’ or Devil. 

Lao and Saturn can be related to the Holy Spirit which enters humans ‘in the form of a white dove’. El, the Hebrew Saturn god, is encoded within the name IsraEL, and some believe that Israel is a combination combination of Isis, the Egyptian goddess, Ra, the (Saturn) sun god of Egypt, and EL, the Hebrew god of Saturn. 

Greek historian Diodorus of Sicily notes an inscription at Nysa in Arabia in which Isis is proclaimed as ‘the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the gods’. Israel’s symbol is the hexagram or ‘Star of David’/ Seal of Solomon, an ancient symbol for Saturn and the origin of the name ‘Rothschild’. This financial banking dynasty was the driving and manipulating force behind the creation of the modern Israel on a blatant historical lie. 

We see the Saturn god El encoded into ang-EL and archang-ELs called Micha-EL, Gabri-EL, Uri-EL, Rapha-EL and Archon Fallen Ang-ELs. Politicians are El-ected in El-lections and we have a bloodline El-lite. Archon comes from its Greek meaning of ruler and we have arch-angel, arch-bishop and hierarchy. 

Words matter in terms of their frequency and if you encode words with names for the Demiurge influence they carry that frequency. Islam’s most sacred location and symbol is the black Kaaba cube in Mecca. Kaaba means cube and a cube is an ancient symbol for Saturn. Muslims, too, are worshipping the Demiurge/ Saturn although only the inner core will know. 

Religious Jews wear a black cube on their forehead (energetic location of the third eye) called a Tefillin, which contains scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from their written law or Torah. Jews and Muslims worship the same deity - Demiurge/ Saturn. A major pre-Islamic god in Arabia was called Sin and one of the centres of Sin worship was Mecca. Sin is recorded as a god of the Moon from his symbol of a crescent, and the crescent has major symbolic associations with Saturn. 

Sin morphed into ‘alilah’, or ‘al-llah’, and later ‘Allah’ when the Prophet Mohammed ended the multiple-god system and proclaimed that Allah (Sin) was the only god. Islam has fundamental Hindu influences and origins, and constant cross-references between religions are explainable by the fact that at their core they are manifestations of the same religion. 

Is it mere coincidence that major Archon-Reptilian bloodlines emerged out of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt into Rome, Europe and the wider world, and that Christianity, Islam and Judaism all emerged from the very same locations? Or that Archon-Reptilian ‘seed’ was widely spread into India from where Hinduism comes? Or that what is called New Age in the West is basically an outgrowth of Hinduism? 

Saturday or Saturn’s Day in India is called ‘Shanivar’ after Shani, the Hindu god of Saturn. Lord Shiva, regarded by Hinduism as the Supreme Being and given pride of place at CERN, also has Saturn connections and is described as having the Moon in his hair. Shiva is said to be responsible for maintaining the life cycle (Saturn-Moon Matrix). 

Hindu goddess Kali represents Saturn, and astrologically the Moon in Saturn, and is associated with classic Saturn traits of death, time and the colour black. Singer Madonna has mimicked the protruding tongue of Kali in her many Saturn-themed performances. Hinduism and religions of the East also promote the reincarnation you-must-stay-in the-Matrix-after-death belief system. 

Religions are doing the work of negative forces as creations of that force and sadly, most religious advocates and followers are genuine people being scammed by this deceit. Saturn connections to religious worship are incredible and highly detailed. When you feel the atmosphere of most churches and centres of religious worship, and then observe the demeanour of the British royal family, they can all be described as saturnine –‘melancholy, gloomy, taciturn, and sullen’.
The answer to your conundrum Steve is,

They worshipped all the known suns of the cross, all religions that is, as well as other constalations or planets that are opposites, called Royal Stars.

Thamuz was the fourth month of the Hebrew calendar on 21 June, mid summers day/solstice, Principium, hense the poem the grand old duke of York.

The opposite was Janus the double headed sun god at the bottom of the biblical mountains on the 24th December.

The other suns were those of equality and what the Masons call Boaz and Jachin or portals of light, Cardinal/Cardo meaning hinged openings, which see in and see out the seven summer months or ecliptic or royal arch, this can be seen in Greek mythology as a chariot with four horses and the sun/Helios riding in his sky chariot, the halo around all flesh and blood illusions is the Sun in plain sight.

