The whole contempt of court business is entirely trumped up. Not only have the mainstream media openly harassed defendants during sex abuse trials, most notably that of Rolf Harris, but Tommy Robinson did not reveal any information or images of people not already in the public domain. His actions could only have incited a few bystanders who were probably friends and relatives in the extended local Pakistani community, who tend to stick together and be much better organised than the local indigenous English, Irish, Welsh or Scottish communities. The real risk of mistrial comes from elite attempts to sweep the scale of grooming gangs under the carpet to further their aims to undermine cohesive communities and traditional support structures everywhere and thus empower the forces of surveillance and social control.
Like you I'm not a huge fan of Tommy Robinson's attention-seeking antics, not least his unconditional support for the State of Israel and for British military adventurism. I've never heard him once discuss US/UK/Israeli destabilisation of the Middle East and covert support for the very Islamic extremists he claims to oppose.
However, I fully support his right to speak truth to power and the same goes for Alison Chabloz. I need not agree with everything she has ever said to support her freedom of expression. Make no mistake, the state is biased in this case, but they have unwittingly made a hero out of Zionist Tommy.
Like you I'm not a huge fan of Tommy Robinson's attention-seeking antics, not least his unconditional support for the State of Israel and for British military adventurism. I've never heard him once discuss US/UK/Israeli destabilisation of the Middle East and covert support for the very Islamic extremists he claims to oppose.
However, I fully support his right to speak truth to power and the same goes for Alison Chabloz. I need not agree with everything she has ever said to support her freedom of expression. Make no mistake, the state is biased in this case, but they have unwittingly made a hero out of Zionist Tommy.