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Coronavirus is the New ‘Terrorism’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed the next multi-trillion dollar "coronavirus relief” spending bill that will support testing, tracing, treatment, isolation, and mask policies that have been part of a “national strategic plan” she has been advocating. The Trump administration is not opposing Pelosi’s plan on principle. Instead, it is haggling over the price.

But, even if the strategic plan could be implemented at little or no monetary cost, it would still impose an unacceptable cost in lost liberty.

Pelosi’s plan will lead to either a federal mask mandate or federal funding of state and local mask mandate enforcement. Those who resist wearing masks could likely be reported to the authorities by government-funded mask monitors. We can label this the “Stasi” approach to health policy, after the infamous East German secret police force.

Contact tracing could lead to forcing individuals to download a tracing app. The app would record where an individual goes and alert authorities that an individual has been near someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.

The strategic plan could eventually include Bill Gates' and Anthony Fauci’s suggestion that individuals receive “digital certificates” indicating they are vaccinated for or immune to coronavirus. A certificate would be required before an individual can go to work, to school, or even to the grocery store. The need to demonstrate vaccination for or immunity to coronavirus in order to resume normal life would cause many people to “voluntarily” receive a potentially dangerous coronavirus vaccine.

The Trump administration has already spent billions of dollars to support efforts of companies to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Policymakers have stated that once a vaccine is developed it will be rushed into production and onto the market. Supporters of expediting production and use of a vaccine should remember the 1976 swine flu vaccine debacle. The swine flu vaccine was rushed into production in response to political pressure to “do something.” The result was a vaccine that was more of a danger than the flu.

Unfortunately, those who raise legitimate concerns regarding the safety of vaccines are smeared as “conspiracy theorists.” This is the equivalent of stating that anyone who dares criticize our interventionist foreign policy “hates freedom” and is probably a “terrorist sympathizer.”

The coronavirus panic has given new life to the push for a unique patient identifier. The unique patient identifier was authorized in 1996, but appropriations bills since 1998 have contained a provision forbidding the federal government from developing and implementing the identifier. Unfortunately, two weeks ago, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the ban. The unique patient identifier would aid government efforts to track and vaccinate every American, as well as to infringe in other ways on liberty in the name of “health.”

Politicians and bureaucrats cannot eliminate a virus any more than they can eliminate terrorism. What they can do is use terrorism, a virus, and other real, exaggerated, or manufactured crises to expand their power at the expense of our liberty.

Politicians will never resist the temptation to use crises as excuses to gain more power. Therefore, it is up to those of us who know the truth to spread the message of liberty and grow the liberty movement, A strong liberty movement is the only thing that can force the politicians to stop stealing our liberty while promising phantom security from terrorists and viruses.

Copyright © 2020 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given
Invasion of the New Normals

