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Having worked in financial services for 30 years I understand money,  where it comes from and the physical effect it has on people.  For the last few years I have spoken to barristers,  doctors, builders,  teachers to name but a few on where money comes from.  They sort of get it,  the bit about money being created by loans,  but when it comes to "where does the interest come from?" they just look blank.  It is because it does not make sense.  However for the last two weeks everyone I have spoken to has got it, four very different people all got it straight away, people are waking up at a very fast rate.
The problem comes when the people find out how their physicl energy is being stolen hits home, however there are many who know they have willingly entered the debt paradigm in order of survival, they really do but will never admit it, it is a small number of these who will sell many of us and even their own families down the river in order of surviving.
As the Bible was being written money first entered the realms of society, before money came into normal use, they would promote it with huge coining cere-monies with the chosen heads of state stamped firmly into the psyche of those who partook of this holiest orders, as each batch were ordered those using it had to give over real commodities in return and herein began the rotting of mankind and all they once held dear as recipricants of each others needs.

Today when we use it we are litterally walking upon our unborn children, who are now having their own well being taken from them to feed another entity and similar scenario in Europe, neither are getting their true worth where personal dint is extant and the gaps of unsustainability grows ever larger by the second, eventually it will be the ones who think benefit today who's children will be the slaves of tomorrow.
The current 'money out of nothing' system -

When you apply to a bank for a ‘loan’ what happens? First they demand that you secure the ‘loan’ by signing over to them intrinsic wealth - house, land and such like. Then they type into your account the figure they have agreed to ‘give’ you in return for it all being paid back, plus interest. What have they really ‘loaned’ you? Fresh air. Worthless fiat currency works in league with fractional reserve lending which allows banks to lend nine or ten times (far, far more in truth) what they have on deposit, and so every time you put a pound or dollar in a bank you are giving it the legal right to ‘lend’ nine or ten times that it doesn’t have in the form of non-existent ‘credit’.

Fiat money ‘credit’ is ‘money’ that does not and will never exist except in theory. The £100,000 you may have ‘borrowed’ to buy a house is only six digits and a £ sign that someone has added to your account, and this is only stage one in the money-go-round. You transfer this ‘money’ (credit) to the owner of the house you are buying and he or she accepts it only because they believe it is worth what they are told it is. They, in turn, transfer it to the owner of their next house and the same thing happens.

Fractional reserve landing goes even further into the realms of insanity. Say you borrow credit to buy a car and hand this over to the owner who puts it in his bank. The original loan was created out of nothing by the first bank, but now the second bank can lend nine or ten times its alleged worth again to other people under fractional reserve lending and the same with any subsequent banks where money from the original fresh-air loan of credit ends up.

Consider the extraordinary amount of theoretical money or credit that the banking system can generate (and ‘lend’ again) from a single loan. The elite corrupt banking system has hijacked the global economy and human society by swapping non-existent credit for wealth of intrinsic value in the form of land, property and resources.

There are ways that a theoretical currency can be used as a symbolic means of exchange to overcome the limitations of barter, but that can’t happen while there is the addition of interest. Once interest is charged the very unit of financial exchange is ‘created’ from the start as a debt. Interest on fresh air credit changes the game completely. You can also rob people of their real wealth by increasing interest to the point where they can no longer pay you back and by crashing the financial system which has the same effect.

Once they can’t repay your non-existent credit and interest you move in to take the loot and they are often on the street. It seems inexplicable that governments should pass laws that allow private banks, owned by the same cabal, to dominate the creation of ‘money’ and be able to ‘lend’ many times what they actually have on deposit. Why do governments borrow money at interest from private banks, which the taxpayer has to repay, when they could issue their own currency interest free?

These are all legitimate points and questions, but they have a single answer: Governments are controlled by the same elites that own and control the banks. By dictating how much ‘money’ is in circulation (by how much they decide to loan) the banks are dictating how much economic activity is possible.

Recessions and depressions don’t happen because people decide they don’t want to work, have a home or feed their families. They happen when there is not enough money in circulation or of sufficient perceived value to generate the income required to pay for those things. Who controls that? The banks. Who owns them? The elite bloodlines. This following sequence is known by economists, most of them clueless about money-creation, as ‘the economic cycle’ when it is nothing more than pure manipulation:

Stage 1: You put lots of money in circulation by making lots of loans at low but variable interest rates. In doing so, you stimulate lots of economic activity –a boom.

Stage 2: People and businesses tend to get into more debt during boom times with confidence in their income leading to new plant, machinery, property and other investments to meet expanding demand or reflecting an improved economic status.

