I write the following response to Wednesday's radio show including guest Mr Kitson and what was discussed and I call the term as The effects of sience upon society.
The first thing I will cover is the loss of our daytime and night time flying insects.
Those who are old enough to remember can correlate to what has happened to our insect population right across the country and the rest of Europe in Gereral, especially where modern farming has evolved, the decline began when new EU stipulations for clean grain crops were put in place, IE, the level of weed seed contaminants allowed within crops yields,
These regulations were steadily tightened gradually year on year which culminated in the crops being sprayed with ever increasing amounts in order of achieving the levels set by big farmer corporations, if the farmers never met the levels they were punished by receiving less for their grain yields or charged for filtering out the weed seeds, this I was once a part of and actually witneesed the loss of our flora and fauna in my younger years.
One of the main reasons why insects have declined in numbers is by and large due to modern farming methods and the wide use of lethal pesticides, the same pesticides that are already linked to many types of cancer we are suffering due to being in our food stuffs.
I can remember when I was a keen motorcyclist travelling an average of ten thousand miles a year or more back in the mid seventies where one would be covered in dead insects in the more rural areas, but less so in the mono crop areas where big farma was extant.
The other scenario that needs to be addressed is at what time of year we travel, because during the autumn and winter months almost all insects die off, together with birds natural ability to survive the winter.
Also many species of birds we see during spring and summer migrate in the autumn thus are not seen in the winter time in Northen regions,
Wild birds actually suffered their greatest decline due to millions of miles of hedge rows that were removed and together with the aforementioned modern farming methods which killed off their natural foods as insects . The smaller birds were and still are at a disadvantage due to modern housing building echniques that prevents them from gaining access to make their nest.
Another misconception where insects are concerned is honey bees,
I am a beekeeper of over a decade and can say with surity that it is not the honey bee that is suffering due to the use of modern chemicals, or telecommunications.
Most bee keepers treat their hives with a plethora of chemicals to ward off the honey bees greatest enemy known as the, Varroa Destructor, a tiny mite that carries a line of viruses that can and do kill entire colonies by weakening their overall well being and preventing them from raising enough brood or young bees in time to fill their supers or stores with enough food for the winter season.
The insects that are at greatest risk are the wild bees or bumble bees and other important pollinators which have no natural built up immunity to the agri chemicals like the honey bee has, which are normally out doing their jobs in the feilds and countryside at the same time the farmers are spraying their crops.
This also effects any commercial honey bee colonies that the bee keepers takes to the crops like oilseed rape and many more honey and pollen producing crops that can bring in honey bounties.
The insect declines began taking shape over 30 years ago not just yesterday and has little to no bearing on what 5G or any other G is doing, we have been blasted with much higher levels of electrosmog for decades, from the like of TV and radio with little to no effect in those parameters.
Now I would like to talk about artificial light, as a species we evolved to live with nature and absorb the suns energy through the day and then rest at night.
The factor we might look at here is what is known as Crytochrome or the natural blue light spectrum, here is our natural energy working tirelessly where all plant life depends upon it and birds also use for navigation. There is a huge body of peer reviewed data or science on this subject on the internet.
Any kind of artificial light in nature is detrimental to the well being of that nature, especially unsheilded direct light like LED's which will only add to what came before, it is also many times brighter than the natural crypto chromatic light that is variable under normal daylight weather conditions, artificial light is constant and not found in true nature, or at night normally.
Now let's look at the study done by Exeter university, and you will see that was a study of what was done originally by the Spanish and was basically done by questionnaire and not a peer reviewed study.
If richie or Mr Kitson would like to talk to me about this and or any related issue I would be willing to do so.
Hope that helps.