04-21-2018, 11:34 PM
I love Richie, goodness, I've been listening to him since The People's Voice. Actually, it was then that I was introduced to him as i have followed David Icke for decades, and through this association I discovered Richie. Anyway, I do have one irritation with Richie, and he is not alone in the media of awakening. Elite! It is a term used over and over by everyone when describing those who believe they control our world. Personally, I believe in the Law of Attraction: the harmonics and vibrations of words spoken have a huge impact on our reality. To label those who believe they have control over every one else as "Elite" only elevats them above humans... you and me. I wish that Richie wouldn't do this. Those who believe they have control over the rest of us are only pond scum, wasted sperm, a degradation on humanity and should be referenced as such.