Stage 3: At the optimum time to trawl the wealth of the people you start taking money out of circulation by either raising interest rates and calling in loans or crashing the system as in 2008 to cause what they called the ‘credit crunch’.

Stage 4: You grab the loot in property, land, resources and business from those who can no longer afford to pay you back the ‘money’ which under any sane criteria you didn’t actually give them.
that's great news that more people are catching on?

i'm still disappointed more people never caught on that it's blatantly immoral. i always thought so.
(04-02-2018, 07:15 AM)Steve Wrote: [ -> ]The current 'money out of nothing' system -

When you apply to a bank for a ‘loan’ what happens? First they demand that you secure the ‘loan’ by signing over to them intrinsic wealth - house, land and such like. Then they type into your account the figure they have agreed to ‘give’ you in return for it all being paid back, plus interest. What have they really ‘loaned’ you? Fresh air. Worthless fiat currency works in league with fractional reserve lending which allows banks to lend nine or ten times (far, far more in truth) what they have on deposit, and so every time you put a pound or dollar in a bank you are giving it the legal right to ‘lend’ nine or ten times that it doesn’t have in the form of non-existent ‘credit’.

Fiat money ‘credit’ is ‘money’ that does not and will never exist except in theory. The £100,000 you may have ‘borrowed’ to buy a house is only six digits and a £ sign that someone has added to your account, and this is only stage one in the money-go-round. You transfer this ‘money’ (credit) to the owner of the house you are buying and he or she accepts it only because they believe it is worth what they are told it is. They, in turn, transfer it to the owner of their next house and the same thing happens.

Fractional reserve landing goes even further into the realms of insanity. Say you borrow credit to buy a car and hand this over to the owner who puts it in his bank. The original loan was created out of nothing by the first bank, but now the second bank can lend nine or ten times its alleged worth again to other people under fractional reserve lending and the same with any subsequent banks where money from the original fresh-air loan of credit ends up.

Consider the extraordinary amount of theoretical money or credit that the banking system can generate (and ‘lend’ again) from a single loan. The elite corrupt banking system has hijacked the global economy and human society by swapping non-existent credit for wealth of intrinsic value in the form of land, property and resources.

There are ways that a theoretical currency can be used as a symbolic means of exchange to overcome the limitations of barter, but that can’t happen while there is the addition of interest. Once interest is charged the very unit of financial exchange is ‘created’ from the start as a debt. Interest on fresh air credit changes the game completely. You can also rob people of their real wealth by increasing interest to the point where they can no longer pay you back and by crashing the financial system which has the same effect.

Once they can’t repay your non-existent credit and interest you move in to take the loot and they are often on the street. It seems inexplicable that governments should pass laws that allow private banks, owned by the same cabal, to dominate the creation of ‘money’ and be able to ‘lend’ many times what they actually have on deposit. Why do governments borrow money at interest from private banks, which the taxpayer has to repay, when they could issue their own currency interest free?

These are all legitimate points and questions, but they have a single answer: Governments are controlled by the same elites that own and control the banks. By dictating how much ‘money’ is in circulation (by how much they decide to loan) the banks are dictating how much economic activity is possible.

Recessions and depressions don’t happen because people decide they don’t want to work, have a home or feed their families. They happen when there is not enough money in circulation or of sufficient perceived value to generate the income required to pay for those things. Who controls that? The banks. Who owns them? The elite bloodlines. This following sequence is known by economists, most of them clueless about money-creation, as ‘the economic cycle’ when it is nothing more than pure manipulation:

Stage 1: You put lots of money in circulation by making lots of loans at low but variable interest rates. In doing so, you stimulate lots of economic activity –a boom.

Stage 2: People and businesses tend to get into more debt during boom times with confidence in their income leading to new plant, machinery, property and other investments to meet expanding demand or reflecting an improved economic status.

Stage 3: At the optimum time to trawl the wealth of the people you start taking money out of circulation by either raising interest rates and calling in loans or crashing the system as in 2008 to cause what they called the ‘credit crunch’.

Stage 4: You grab the loot in property, land, resources and business from those who can no longer afford to pay you back the ‘money’ which under any sane criteria you didn’t actually give them.

I much prefer my version of saving money using multiple real life skills, the interest people pay is far more that spending the time to use your own energy, it is slower but after five years or so the saving or divis far outperform the debt based system.
If many simply put the time into learning new things instead of watching TV they would gain the vital saving quite easily, this model also wavers the tax burden or VAT as well, use recycled materials as well and there is no real contest where borrowing the money is concerned.
 Sollutions is seeing your way forward in a backwards leaning society, who simply do not want to step outside their comfort zones.