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Here is the correct equipment that can give a detailed view of what 5G or many other forms of EMF and microwave signalling is doing, it can be done at any time any place by qualified personel.

The factions now set up to combat really need to get their act together and begin using on the ground evidence before things developed any further, it is time to put the peoples donations to good use, not carry on working blindly as they are doing.

The time has come for some propper testing being done from street level.
In today's show Richie asks the question what is going on with the role out of 5G,

I will say to Richie what I have mentioned here and on other alternative news outlets, we will never know what is going on unless we arm ourselves with the correct equipment that can trace the new bandwidth precisely.

There are already a few handheld devices that can pinpoint the 5G signal accurately, without these we are basically stabbing in the dark.

The use of any other meter will not get the desired results as we have seen of late by so called self prof experts, all this will acheive using the wrong equipment is further and deepening confusion.

If you are reading and or seeing this Richie give me a call and I will help you get some answers.
It seems that 5G is being rolled out in the highest populated areas first, here is a link to who and where are being rolled out as we speak.

Amazon are also highly involved in this game and stand to make billions from it, monitoring the exposure would be childs play with the right equipment to hand.
I write the following response to Wednesday's radio show including guest Mr Kitson and what was discussed and I call the term as The effects of sience upon society.

The first thing I will cover is the loss of our daytime and night time flying insects.

Those who are old enough to remember can correlate to what has happened to our insect population right across the country and the rest of Europe in Gereral, especially where modern farming has evolved, the decline began when new EU stipulations for clean grain crops were put in place, IE, the level of weed seed contaminants allowed within crops yields, 

These regulations were steadily tightened gradually year on year which culminated in the crops being sprayed with ever increasing amounts in order of achieving the levels set by big farmer corporations, if the farmers never met the levels they were punished by receiving less for their grain yields or charged for filtering out the weed seeds, this I was once a part of and actually witneesed the loss of our flora and fauna in my younger years.

One of the main reasons why insects have declined in numbers is by and large due to modern farming methods and the wide use of lethal pesticides, the same pesticides that are already linked to many types of cancer we are suffering due to being in our food stuffs.

I can remember when I was a keen motorcyclist travelling an average of ten thousand miles a year or more back in the mid seventies where one would be covered in dead insects in the more rural areas, but less so in the mono crop areas where big farma was extant.

The other scenario that needs to be addressed is at what time of year we travel, because during the autumn and winter months almost all insects die off, together with birds natural ability to survive the winter.

Also many species of birds we see during spring and summer migrate in the autumn thus are not seen in the winter time in Northen regions, 

Wild birds actually suffered their greatest decline due to millions of miles of hedge rows that were removed and together with the aforementioned modern farming methods which killed off their natural foods as insects . The smaller birds were and still are at a disadvantage due to modern housing building echniques that prevents them from gaining access to make their nest.

Another misconception where insects are concerned is honey bees, 

I am a beekeeper of over a decade and can say with surity that it is not the honey bee that is suffering due to the use of modern chemicals, or telecommunications.

Most bee keepers treat their hives with a plethora of chemicals to ward off the honey bees greatest enemy known as the, Varroa Destructor, a tiny mite that carries a line of viruses that can and do kill entire colonies by weakening their overall well being and preventing them from raising enough brood or young bees in time to fill their supers or stores with enough food for the winter season.

The insects that are at greatest risk are the wild bees or bumble bees and other important pollinators which have no natural built up immunity to the agri chemicals like the honey bee has, which are normally out doing their jobs in the feilds and countryside at the same time the farmers are spraying their crops.

This also effects any commercial honey bee colonies that the bee keepers takes to the crops like oilseed rape and many more honey and pollen producing crops that can bring in honey bounties.

The insect declines began taking shape over 30 years ago not just yesterday and has little to no bearing on what 5G or any other G is doing, we have been blasted with much higher levels of electrosmog for decades, from the like of TV and radio with little to no effect in those parameters.

Now I would like to talk about artificial light, as a species we evolved to live with nature and absorb the suns energy through the day and then rest at night.

The factor we might look at here is what is known as Crytochrome or the natural blue light spectrum, here is our natural energy working tirelessly where all plant life depends upon it and birds also use for navigation. There is a huge body of peer reviewed data or science on this subject on the internet.

Any kind of artificial light in nature is detrimental to the well being of that nature, especially unsheilded direct light like LED's which will only add to what came before, it is also many times brighter than the natural crypto chromatic light that is variable under normal daylight weather conditions, artificial light is constant and not found in true nature, or at night normally.

Now let's look at the study done by Exeter university, and you will see that was a study of what was done originally by the Spanish and was basically done by questionnaire and not a peer reviewed study.

If richie or Mr Kitson would like to talk to me about this and or any related issue I would be willing to do so.

Hope that helps.
5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall -

Long-time United Nations staff member Claire Edwards summarizes worldwide developments in the 5G situation. While still far from a victory claim, there is much to be hopeful about as millions around the world deepen involvement and take a stand for our shared future.

