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Arthur Firstenberg - 5G, Birds, Bees and Humanity

[color=rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.6)]Published on 12 May 2019[/color]

[color=rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.6)]#education #Stop5G
A Symposium regarding 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity was held on August 12, 2018 in Taos, New Mexico, USA.
Arthur Firstenberg was one of the lecturers.

PDF : lecture information and links
PDF : list of used photos and videos

The chapters in the lecture:
01.  00:15  The story of the monkey and the jar of peanuts  
02.  01:47  The irradiation by cell phones and cell towers - responsibilities
03.  03:59  1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G
04.  11:26  WiFi refugees
05.  13:05  EHS  
06.  15:38  Conflict-minerals in your cell phone
07.  23:37  All in order to serve YOU
08.  24:58  5G – Intensification of the destruction
09.  27:19  LiFi – a Trojan horse
10.  28:44  Space: enormous fleets of 5G satellites in low and medium orbit
11.  31:04  What will this do to earth and every living thing on earth?
12.  32:57  The global electrical circuit
13.  35:08  «We»
International Actions To Halt And Delay 5G ...
5G Rollouts in cities across the world -
5G - a Danger to Life and Limb ...

The 5G War — Technology Versus Humanity ...

.... taken from #Stop5G FB page -

World Health Organisation (WHO) Cover up of 5G ....

#Stop5G ⚠️The World Health Organization (WHO) Cover-Up ... Mass #5G EMF Scandal 

~credits video: Olga Sheean 
The facts about 5G and other sources of wireless radiation have been very skillfully downplayed and covered up by WHO,  industry and governments, causing many people to believe it’s not a problem. The truth is that it's causing havoc all over the planet. Find out what WHO and governments have been hiding from you.

To download the video's supporting document containing further information on 5G, additional resources and references, go to

You can also click on hashtag: #ICNIRPcorruption and study all Fb Posts dealing with that topic (y)

⚠️ Just because it seems there is "no way" of stopping #5G doesn't mean you can not express WHY you want to #Stop5G ... All small & medium (local) victories are made dealing with banning WiFi & Smart-meters world-wide last 10 years are all done for good reasons! Same for fighting successfully against 4G Cell Towers near schools, fire-fighters building, churches, hospitals etc.
Why did Governor Jerry Brown of California VETO against 5G? Even more important why do most not know that fact?
You do things NOT because you have high expectations of how others act & react ... you do things certain way because you feel, sense it is the RIGHT WAY no matter how it is received or how ill some people can be! Results driven activism CAN be very addictive if you have success BUT it must not be your core reason to do so! (it is a spiritual battle as well). 
See yourself as planting seeds of considerations for the uninformed. If others are incompetent to ACT accordingly could have 100s of reasons ... eventually when reality unfolds you have the truth on your side and will be vindicated anyway. 
Do not underestimate the long-term effect of lots of "insiders" (key-people) who are on your side but NOT yet been able to do something now but eventually will!
Since 11-11-2017 when I founded this #Stop5G Fb Group we all together from over 156  countries have build a huge archive of 21,150+ Stop5G Fb Group Posts ... all of it is still accessible via our internal search engine ... did or do you know that? ... Use smart key-words to empower yourself effectively ... like looking for examples of local victories fighting cell towers!
Use the key-word "victory" see what pops up ... and you will be surprised how much already we have accomplished. You want to study "letters" send to local politicians or city council meetings? Just search for "letter send to". There are many different "letter" templates you can chose form for your own fighting this on a local level! 
Do you want to see only scientific evidence (peer reviewed) showing biological effects of long term expose of erratic pulsed microwaves? Go to FILES (left tab, when using PC or Laptop) of this Stop5G Fb Group! ... Do you want to access the best 175 educational videos? Go to or Fb Page: click on left side tab: "Videos" Smile
I notice that most people assume we have "no effect" ... so far from the truth ... how many of us are fighting their own (self created) demons. Victim mentality generates mostly MORE victim reality! Facing your Fears to TRANSFORM IT is what we suppose to do! It is not only about having direct practical results ... it is also about raising public awareness, documenting what is happening and so much more ... like getting tips like yours but without the dissing & downplaying others and their efforts to share (report) what it going on. 
Why discourage people to at least speak out as a first step? Or is it more your frustration you project on others? To be a good Councilor you need to understand a much wider perspective. Most things in life are not mutual exclusive. You can do BOTH and report here what is going on AND do what you (rightfully so) suggested!
Cheers, #JohnKuhles
Founder #Stop5G Fb Group, Page & ???
Prime Minister of Poland Signs Global Appeal to Stop 5G ....

Prime Minister of Poland Signs Global Appeal to Stop 5G Telecommunications Transmission? Unconfirmed ...
Sign  the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space ...

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]By Global Research News[/color]
5G Health Dangers - Local Initiatives ....
5G Danger: 13 Reasons New Millimeter Wave Tech Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity ....

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