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The reptilian breeding programme 

Their breeding programme appears to have produced an Anunnaki-human hybrid (Adam?) around 200,000–300,000 years ago. Other extraterrestrial races might have also interbred with humanity to produce the wide variety of Earth peoples, however looking at the reptilian group due to their desire to control and manipulate human affairs, the farther you go back the murkier the story becomes. Despite this, there is still ample supporting and cross-referencing evidence.

It is clear that what the reptilians did on Mars they have also done here. They infilitrated the home population through interbreeding and took the place over. Reptile-Aryan bloodlines were already among the Martians when they came to Earth and a main location for the Anunnaki and the Martians or Aryans, particularly during and after the Venus cataclysm of around 4,800 BC, were the mountains of Turkey, Iran and Kurdistan. From here they and their hybrids re-emerged when the waters receded. 

They surely created the ‘instant’ advanced civilisations in the low lands of Sumer, Egypt, Babylon and the Indus Valley. A particular centre for the Anunnaki reptilians would seem to have been the Caucasus Mountains. There must have been a major breeding programme in this region, probably underground, which produced a very large number of hybrid reptile-human crossbreeds. 

One area of research that is highly relevant to this region are the number of people with Rh negative or rhesus negative blood. Often rhesus negative babies turn blue immediately after birth. This is the origin of the term ‘blue bloods’ for royal bloodlines and other terms like ‘true blue’. It is speculated that the ‘blue’ bloodlines could be of Martian decent and from wherever the Martian bloodlines came from before that. Far more white people are Rh negative than black or Asian people.

The genes of the albino-white ‘royal’ Draco appear to have been used to create the ‘royal’ reptile-human hybrid bloodlines which have been used to rule the world since ancient times. These were the ones known to the ancients as the demi-gods, who were given the task of middlemen, controlling the population and running the world according to the Agenda of their reptile masters. What is clear is that while the Annunaki interbred with many Earth races, the white race has been their main vehicle for taking over the planet and the ‘royal’ Draco at the top of their hierarchy are albino white. 

Significantly, on examining ancient accounts, many of their hybrid creations had blond hair and blue eyes. A major change would seem to have taken place soon after the Venus upheavals because the Ubaid culture (5,000–4,000 BC), in what is now Iraq, worshipped gods who were depicted as lizard-humanoids while the Sumerians (4,000–2,000 BC), who lived in the same area, depict their gods as very human. This change, and the crossbreeding programme in the Caucasus region, are fundamentally connected to the Anunnaki–human crossbreed élite that was described by the Sumerians and there are many other accounts of the interbreeding of extraterrestrials and humans, or the ‘gods’ and ‘sky people’ interbreeding with humanity. This is most famously noted in Genesis where it says:

“When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose… The Nefilim were on the earth in those days –and also afterwards –when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:1-4. 

According to the translations of Zecharia Sitchin, the word Nefilim relates to “Those Who Decended” while others say it means “the fallen ones” or “those who have fallen”. The word ‘renown’ in that passage in Genesis is translated from the Sumerian word shem. This has been translated in the Bible as relating to ‘name’, as in making a name for yourself as a man of renown. 

Sitchin says the real meaning of shem is ‘sky vehicle’. He says it comes from the root, shu-mu, which means ‘that which is a MU’, and a MU was a flying craft, he says. So ‘men of renown’ becomes ‘men or people of the sky vehicles’. It was these who interbred with human women. This passage in Genesis tells of the interbreeding between the extraterrestrials or inner terrestrials with humans to produce the reptile-human hybrids. The term ‘sons of God’ in fact comes from the Hebrew, bene-ha-elohim, which really translates as ‘sons of the gods’. 

The early offspring of these genetic encounters were the giants of legend and there are many records of such hybrids being born. There are numerous accounts throughout the ancient world, on every continent, of a giant race and the biblical Goliath could well have been symbolic of these people. 

The Native Americans have many tales of the Star People coming down from the skies to breed with human women and researcher Alex Christopher says that a common denominator in the abduction of humans by reptilians in the United States appears to relate to the person’s bloodline, particularly those that go back to Native Americans or ancient Indians. 

The Hopi speak of originating within the Earth. The Ethiopian text, the Kebra Nagast (Nagas were Indian shape-shifting ‘serpent gods’), is thousands of years old, and it refers to the enormous size of the babies produced from the sexual or genetic unions of humans and the ‘gods’. It tells how: “…the daughters of Cain with whom the angels (extraterrestrials) had conceived… were unable to bring forth their children, and they died.” It describes how some of these giant babies were delivered by caesarean section: “…having split open the bellies of their mothers they came forth by their navels.” In the ancient Hebrew text, the Book of Noah, and its derivative, the Book of Enoch, a strange birth is described of a non-human child, who turns out to be Noah of Great Flood fame. 