They’re here! No, not the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We’re not being colonized by giant alien fruit. I’m afraid it is a little more serious than that. People’s minds are being taken over by a much more destructive and less otherworldly force … a force that transforms them overnight into aggressively paranoid, order-following, propaganda-parroting totalitarians.
You know the people I’m talking about. Some of them are probably your friends and family, people you have known for years, and who had always seemed completely rational, but who are now convinced that we need to radically alter the fabric of human society to protect ourselves from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms at all) in over 95% of those infected, and that over 99.6% survive, which, it goes without saying, is totally insane.
I’ve been calling them “corona-totalitarians,” but I’m going to call them the “New Normals” from now on, as that more accurately evokes the pathologized-totalitarian ideology they are systematically spreading. At this point, I think it is important to do that, because, clearly, their ideological program has nothing to do with any actual virus, or any other actual public health threat.
As is glaringly obvious to anyone whose mind has not been taken over yet, the “apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic” was always just a Trojan horse, a means of introducing the “New Normal,” which they’ve been doing since the very beginning.
The official propaganda started in March, and it reached full intensity in early April. Suddenly, references to the “New Normal” were everywhere, not only in the leading corporate media (e.g., CNNNPRCNBCThe New York TimesThe GuardianThe AtlanticForbes, et al.)the IMF and the World Bank Group, the WEFUNWHOCDC (and the list goes on), but also on the blogs of athletic organizationsglobal management consulting firmscharter school websites, and random YouTube videos.
The slogan has been relentlessly repeated (in a textbook totalitarian “big lie” fashion) for going on the past six months. We have heard it repeated so many times that many of us have forgotten how insane it is, the idea that the fundamental structure of society needs to be drastically and irrevocably altered on account of a virus that poses no threat to the vast majority of the human species.
And, make no mistake, that is exactly what the “New Normal” movement intends to do. “New Normalism” is a classic totalitarian movement (albeit with a pathological twist), and it is the goal of every totalitarian movement to radically, utterly transform society, to remake the world in its monstrous image.
That is what totalitarianism is, this desire to establish complete control over everything and everyone, every thought, emotion, and human interaction. The character of its ideology changes (i.e., Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc.), but this desire for complete control over people, over society, and ultimately life itself, is the essence of totalitarianism … and what has taken over the minds of the New Normals.
In the New Normal society they want to establish, as in every totalitarian society, fear and conformity will be pervasive. Their ideology is a pathologized ideology (as opposed to, say, the racialized ideology of the Nazis), so its symbology will be pathological. Fear of disease, infection, and death, and obsessive attention to matters of health will dominate every aspect of life. Paranoid propaganda and ideological conditioning will be ubiquitous and constant.
Everyone will be forced to wear medical masks to maintain a constant level of fear and an omnipresent atmosphere of sickness and death, as if the world were one big infectious disease ward. Everyone will wear these masks at all times, at work, at home, in their cars, everywhere. Anyone who fails or refuses to do so will be deemed “a threat to public health,” and beaten and arrested by the police or the military, or swarmed by mobs of New Normal vigilantes.
Cities, regions, and entire countries will be subjected to random police-state lockdowns, which will be justified by the threat of “infection.” People will be confined to their homes for up to 23-hours a day, and allowed out only for “essential reasons.” Police and soldiers will patrol the streets, stopping people, checking their papers, and beating and arresting anyone out in public without the proper documents, or walking or standing too close to other people, like they are doing in Melbourne, Australia, currently.