All religions were orientated upon the sun, and the moons reflection which was said to be female and only shined due to the reflection of the sun god himself.

Adonis, broken down into its Ammonian Radicals spells, AD, the Lord, ON, the fire, IS, the heat.

There are many dozens from throughout all of recorded history.

The sun is the only entity that none of the religions throughout all of time that cannot be altered, not by any religion and why it was so revered.
Hi Guys. You are certainly correct, most of the worlds religions worship the sun, you left out the Mayans, who also practiced human sacrifice. The Druids who are of Hebrew, Celtic origin built Stonehenge for sun worship. Most of the remainder of humanity, worship their ancestors in one form or another. Islam worship the moon god by the way. All of this is not surprising as Genesis speaks of two great lights, one to rule the night and one to rule the day. If we can lump all the worlds religions into one basket, as evil and misguided, even though they all do some good works, what is the alternative. In every good Science fiction, it always has good verses evil, a force for light and a force for the dark side, I hope you don't think modern thinking is the force for good. It appears from what you have written, the bad guys are these Archon-Reptilians, I would simplify this by calling him Satan (the father of all lairs) which by the way is an anagram of Santa. Santa is the first lie we are told as a child and in turn pass on to our children. I know the origins of the Santa myth, it is St Nicholas or the Nicolaitans of the book of Revelation (Nimrod, mother and child worship)
Isa 14:12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 
Isa 14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 
Isa 14:14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Lucifer is the original serpent of the garden of Eden.
John 4:23  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 
John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth(speaking in other tongues). If God by his Holy Spirit permeates every part of human beings and knows them inside and out.
Likewise the devil through nano technology is once again trying to be like the most High. He may be the son of the morning, or the light bringer (Illuminati) but as Paul the apostle said we are not ignorant of his devices. Having said all this nothing unites society like religion does, perhaps we need a new religion to lead humanity against this oppression. Or perhaps the King will return and finally shut him up (Satan) for a thousand years.
The Cross

Opening titles for X-Factor have featured an X passing through Saturn’s rings at great speed on its way to ‘branding’ the Earth and also passing the Moon to do the same. The show’s set displays three prominent X’s and, numerologically, X equals 6. This therefore represents the Saturn magic square numbers of 666 which is dubbed the ‘Mark of the Beast’ in the Bible.

A ‘hex’ is a malevolent magic spell or curse and a prefix to the Greek word for six, as in hexagon. A hexagon is the centre of a hexagram (a hexagon with six triangles added) which is a symbol of Saturn. The black magic Goddess of the Dark Moon known as Hecate (an aspect of the ancient Goddess Diana) is the goddess of the crossroads and Princess Diana was murdered at Pont de l’Alma (meaning ‘bridge or passage of the moon goddess’) where many roads cross.

The Egyptian Saturn sun god, Osiris, is symbolised by the X in secret societies and Satanists. Osiris is often depicted with his arms forming a cross. Freemasons do the same in some initiation rituals and those given a Masonic funeral have their arms crossed on their chest, the same as Egyptian pharaohs. Freemasonry also uses the X as a symbol of Lucifer, the light bearer, and this also has sexual meanings.

Saturn is very strongly related to sexual energy and this is one reason why sex is such a major part of Satanism and satanic ritual. Pornographic films are called X-rated and the most extreme as XXX, or triple X. The Saturn sun god, Nimrod, was symbolised as an X and his birth was celebrated at the High Sabbath of Babylon which relates to our Christmas –or X-mas as it is known in its shorter form.

The Saturn X is depicted by the cross in the symbol of the bloodline Skull and Bones Society and in the Crossed Keys of Peter in the coat of arms of the Papacy. The X or cross is also in the swastika. A common way of pledging truthfulness is to say ‘cross my heart and hope to die’. If someone has been deceived or betrayed they say they have been double-crossed.

You see the double-cross in the crest of the seriously bloodline House of Lorraine in France and in the logo of Exxon, the Rockefeller oil company ppp. X represents the unknown and hidden and this can be seen in the ‘X equals’ theme in algebra. We use the term ‘X-factor’ to mean that there is something still unknown. Saturn represents the hidden and unknown and is associated with the underworld. One of its names is the ‘god of the hidden councils’. I see the word stop or block whenever I think of X.