References to this also appear in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the records of the Essene Community in Palestine 2,000 years ago which included much material from the Book of Enoch. The strange child the texts describe is the son of Lamech. He is said to be unlike a human being and more like ‘the children of the angels in heaven’. Lamech’s child, Noah, is described as white skinned and blond-haired with eyes that made the whole house ‘shine like the Sun’. 

Reptilian beings with shining eyes and glowing bodies are described by Credo Mutwa in his African accounts, ancient and modern. Blond-haired, blue-eyed beings with laser-like eyes is a description for mysterious people or ‘gods’ which spans thousands of years to the present day and appear in cultures across the world. 

Lamech questions his wife about the father of the child: “Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was (due) to the Watchers and the Holy Ones…and to the Nephilim…and my heart was troubled within me because of this child.” 

In the Shahnemeh or Book of Kings, the legendary history of Iran completed in 1010 AD by the Arab poet, Firdowsi, he describes the birth of a baby called Zal, the son of a king called Sam. Again the king is horrified by the unearthly appearance of his child who has a very large body ‘as clean as silver’, hair as white as an old man’s and ‘like snow’, and a face compared with the Sun. 

Sam calls his son a demon child, a child of the daevas –the Watchers. On Credo Mutwa’s ‘necklace’ is an eye which he says symbolises the ‘watchers’, the Chitauri reptilians. Like the patriarchs of the Old Testament, the Iranians appeared to have an aversion to children born with extremely white features. And who is said to be extremely white, albino white? The royal hierarchy of the Draco. 

The text of the Shahnemeh says of Zal: “No human being of this earth could give such a monster birth. He must be of the Demon race, though human still in form and face. If not a Demon, he at least, appears a party-coloured beast.” Zal later marries a foreign princess called Rudabeh, the daughter of Mehrab, the king of Karbul, and a descendant of the Serpent king, Zahhak, who was said to have ruled Iran for a thousand years. 

This was one of the reptilian bloodlines and in keeping with this, Rudabeh is described as tall as a teak tree, ivory white etc, the familiar features of the Watcher-human offspring. These descriptions abound for the royal lines of Iran and the Near East, as do their comparison with trees because of their great height. It seems from their texts that you required the Nefilim-Watcher physical characteristics to qualify to be king. 

This is the origin of the ‘divine right of kings’, the right to rule by virtue of your family bloodline, a system which continued when these lines expanded into Europe. Even the British title of Sir, conferred by the Queen on her selected subjects, comes from an ancient snake-goddess (reptilian) called Sir, which relates to the Anunnaki goddess, Ninlil or Ninkharsag, in the Sumerian tablets. 

Her husband, Enlil, was called the Splendid Serpent of the shining eyes. His brother, Enki, was also known as a serpent and his emblem was two entwined serpents, the symbol of his ‘cult centre’ at Eridu, and of the modern medical profession. The symbol is known as the caduceus. 

This information comes from the Sumerian Tablets as translated by Zecharia Sitchin and described in his books. It would appear that the Anunnaki and the Watchers are the same reptilian race –the ‘serpents with the shining eyes’ identified by Christian and Barbara O’Brien in their work, Genius Of The Few . 
Information on the supposed alien/human hybrid program -

.... There are reports of reptilians, gray aliens- both tall and short, hybrid looking aliens, human looking ones and much more. Apart for the care and well being of our planet, and the warning of our use of nuclear weapons and our overall destructive way of life, there are also a few other common themes within the lore, and one of them is a nhuman/alien hybridisation program.

This program is supposedly run by a group of tall ‘grey’ aliens, who apparently are a dying race whose only hope for survival has been interbreeding with humans. This also comes from accounts of multiple supposed ‘contactees’ and those who have experienced ‘abductions.’   

“Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans.” — Dr. Don Donderi, a retired McGill University Professor of 40 years in the Department of Psychology (source)

It’s important to keep in mind that many contactees have experienced forced abduction, or ‘friendly’ contact. Many accounts of forced abduction are also said to be ‘friendly,’ and something we don’t quite understand. That being said, many have had malevolent experiences too, but the human/alien hybridization program is a common theme, as is, again, the well being of our planet and our ‘spiritual’ progression that’s needed if we want to move forward.
Who can really say for sure at this point ?