The threat of “infection” will be used to justify increasingly insane and authoritarian edicts, compulsory demonstration-of-fealty rituals, and eventually the elimination of all forms of dissent. Just as the Nazis believed they were waging a war against the “subhuman races,” the New Normals will be waging a war on “disease,” and on anyone who “endangers the public health” by challenging their ideological narrative.
Like every other totalitarian movement, in the end, they will do whatever is necessary to purify society of “degenerate influences” (i.e., anyone who questions or disagrees with them, or who refuses to obey their every command).
They are already aggressively censoring the Internet and banning their opponents’ political protests, and political leaders and the corporate media are systematically stigmatizing those of us who dare to challenge their official narrative as “extremists,” “Nazis,” “conspiracy theorists,” “covidiots,” “coronavirus deniers,” “anti-vaxxers,” and “esoteric” freaks. One German official even went so far as to demand that dissidents be deported … presumably on trains to somewhere in the East.
Despite this increasing totalitarianization and pathologization of virtually everything, the New Normals will carry on with their lives as if everything were … well, completely normal. They will go out to restaurants and the movies in their masks. They will work, eat, and sleep in their masks. Families will go on holiday in their masks, or in their “Personal Protective Upper-Body Bubble-Wear.”
They will arrive at the airport eight hours early, stand in their little color-coded boxes, and then follow the arrows on the floor to the “health officials” in the hazmat suits, who will take their temperature through their foreheads and shove ten-inch swabs into their sinus cavities. Parents who wish to forego this experience will have the option to preventatively vaccinate themselves and their children with the latest experimental vaccine (after signing a liability waiver, of course) within a week or so before their flights, and then present the officials with proof of vaccination (and of their compliance with various other “health guidelines”) on their digital Identity and Public Health Passports, or subdermal biometric chips.
Children, as always, will suffer the worst of it. They will be terrorized and confused from the moment they are born, by their parents, their teachers, and by the society at large. They will be subjected to ideological conditioning and paranoid behavioral modification at every stage of their socialization … with fanciful reusable corporate plague masks branded with loveable cartoon charactersparanoia-inducing picture books for toddlers, and paranoid “social distancing” rituals, among other forms of psychological torture.
This conditioning (or torture) will take place at home, as there will be no more schools, or rather, no public schools. The children of the wealthy will attend private schools, where they can be cost-effectively “socially-distanced.” Working class children will sit at home, alone, staring into screens, wearing their masks, their hyperactivity and anxiety disorders stabilized with anti-depressant medications.
And so on … I think you get the picture. I hope so, because I don’t have the heart to go on.
I pray this glimpse into the New Normal future has terrified and angered you enough to rise up against it before it is too late. This isn’t a joke, folks. The New Normals are serious. If you cannot see where their movement is headed, you do not understand totalitarianism. Once it starts, and reaches this stage, it does not stop, not without a fight. It continues to its logical conclusion.
The way that usually happens is, people tell themselves it isn’t happening, it can’t be happening, not to us. They tell themselves this as the totalitarian program is implemented, step by step, one seemingly harmless step at a time. They conform, because, at first, the stakes aren’t so high, and their conformity leads to more conformity, and the next thing they know they’re telling their grandchildren that they had no idea where the trains were going.
If you have made it through to the end of this essay, your mind hasn’t been taken over yet … the New Normals clicked off around paragraph 2.
What that means is that it is your responsibility to speak up, and to do whatever else you can, to stop the New Normal future from becoming a reality. You will not be rewarded for it. You will be ridiculed and castigated for it. Your New Normal friends will hate you for it. Your New Normal family will forsake you for it. The New Normal police might arrest you for it. It is your responsibility to do it anyway … as, of course, it is also mine.
Good Bye Germ Theory - Ending a Century of Medical Fraud - (audiobook)