We place a tick to mean yes or correct, and an X to mean no or incorrect. It is appropriate to have an X in Matrix (trix/ tricks) – the blocker and distorter of human perception.
The cross has never been a Christian symbol its a weapon of torture. The one the Romans used was probably an X shape. 666 is the number of a man the Pope has 18 names that have a numeric value of 666, which of course is three sixes. Six is the number for man under sin, thus the gay rainbow has six colours, not seven, which is God's seal in the real rainbow. It still all points to the one origin Satan not Saturn.
(02-27-2018, 11:59 PM)Greg D Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Guys. You are certainly correct, most of the worlds religions worship the sun, you left out the Mayans, who also practiced human sacrifice. The Druids who are of Hebrew, Celtic origin built Stonehenge for sun worship. Most of the remainder of humanity, worship their ancestors in one form or another. Islam worship the moon god by the way. All of this is not surprising as Genesis speaks of two great lights, one to rule the night and one to rule the day.

If we can lump all the worlds religions into one basket, as evil and misguided, even though they all do some good works, what is the alternative. In every good Science fiction, it always has good verses evil, a force for light and a force for the dark side, I hope you don't think modern thinking is the force for good. It appears from what you have written, the bad guys are these Archon-Reptilians, I would simplify this by calling him Satan (the father of all lairs) which by the way is an anagram of Santa. Santa is the first lie we are told as a child and in turn pass on to our children. I know the origins of the Santa myth, it is St Nicholas or the Nicolaitans of the book of Revelation (Nimrod, mother and child worship)
Isa 14:12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 
Isa 14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 
Isa 14:14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Lucifer is the original serpent of the garden of Eden.

John 4:23  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 

John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth(speaking in other tongues). If God by his Holy Spirit permeates every part of human beings and knows them inside and out.
Likewise the devil through nano technology is once again trying to be like the most High. He may be the son of the morning, or the light bringer (Illuminati) but as Paul the apostle said we are not ignorant of his devices.

Having said all this nothing unites society like religion does, perhaps we need a new religion to lead humanity against this oppression. Or perhaps the King will return and finally shut him up (Satan) for a thousand years.

Once I learned the Astonomical positionings of the stars, sun and moon throughout a tropical or siderial year, thereafter every parable from all of the bible codex's cames clearly into view for what is really is, they are all based on the Sun and Moon and are a code of control mechanism or codex using the chosen global language to be, English, brought in by Bacon & Co. where the latest 160 thousand new words were added in the final stages of the elites program.

In all of the paragraphs you have shared here, they all pertain to the sun on the great wheel of years of astronomy, every one has a fixed and or a mutable point of reference, IE, retrograde, but never begin where they started, this is why the very precise quantum clock does not work alongside nature, and those who follow the parables without the celestial knowledge will never be able to resolve them.

Human DNA is already pre-programmed for the individuals life time and up until recently supposedly could not be altered, but going by direct observations and human actions, we have been able do this for millenia. In other words our god and devil seed or reptilian and advanced brain mass are already installed and only need to be programmed like a body computer to their eventual outcome, our so called leaders are programmed to be devoid of empathy and why they do what most would not, they are not themselves as they were first born, in other words, they are programmed to use their devil seed over their natural instinct within them.

Here is a short clip from a film to explain how their magic works.

One large clue with the Masonic Model is, they have a ceremony which involves walking in circles, called to Circumambulate, Circumambulation, where they walk around their alter in exactly the same way that a runner bean plant winds up its pole, here we have the actions of nature which follow the light, or a staiway to heaven if you like, it is purely based upon the Sun. I have also studdied this effect during full moon periods as the plant will continue following the moon after the sun has gone down and the next morning will be in a different place to evening, this phenomenon also continues when there is no moonlight, try it yourself.

More on this natural phenomenon here below, see also the vine upon Herculese shaft, this is the same science in plain sight.


Observe in the film clip of the winding plant/circum-nutating, where the sunlight from the window above the plant is gone/set, even with the growing lights still on how the plant continues to follow the natural energy waves that the earth is bathed in regardless of wheather its night or day, plants can see this and we used to be able to also.

