I received a letter from Npower "We're changing over to Smart meters" in early December 2016, complete with enclosed "information leaflet". This was my reply:
""Following receipt of your letter dated 28/11/16 outlining Npower's plans for switching to Smart Meters, I have carefully read everything in the letter and accompanying information leaflet but I cannot find any advice for those customers (such as myself!) who want to OPT OUT of having any smart meters installed in their homes.
My consumption of both gas and electricity is at the lower, certainly below average end of the spectrum and I don't need any "smart" devices or persons "tracking" my energy usage - I am perfectly capable (and happy) to do that for myself. I believe (possibly like many other customers) that I should be able to exercise my right to choose NOT to have smart meters installed in my property. I don't think they're necessary as I give regular meter readings by email and phone, which I'm happy to continue doing. I hardly ever receive an estimated bill, and in the rare instance when I do, it's never more than a few pounds away from the actual meter reading - because my energy usage is quite predictable and I don't need a Smart Meter to help me keep track of things.""
... To cut to the chase, nearly 14 months later, I've not heard anymore from Npower about Smart Meters being installed. The more people refuse them, the more it puts a spanner in the works of the agenda.
Just to add to my previous post about Smart Meters, for anyone wanting more information about the dangers they pose, please seek out the following website:
It is a fantastic resource of information about the dangers of vaccinations, GMOs, emf/rf microwave radiation, wi-fi and, of course, smart meters. It’s a free subscription with daily email alerts to meticulously researched and referenced articles by investigative journalists and activists of the calibre of Jon Rappaport, Brandon Turberville, Heather Callaghan, Daisy Luther, Alex Peitrowski and a wonderful campaigner called Catherine J. Frompovich. This lady is a retired natural nutritionist with advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher for over 35 years. Her books include “Vaccination Voodoo – what YOU don’t know about vaccines” (published in 2013) and “Our Chemical Lives and the Hijacking of our DNA: a probe into what’s probably making us sick”.
There's also information on the Natural Blaze site about the upcoming "Truth about Vaccines" free online 7-part documentary series which starts tomorrow night (26/1/18). Register to watch it for free at: https://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/ Please forward the link to family/friends who you know need this information.
""Following receipt of your letter dated 28/11/16 outlining Npower's plans for switching to Smart Meters, I have carefully read everything in the letter and accompanying information leaflet but I cannot find any advice for those customers (such as myself!) who want to OPT OUT of having any smart meters installed in their homes.
My consumption of both gas and electricity is at the lower, certainly below average end of the spectrum and I don't need any "smart" devices or persons "tracking" my energy usage - I am perfectly capable (and happy) to do that for myself. I believe (possibly like many other customers) that I should be able to exercise my right to choose NOT to have smart meters installed in my property. I don't think they're necessary as I give regular meter readings by email and phone, which I'm happy to continue doing. I hardly ever receive an estimated bill, and in the rare instance when I do, it's never more than a few pounds away from the actual meter reading - because my energy usage is quite predictable and I don't need a Smart Meter to help me keep track of things.""
... To cut to the chase, nearly 14 months later, I've not heard anymore from Npower about Smart Meters being installed. The more people refuse them, the more it puts a spanner in the works of the agenda.
Just to add to my previous post about Smart Meters, for anyone wanting more information about the dangers they pose, please seek out the following website:
It is a fantastic resource of information about the dangers of vaccinations, GMOs, emf/rf microwave radiation, wi-fi and, of course, smart meters. It’s a free subscription with daily email alerts to meticulously researched and referenced articles by investigative journalists and activists of the calibre of Jon Rappaport, Brandon Turberville, Heather Callaghan, Daisy Luther, Alex Peitrowski and a wonderful campaigner called Catherine J. Frompovich. This lady is a retired natural nutritionist with advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher for over 35 years. Her books include “Vaccination Voodoo – what YOU don’t know about vaccines” (published in 2013) and “Our Chemical Lives and the Hijacking of our DNA: a probe into what’s probably making us sick”.
There's also information on the Natural Blaze site about the upcoming "Truth about Vaccines" free online 7-part documentary series which starts tomorrow night (26/1/18). Register to watch it for free at: https://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/ Please forward the link to family/friends who you know need this information.