They might let you back after weeks of appeal,
but it is still the time to not be dependent.
There are a few places that host audio 'radio' shows,
I dont know much about the choices,
but I do know that I am lazy to keep up with other audio-podcasts.
As soon as you are not on 'the-one' youtube, or the 'the-only' facebook,
you are slightly over the horizon. An amazing website is necessary,
and a weekly email to get me there.
You need to make an INDEX of recent and important materials
and email that every week. I almost never listen to web radio live,
but I do sometimes catch-up, mostly I take the (youtube suggests)
and the (youtube NEW list) and the (youtube-next-video-is).
The INDEX is something that very few streamers do.
Everyone puts so much time into their own hour,
they forget that for us, it's out of sight - out of mind.
Even when advertising, they forget the INDEX nature.
You are the media channel, it's YOUR job,
but a weekly list of what I have just missed,
and a back catalogue listing of (if-you-liked-this-you-would-also-like).
Any more and I wont read it, any less loses momentum.
P.S. get people to do a search for your channel
they dont care about revenue from your channel,
but they do care about their subscription base,
and they do look at their search query logs