In all the ultimate weapon for the governance of man is understanding how the mind is to be conditioned, it was in the plant and animal world where the early Magi learned much of their magic and medicines of illusionary properties, you can also do to plants as you can do to humans by manipulation as we see rolling out before our very eyes.

Religion is not only a programmed illness for those under its spell, it is the most known and practiced science of them all.

If you use the Hebrew codex for 666, it translates into the words Holy Holy Holy, which means we have been praying to their holy science and control mechanism all along, it was devised that way as not to be questioned and those who worked it out were in grave danger if ever they exposed it.

The spirt is natural and pre-programmed and humans have been de-programmed away from what are the Circadium Rthyms, our natural link with the earths energy under the sun, and in my humble opinion the further we are removed from the natural the more we will be controlled/governed we will become.

I see that Eden/mind and the Earth/physical are one when in perfect balance with each other, it is a physical model in the trim, and the best way to retain it is by using our hand to eye coordination or skills in tune with what true nature gives us in any given season.

Simply observe nature and how it is adapt to thrive regardless of the seasons and or their timing, and view humanity which is now totally out of balance with it, the closest fraternity to this is the Amish, but they are decimated with mind control and religion, which is not a part of true nature, she only follows one common denomenator and that is the Sun and Moon, the true physical clock and guide.
Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon

Transcript as PDF + ALL The episodes to play online and Download.
The Hare, The Moon Egg and The Goddess of Easter
For more than 300 years the rulers of the Roman Empire worshipped Mithras as a god. Sundays were held sacred, and the birth of the god was celebrated annually on 25 December.
Many nobles took names associated with Mithras. The title “Mithras” was used in the dynasties of Pontus, Parthia, Cappadocia, Armenia and Commagene by emperors with the name Mithradates.

When Emperor Commodus (Emperor 180-192 AD) was initiated into the Mithraic religion, there began an era of strong support of Mithraism that included emperors such as Aurelian, Diocletian, and Julian the Apostate, who called Mithras "the guide of the souls".
Mithras later was referred to by Roman worshippers as “Sol invictus” (invincible sun). The sun itself was considered to be "the eye of Mithras". The title Sol invictus was later transferred to Mithras.
The Roman erected several Mithraeums, where Mithras was worshipped. Emperor Diocletian, who ruled 284-305 AD, gave Mithras the title "The Protector of the Empire".

The official story is that Emperor Constantine (Emperor 306-337 AD) converted from Mithraism to Christianity on the eve of a battle in 312 AD. Constantine made Christianity the state religion. All subsequent emperors were openly hostile towards Mithraism.

After Emperor Constantine supposedly converted to Christianity in 312 AD, he maintained the title “Pontifex Maximus” - the high priest of paganism.
The first Roman Emperor to omit “Pontifex Maximus” from his title was Gratian (Emperor 375-383 AD):
(archived here:

Some of Constantine’s coins have been found. At least until 323 AD, they were inscribed with: “SOL INVICTO COMITI” (TO MY COMPANION THE INVINCIBLE SUN) and showed Sol.
[Image: Follis-Constantine-lyons_RIC_VI_309.jpg]

On 25 December 274, Roman Emperor Aurelian proclaimed the Sun God the principal patron of the Empire and dedicated a temple to Him in the Campus Martius.
Catholicism has remained close to Mithraism, including: the timing of Christmas and Bishops adaptation of miters. The Christian church adopted 25 December as Jesus' birthday in the Fourth century. Christians priests are called Father. Mithraic Holy fathers wore red garment and cap, a ring, and carried a shepherds staff.

Mithras´ battle with the Sun resulted in the formation of a friendship between Mithras and his “companion” Sol Invictus (Invincible Sun).
Mithras is asked by the sun to kill the Bull, but refuses at first. The Raven, as messenger of the Sun, comes to him again with the request. Mithras goes into the field and captures the Bull and drags him to the cave of his birth. When Mithras kills the bull, from his blood comes wine and all the plants on earth.
The Bull that Mithra sacrifices represents his ego.

