04-29-2018, 05:43 PM
(02-13-2018, 07:56 AM)Steve Wrote: Free Energy
Nikola Tesla knew about free energy in the first half of the 20th century, but The System didn’t want it –and still doesn’t.
Limitless electrical power all around us begs the question of why we rip Earth apart by digging and sucking out sources of energy like oil, coal and gas to generate electricity that we could tap into at will from universal sources. Ignorance that such power exists can be claimed by the general population, but not by those who run The System.
Nikola Tesla said in the first half of the 20th century: ‘All peoples everywhere should have free energy sources ... electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need for coal, oil and gas.’ Tesla proved the reality of free energy from an electrical Cosmos but was blocked at every turn and died virtually penniless in a New York hotel room in 1943.
Many others who have developed technology to exploit this free electrical energy source to benefit human society have also faced the wrath of the authorities. The System has an energy agenda that includes keeping the population in servitude to power bills.
Machines that produce free energy
Free energy download
Edition 251 Free Energy ' The Unexplained ' podcast with Howard Hughes
It is not jus an energy agenda but an idea agenda.
If the inventor/s shared their ideas for free instead of trying to stop people making it for themselves and applying for a patent to prevent them, then nothing will ever be free.
To apply/application, means to beg for something from someone, so if you apply for a patent you are in effect begging the system to control your invention and withold it from those who it might benefit from it.
Togetherness for the whole means just that, everything we are could be for free to those who want to ease their lives with useful technology, not be controlled by it.
A free world does not need money or laws outside others doing what is right and just, then we would truly flourish as a species, as nature has done for thousands of years for free.
As we are; not enough of us have this kind of mind set, but we could fairly quickly if we truly wanted.