Below is an excerpt from one of the leading researchers in the field, Richard Dolan, taken from his UFOs For The 21st Century mind. This is one of multiple such supposed encounters.

“Decades of study have led many researchers to conclude that these beings abduct humans in the dead of night and perform various procedures on them. These procedures, as often recounted by alleged abductees, seem to be geared toward some sort of breeding and genetic manipulation program. In other words, the Grays may be creating a race that is some sort of hybrid between human and Gray. If we ever prove openly that the Grays and these activities are real, the public reaction would be overwhelming.”

We must keep in mind that, throughout the past few decades, it hasn’t just been UFO reports, but abduction and contact reports as well.
Below is a good example of many similar stories that exist within the lore, also taken from Dolan’s book,

A well-known UFO abduction case involved a young Brazilian farmer named Antonio Villas-Boas, who lived near Sao Paulo. Boas had an apparent abduction experience on the night of October 15 1957. He gave a detailed description of the inside of the craft and its occupants; they wore tight, white clothing with a light on their belts, white shoes with no heels, large gloves, and opaque helmets with a slit at the level of the eyes. He claimed to have been stripped naked and given a medical exam in which one of the beings spread a liquid over his skin. He was then led to another room, where they took some blood from his chin, then left him alone. An unpleasant odor caused him to vomit.

Eventually, an alien female entered the room, entirely naked, she was attractive but seems very much like later descriptions of a human alien hybrid: she had hair that was nearly white, large slanted blue eyes, an ordinary nose, small but ordinary ears, high cheekbones, and a pointed chin. They had sex, but this was no fantasy out of Star Trek. Boas later said he was “uncontrollably” excited, despite being physically repelled by the experience. He wondered whether the liquid that had been spread over him had contributed to this. When the sexual experience was over, the woman lost interest and left the room. Just before she left, she turned to him, pointed to her belly, then pointed to the southern sky.

Abduction researcher, Dr. David Jacobs, a Temple University historian, became very involved with the abduction phenomenon (one aspect associated with ET’s and UFOs). He came across many consistencies, world wide, among supposed experiencers.

“Frequently, the abductee would be given reassuring statements, such as, “You are very special to us.” Sperm would be collected from men, eggs and fetuses from women. Many female abductees reported having fertilized eggs inserted into them, while others who were already pregnant had their implanted embryo extracted. It also appeared that abductees were targeted in their childhood and mined for genetic and reproductive material throughout their lives.” – Dolan

Interesting, isn’t it? There are rumours floating around in this field suggesting that President Eisenhower had a meeting with this group of ET’s (could be more than one), and made an agreement with them, because he had no choice, and actually gave permission to the extraterrestrials to do this. But who knows if that’s true, you can read about that supposed encounter between Eisenhower and the ET’s, in more detail, here.
Related CE article dealing with abductions:

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Explains Extracting Alien-Objects Found Inside People At A Hearing On UFOs.

Concluding Comments
It’s important to remember that there may be multiple races visiting our planet, for multiple reasons. And when it comes to abductions, some of them might even be military abductions, but that’s a topic for another article.

The big picture take away from this is the fact that we are a race still in our infancy, and just as we discovered that the Earth was not flat, we are going to discover, if we haven’t already, that we’re not alone. As mentioned earlier, no aspect of life will go untouched, from science, to technology and our understanding of reality and more.

Perhaps we don’t even have the capability to understand what is going on here, but one thing is for sure, fear has been injected into the masses when it comes to the alien question. Whether this was deliberately done, who knows, but we are only now starting to ask the deeper questions that go beyond, “do UFOs exist?”
Human consciousness is changing, and information alone can change the way the collective perceives the world. That shift in perception can change the world, and who knows what type of impact that “ET” will have on mass consciousness? Based on my research and intuition, we are at a critical time in human history, and I do believe that we are being visited more frequently now, because there are many onlookers waiting to see what’s going to happen, and if we can make it out of the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.

Our world needs a big change, we need to change ourselves, and we need more love, cooperation, and understanding on this planet. My intuition tells me we are missing some very key realizations about our world, and the nature of our reality, and I believe there is a spiritual underpinning behind all of it.
If we ourselves one day to venture off this planet and become ‘extraterrestrials’ ourselves, we’ve got a long way to go, and it seems, with what we’re discovering through non-material science, human consciousness is going to play a giant role. We have been approaching space for decades, and with everything we know about the secret space program, couple with comments made from Lockheed personnel and more, we are about to join “them” out there, whoever ‘they’ are.