Your EMF questions answered, part 2
Story at-a-glance
  • Brian Hoyer and I answer your questions about electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. Hoyer is a leading EMF expert and a primary consultant for my new book, “EMF*D,” which is being released today
  • Your bedroom is the most important part of your home in terms of needing EMF shielding. Sleeping in an EMF-free environment is crucial, as this is when your body needs to be in a parasympathetic state, detoxing, repairing and rejuvenating itself
  • The area in which you eat is the second priority, as your body needs to be in a parasympathetic (relaxed) state in order for your digestion to function properly
  • The third priority would be if you’re using a sauna for detoxification. Making sure your sauna has low or no EMF, both magnetic fields and electric fields, is an important consideration, as it will impact your ability to detox
  • The 600-megahertz band that’s been opened up for T-Mobile’s 5G network penetrates deeper and goes farther than any of the 5G networks

Video -
Covid-19, Wuhan and 5G

 Is this truly Viral or is it F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms 'showing' as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it's impact on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin. This specific frequency is absorbed by oxygen. 60GHz causes the rotation of the electrons around the oxygen molecule to spin, thus inhibiting the ability of hemoglobin to properly uptake these oxygen molecules. What would be the ultimate 'solution' to such a problem as this "V.I.Rus"?
Covid-19, Wuhan and 5G

 Is this truly Viral or is it F.I.V.E.-G? C.H.I.N.A has unleashed 60 Ghz all throughout the country with WU-HAN as the PILOT CITY. Unbelievable comparisons to symptoms 'showing' as a V-Irus compared vs what happens when one is hit with 60GHz waves, and it's impact on the uptake of oxygen via the hemoglobin. This specific frequency is absorbed by oxygen. 60GHz causes the rotation of the electrons around the oxygen molecule to spin, thus inhibiting the ability of hemoglobin to properly uptake these oxygen molecules. What would be the ultimate 'solution' to such a problem as this "V.I.Rus"?

5G, troublemakers in Wuhan and new vaccination program in China -

I spoke to a doctor in Sweden who have a friend from China. Her friend says there is no panic in China about the Corona virus, perhaps with the exception of in Wuhan.

However, there are some special circumstances in Wuhan:

1. Wuhan is the first smart city in China, with fully implemented 5G only weeks before the outbreak of the epidemic.

2. The citizens of Wuhan are known trouble maker for the Chinese government. China are now able to freely arrest and kill troublemakers with no interference from other countries.

In addition 

there were enforced obligatory vaccinations in all of china in the end of 2019. This was a “immunisation” vaccine against Infectious Diseases.

The Law establishes a compensation system for abnormal reactions to vaccination. A recipient of an immunization program vaccine who dies or suffers significant disability or organ and tissue damage is to be paid from the vaccination funds of the provincial level government if the damage falls within the scope of abnormal reactions associated with a vaccine or cannot be prevented (art. 56).

Perhaps too many had “abnormal reactions” and it was better to blame a “new virus”?

Something very similar happened in Brazil April 2015, where obligatory vaccines was enforced for pregnant women in late December 2014. Four months later lots of babies was born with major deformities. The vaccine was for whooping cough. Suddeny you have an "outbreak of Zika", almost stopping the Olympics in the country. Many participants did not show up out of fear. The strange things is, the Zika just dissapeard as they ended the vaccination program.

Now this “epidemic” in China are being used to enforce lots of changes all over the world. The first will be obligatory vaccination of everyone, as a start. The next is an acceleration of censorship in all media. This might even be a planned and coordinated project between China and power structures in the rest of the world, executed at the “military world games” taking place in Wuhan a couple of months before the “outbreak”.

(Source: #Stop5G on FB)

5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak -

From #STOP5G FB page -

The China Coronavirus 5G Connection is a very important factor when trying to comprehend the coronavirus outbreak. Various independent researchers around the web, for around 2-3 weeks now, have highlighted the coronavirus-5G link despite the fact that Google (as the self-appointed NWO Censor-in-Chief) is doing its best to hide and scrub all search results showing the connection. The coronavirus 5G connection doesn’t mean the bioweapons connection is false (it’s not a case of either-or), but rather broadens the scope of the entire event. Wuhan was one of the test cities chosen for China 5G rollout; 5G went live there on October 31st, 2019, almost exactly 2 months before the coronavirus outbreak began. Meanwhile, many scientific documents on the health effects of 5G have verified that it causes flu-like symptoms. This article reveals the various connections behind the coronavirus phenomenon, including how 5G can exacerbate or cause the kind of illness you are attributing to the new virus. The rabbit hole is deep so let’s take a dive.

Governments around the world have experimented with bioweapons both on their own citizens and foreign citizens. The evidence that COVID-19 is a bioweapon is overwhelming – and so is the evidence that 5G is involved to either cause the flu-like symptoms/pneumonia people have been experiencing, and/or to exacerbate the virulity of the virus by weakening people’s immune systems and subjecting them to pulsed waves of EMF to open up their skin to foreign DNA fragments (including viruses).
Nanotechnology – Coronavirus – BioWeapon – Activation by 5G – Physical Genocide – Misused A.I.

#Stop5G (FB)

Via Karen Scott -

Nano-particles can be activated by 5G microwaves in the human body, so someone can influence them, control them, change our information field, quantum field or our DNA This is so call “Neural Mesh” or NanoCore network. All data are collected and algorithms are used on them – abused A.I.. Activation of nano-particles can be done via 5G ground stations or via satellites.

#Stop5G (FB)

The reason microwaves are set at 2.4 GHz is because that is the specific gigahertz frequency that allows H2O molecules to agitate and heat up your food (in a nutshell) 

The only frequency range that is detrimental to all oxygen rich, living things is 50-60GHz. In short, it literally removes oxygen from the atmosphere. It absorbs it. This is the frequency at which 5G is broadcast.

Answer me this, have you ever heard of somebody having the flu without having a fever or a cough or runny nose? My bet is no. Explain to me how people in W-U-H-A-N are dropping dead from no symptoms on the spot? 

Across-the-board people are dying from respiratory failure or liver issues. You know what causes that? Lack of oxygen. Do you know where 5G was initially rolled out with over 100,000 towers across the city? You guessed it. The above named city. 

Use that information as you wish.
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