Planetary Transition is the Biggest Event Ever
Transition from 3D to 5D
The Anunnaki lowered the Earth’s frequency and its polarisation from positive to negative; designed for war and destruction. The more people are killed, the better the rest can be controlled and manipulated.
The debt-based money system puts people in debt and makes them debt slaves. Conspiracy theorists are classified as negative doomsayers, whereas the opposite is true, they are the real truth seekers and proclaimers.
Mankind has been deeply brainwashed into turning positive into negative. By letting the sheep live in a world of illusion. A world where democracy is proclaimed as freedom, while in reality it is dictatorship where 51% rule the other 49%. Therefore, anarchy was turned into rebellion, when in fact it is self-government!
The sooner humanity wakes up to the blatant lies and deceit, the better for everyone. Do not be timid; let it be a challenge for you to help us reach our maximum potential.
Our world is filled with a great deal of filth, lies, deceit, disinformation, distortion, fake news, half-truths, fraud, false images, deceptive mirages, propaganda and brainwashing.
In the final phase of the current 3D cycle on Earth, those who have awakened have the task of informing the human race about all criminal actions of the Deep State Cabal. And, to show the crimes committed by them against humanity, which are becoming more apparent every day.
They are serious crimes against humanity, committed by the highest Cabal echelon within the Inter Galactic Community. They operate behind the scenes on Earth and ignore all the laws of nature. Humanity must understand that these laws have been broken repeatedly, which has serious consequences…
Transition from 3D to 5D
The Anunnaki lowered the Earth’s frequency and its polarisation from positive to negative; designed for war and destruction. The more people are killed, the better the rest can be controlled and manipulated.
The debt-based money system puts people in debt and makes them debt slaves. Conspiracy theorists are classified as negative doomsayers, whereas the opposite is true, they are the real truth seekers and proclaimers.
Mankind has been deeply brainwashed into turning positive into negative. By letting the sheep live in a world of illusion. A world where democracy is proclaimed as freedom, while in reality it is dictatorship where 51% rule the other 49%. Therefore, anarchy was turned into rebellion, when in fact it is self-government!
The sooner humanity wakes up to the blatant lies and deceit, the better for everyone. Do not be timid; let it be a challenge for you to help us reach our maximum potential.
Our world is filled with a great deal of filth, lies, deceit, disinformation, distortion, fake news, half-truths, fraud, false images, deceptive mirages, propaganda and brainwashing.
In the final phase of the current 3D cycle on Earth, those who have awakened have the task of informing the human race about all criminal actions of the Deep State Cabal. And, to show the crimes committed by them against humanity, which are becoming more apparent every day.
They are serious crimes against humanity, committed by the highest Cabal echelon within the Inter Galactic Community. They operate behind the scenes on Earth and ignore all the laws of nature. Humanity must understand that these laws have been broken repeatedly, which has serious consequences…