07-29-2023, 08:27 PM
Telegram - https://t.me/NESARA_GESARA_QFS/6396
Liquidity & Credit Crisis
Banks, online payment systems suffer a Huge Outage
Saturday Europe, US Banks, online payment systems suffer an outage spreading worldwide.
Talks of a Liquidity and credit crisis happening will spread rapidly.
Sunday Money from banks fail. Bank run posts on T, FB banned.
Sunday night Euro banks suffer liquidity, fail critical margin levels.
Australia Banks: CommBank, ANZ, Westpac, NAB
Monday Liquidity crisis contagion spreads to US. Financial sector instruments blow up.
BOA, JP M, G Sachs, + rumoured insolvent. Stocks drop 20%, halted.
Tether, other stable coins fail, causes other cryptos to crash.
Tuesday Stocks drops another 20%, halted. Eurozone total melt. Hedge F’s collapse.
Bank deposits bailed, most lose all money. Social protests erupt.
Banks: stuck w meme stock shorts in trillions, fail critical margin levels.
DTCC forced to cover shorts. DTCC insurance policy fails.
Insurers never had $. Fed R stuck with bag.
Wed. Stock market drops another 20%, halted. Subprime hits, housing crash by 50%+.
Meme stock, silver, gold, commodity trading is frozen and halted, will make problem worse.
Dollar insolvency is all over international news, while silver and gold skyrocket.
U.S bonds will be dumped sending interest rates into stratosphere.
Mainstream media will now blare Great Depression 2.0 and collapse is here.
Thurs. U.S. government begins to collapse. Pressure on current Admin to resign.
Stock market drops more for total of 85-96% since Monday.
Grocery stores empty, as supply chains completely break down.
Coup rumours against U.S. govt. begin on social media and gain public approval.
Massive protests against government, wall street, and banks erupt.
Police deployed, unsuccessful attempt to brutally suppress protests.
Friday Voter fraud data dump reveals 40 years of stolen elections.
Government figures go into hiding. Meme stock and silver/commodities shorts.
Dollar declared non-grata in most countries. BRICS picks up steam to replace dollar.
Legislation fast tracked to convert dollar debt to other fiat to prevent total credit freeze.
Liquidity & Credit Crisis
Banks, online payment systems suffer a Huge Outage
Saturday Europe, US Banks, online payment systems suffer an outage spreading worldwide.
Talks of a Liquidity and credit crisis happening will spread rapidly.
Sunday Money from banks fail. Bank run posts on T, FB banned.
Sunday night Euro banks suffer liquidity, fail critical margin levels.
Australia Banks: CommBank, ANZ, Westpac, NAB
Monday Liquidity crisis contagion spreads to US. Financial sector instruments blow up.
BOA, JP M, G Sachs, + rumoured insolvent. Stocks drop 20%, halted.
Tether, other stable coins fail, causes other cryptos to crash.
Tuesday Stocks drops another 20%, halted. Eurozone total melt. Hedge F’s collapse.
Bank deposits bailed, most lose all money. Social protests erupt.
Banks: stuck w meme stock shorts in trillions, fail critical margin levels.
DTCC forced to cover shorts. DTCC insurance policy fails.
Insurers never had $. Fed R stuck with bag.
Wed. Stock market drops another 20%, halted. Subprime hits, housing crash by 50%+.
Meme stock, silver, gold, commodity trading is frozen and halted, will make problem worse.
Dollar insolvency is all over international news, while silver and gold skyrocket.
U.S bonds will be dumped sending interest rates into stratosphere.
Mainstream media will now blare Great Depression 2.0 and collapse is here.
Thurs. U.S. government begins to collapse. Pressure on current Admin to resign.
Stock market drops more for total of 85-96% since Monday.
Grocery stores empty, as supply chains completely break down.
Coup rumours against U.S. govt. begin on social media and gain public approval.
Massive protests against government, wall street, and banks erupt.
Police deployed, unsuccessful attempt to brutally suppress protests.
Friday Voter fraud data dump reveals 40 years of stolen elections.
Government figures go into hiding. Meme stock and silver/commodities shorts.
Dollar declared non-grata in most countries. BRICS picks up steam to replace dollar.
Legislation fast tracked to convert dollar debt to other fiat to prevent total credit freeze.