There is also an interesting relation to astrology/astronomy.
See Mithras with the 12 signs of the zodiac surround him, showing he rules the cosmos.
[Image: 51a11c8160d740334503ddc56fbe35362b94956f.jpg]

The bull slaying tale represents the constellation Persus (Mithras), Taurus (Bull), Canis Minor (dog), Hydra (snake), Corvus (raven), Scorpio (scorpio). The wheat is the star Spica (the brightest star in Virgo) and the blood is the Milky Way:
(archived here:

The halo for the Egyptian “sun” Osiris (his wife, sister Isis was the moon) was not portrayed behind his head, but painted directly above his head.
[Image: mlw_0001_0004_0_img0171.jpg]

In 325 AD, the sun-worshipping Roman Emperor Constantine the Great convened the Council of Nicaea that determined that Easter is on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the March equinox.
This suggests that this celebration is really about celebrating the Spring...

According to some experts, the Easter story comes from the Sumerian legend of Damuzi and his wife Inanna, described in Sumerian clay tablets dated 2100 BC. The Babylonian names for Damuzi and Inanna are Tammuz and Ishtar respectively.

After Inanna has been missing for 3 days her assistant asks the other gods for help. Enki (son of Anu) creates 2 creatures, who go to the Underworld to sprinkle Inanna and Damuzi with the plant and water of life, resurrecting them, so they can return to earth as the light of the sun for six months.
After the six months are up, Tammuz returns to the Underworld of the dead, again followed by Ishtar, forcing the water god to rescue them both. This created the cycles of winter death and spring life.

Some experts claim that Easter was originally a celebration of Eostre, goddess of Spring and fertility, otherwise known as Ostara, Austra, and Eastre. This could explain the Easter bunny and possibly the Easter eggs.
The egg represents Spring, fertility and renewal.
According to Germanic mythology, Ostara healed a wounded bird she found in the woods by changing it into a hare. Still partially a bird, the hare showed its gratitude to the goddess by laying eggs as gifts.

In many European languages the name for “Easter” is derived from the Greek word for the Hebrew Pesach (Passover) – “Pascha”.
For example, Easter is called “Pasqua” in Italian, “Pascua” in Spanish, “Paques” in French, and “Pasen” in Dutch:
Yes you are correct a great percentage of religious worship is of pagan origin, that is because it's author is Satan. The Satanic version of the bible is written backwards because it is an alternative version of truth. This is confirmed in Satan's statement to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Gen 3:4  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die (a lie because they did die, a process that began that day) 
Gen 3:5  For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened (Enlightenment, Illuminati) , and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Gnostic meaning is having knowledge, a perfect God an imperfect God or Good and Evil). Sadly many of David Ickes beliefs are of Gnostic origin also and it is from that understanding he also attacks religious Christianity.
The Jews did not follow the laws of Moses but instead followed their own laws from the Babylonian Talmud, which they put together during the Babylonian captivity.
The other 10 northern tribes that never returned to Israel after their captivity,the Celts,Saxons the Danes, later the Normans settled in Britain , where they continued their sun worship under the stewardship of the Druids, who where also Hebrew sun worshipers.
God chastised Israel for their Idolatry and pagan worship long before he sent them into captivity. Jere CH 7:18  The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
Jere CH 44:18  But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. Mary in the Catholic 'Church' is called the queen of heaven. The sun worship symbols are everywhere in the Vatican, likewise the other enormous alternative world religion Islam worship a moon god called Allah. So you have both the sun and the moon covered for worship, that just leaves the worship of the star signs.
Act 11:25  Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: 
Act 11:26  And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. Christians not Catholics, not JWs, not Anglicans or Baptists and so on.
Christian means a follower of Christ or the anointed one. This description sums up what I am and this is the Gospel of Christ.
Mar 16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 
Mar 16:16  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 
Mar 16:17  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 
Mar 16:18  They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 
Mar 16:19  So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 
Mar 16:20  And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. 

Satan has introduced an Alice's restaurant of alternative truths over the ensuing passage of time.
His latest installments using AI are his feeble attempts to be like God in his knowledge of human beings and their thoughts and actions.
Isa 14:12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 
Isa 14:13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 
Isa 14:14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 
He may want to be like the most high but instead this is what he knows is coming for his reward.
Isa 14:15  Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 
Rev 20:1  And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 
Rev 20:2  And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 
Rev 20:10  And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast (Catholicism)and the false prophet (Islam) are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. 
You may be interested in this you may not. I just get a little peeved when Christian teachings are compared with Satanic fabrications.
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