(01-27-2018, 07:42 PM)steveio Wrote: Hi Liz, I read 1984 in about 81/2 ish after leaving school.Little did I know I'd be nearly living it 30 odd years later. It's not my favourite book at all as it's too depressing. I really can't think of a favourite or desert island book really.
My favourite musical artist is easy. Kate Bush.. I've listened to and loved her music since I was 15. Went to see her 4 years ago in London.. best weekend ever!
Fave film is one no one seems to have ever heard of, A Month in the Country, 81/82 ish starring Kenneth Brannagh and Colin Firth before they were mega famous. I've seen it many times,, it's a work of art!
Perhaps we shoud add an art section
I know what you mean about it being depressing, but I always felt validated after reading it, It was like, finally, an expression of something I was feeling but couldn't put into words.
The same with the Matrix, it was before I had looked into anything "alternative", it was like a lightbulb moment, like the dull feeling inside me was given a narrative.
I love Kate Bush, must have been awesome to see her live. I'll check that film out also, yeah an art thread would be brilliant!
(01-27-2018, 09:50 PM)fiery_truth Wrote: Haven't really got a favourite book but I enjoy anything by Stephen King especially the Dark Tower Series.
My favourite film is The Matrix.
And my favourite song is Lateralus by Tool from the album with the same name, truly a musical masterpiece in my opinion
Hi Fiery!
I read a massive book by him but can't remember what it was called! It was about a man who had an accident and took up painting then lived by the sea? Loved it!
Gonna be honest, never heard that song, but now I will have a listen!
Matrix...it was the little speech Morpheus gave to Neo that got me! Just before the blue, red pill bit!
Oh and "there is no spoon" it took me years to actually get that properly lol