10-24-2020, 12:27 AM
The healthcare system isn’t interested in anything other than Covid… not even lung cancer
By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics.
A new report has shown how people with lung cancer may have been misdiagnosed as coronavirus sufferers, which is already contributing to avoidable deaths. The obsession with Covid-19 is beginning to take its toll.
The UK’s deadliest cancer, which kills around 35,300 people annually, may be in for a record-breaking year. And it is all thanks to lockdowns. As we know all too well, when it comes to cancer, early intervention is everything. With lung cancer, a delay of just 40 days to a surgery can cause a 16 percent increase in mortality, and three months can be the difference between a treatment and a death sentence. Now, a report by the UK Lung Cancer Coalition has lifted the lid on a scandal bubbling in the NHS: the appalling toll that government coronavirus rules are taking on lung cancer patients.
Lung cancer referrals fell by 75 percent in spring. At least one third of patients with lung cancer have already died since the outbreak began. And according to Professor David Baldwin, a respiratory medicine consultant, this is likely an underestimate, as “Some deaths will not have been recognised as lung cancer and may have even been labelled as Covid-19.” What this all boils down to, according to the report, is an additional 1,372 deaths due to lung cancer.
By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics.
A new report has shown how people with lung cancer may have been misdiagnosed as coronavirus sufferers, which is already contributing to avoidable deaths. The obsession with Covid-19 is beginning to take its toll.
The UK’s deadliest cancer, which kills around 35,300 people annually, may be in for a record-breaking year. And it is all thanks to lockdowns. As we know all too well, when it comes to cancer, early intervention is everything. With lung cancer, a delay of just 40 days to a surgery can cause a 16 percent increase in mortality, and three months can be the difference between a treatment and a death sentence. Now, a report by the UK Lung Cancer Coalition has lifted the lid on a scandal bubbling in the NHS: the appalling toll that government coronavirus rules are taking on lung cancer patients.
Lung cancer referrals fell by 75 percent in spring. At least one third of patients with lung cancer have already died since the outbreak began. And according to Professor David Baldwin, a respiratory medicine consultant, this is likely an underestimate, as “Some deaths will not have been recognised as lung cancer and may have even been labelled as Covid-19.” What this all boils down to, according to the report, is an additional 1,372 deaths due to lung cancer.