Debunking the Coronavirus/Covid-19 scam -
Government quietly drops 1.3m Covid tests from England tally
Summer flu is now more deadly than alleged ‘Covid’ and yet new ‘Covid’ lockdowns are being imposed. Is the penny dropping yet for even ‘Yessir’ minds?
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines – Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

Having received this essential anonymous post on the true nature of viruses and virology by email, I feel compelled to re-post it on this blog, given that it nails to the mast the fraudulent claims being used to justify the indefensible.
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious
This post intends to go to the heart of virology and vaccination itself and what vaccination is propped up by – the entirety of virology and vaccine science is predicated on one thing—that viruses are infectious agents that cause disease.
Without this theory, vaccines would not be ‘effective’ or ‘work’ in the minds of the people.
Without the virus theory, vaccines would crumble like a house of cards.
This article will show the pseudoscience behind the theories that prop up virology and the vast problems with it.
Viruses Are Not Living Organisms
Firstly, viruses are not living organisms or living microbes.
They do not have a respiratory system, nor do they have a nucleus or digestive system.
Viruses are not alive and viruses are not contagious.
The fear behind Coronavirus, for instance, is wholly unwarranted.
Forget everything you think you know about viruses and bacteria. You have been lied to.
The science of virology is based upon the study of viruses. However, no real footage of viral activity exists (except for a recently released (2018) short footage of an HIV virus which shows merely 20% of the virus theory process). Such footage is merely 3D animation and models.
Scientific Encyclopedia states viruses have been obtained for experimentation by means of extremely powerful centrifuges which must be specially built.
Viruses are so small that they average around 0.1 microns in size for a typical virus.
Observation Of Viruses Is Inherently Flawed
Viruses are observed in cell cultures/petri-dish environments.
Cell cultures are grown in controlled conditions outside their natural environment, wherein cells are artificially kept alive by fluids that are toxic and do damage to cellular activity.
In such a sterile environment, cells cannot utilize the full range of their normal cleansing methods as they would in the human body.
Those processes are:
Quote:Phagocytosis (and all of its processes)
Viral (virus)
In the processes of phagocytosis, cellular debris and dead and dying tissue are absorbed and discarded for elimination out of the body.
It is bacteria that first and foremost carry out this process in large part—mainly as scavengers.
Fungus and parasites are called upon as needed in special cases, and in this process, small amounts of viruses may be utilized to accompany all other processes.
All of these processes are alive, but viruses are not alive.
In such an artificial environment wherein cells are kept alive but not healthy by serums, cells will degenerate, and their viral janitors will become prominent.
Viruses do not multiply on their own. When added to fertile petri-dishes that sustain cellular life, no additional viral protein structures appear.
Only when cells are added is there multiplication of viral protein structures. However, this is because petri-dishes are not the proper or healthy environment for cells, and so viral waste occurs.
This is because cells must manufacture viruses to cleanse themselves in such a toxic environment since they do not have access to the full range of their cleansing processes as would occur in the body. I will show why—
Note: Viruses are necessary to dissolve dead and dying tissue when tissue is so toxic that living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate those tissues, waste, and cellular debris without being poisoned to death.
When Would Viral Activity Become Prominent?
As stated, viruses may accompany these processes in small amounts. However, viruses will only become prominent when all these other processes have been largely killed due to:
Quote:Environmental toxicity
Chemical inundation
Poor air quality
Poor water quality
Poor food quality
Nutritional deficiencies
Wrong combination or choice of foods
Medical treatment, such as antibiotics and medications
When a body has a high degree of toxicity, bacteria feeding upon that toxic dead matter and tissue will be poisoned to death.
When the body is at such a point of systemic toxicity, where bacterial levels and all living microbes in the body have been diminished or killed due to the above reasons, the body will call upon the help of viruses to help cleanse itself.
When the body cannot utilize milder methods, such as a cold (usually bacterial), it will utilize the help of non-living protein solvents which are known as viruses. I will show why this is the only logical answer.
Viruses help consume and eliminate substances into small particles that can then be expelled via mucous membranes, out through the skin, or through the intestinal tract.
Cells produce viruses when their tissues are so toxic that phagocytes, parasites, bacteria, and fungi cannot help cleanse, repair and regenerate their tissues and fluids.
Science states, incorrectly without proof, that viruses originate outside the body, then ‘hijack’ the RNA or DNA of the cell, and then replicate whilst attacking cells indiscriminately.
If this were true, viruses would replicate endlessly, eventually attacking all healthy cells, but they do not.
We know that antibodies, a type of white blood cell, regulates the virus.
There exists no video evidence of viruses hijacking cells, except for 3D renders, and animations based on theory.
The True Creation of Viruses (simplistic view)
Science falsely claims that viruses replicate themselves. In reality, it is the cell itself that is producing the virus.
Notice how viruses are manufactured by a healthy cell but do not destroy it.
RNA and/or DNA is given by the host cell to dissolve specific substances within the body. If this were not the case, the virus would destroy the cell which created it, but it does not.
The virus is ejected, damaging part of the cell, but not destroying it completely. The cell is then able to repair itself in time.
Cells conspire as one unit to cleanse themselves and their surroundings so that new cellular activity can thrive.
Large amounts of viral activity are present when the body is unable to use milder living microbial detoxification methods to cleanse itself due to systemic toxicity of tissues that poison living microbes.
Steps for Creation of a Virus
[li]Viral proteins part of the genome of the living body existing in every cell which determines what type of proteins will be created by a cell is called into action.[/li]
[li]Viral proteins existing in the cell enter the nucleus of the cell. Viruses are manufactured in their whole form within the cell, and sequenced/encoded via RNA/DNA host directives.[/li]
[li]The virus leaves the nucleus and is housed in the cell until it leaves the cell.[/li]
[li]The virus is ejected by the cell, damaging a part of the cell, but not destroying it.[/li]
[li]Viruses change every 72 hours.[/li]
Virus replication continues and every 72 hours the first strain is exhausted and an entirely new set of viruses is then manufactured by cells to continue the job of the previous, until the process is complete.
How Viruses are Manufactured | The True Processes of the Virus
Viruses do not infect healthy stable cells. They dissolve dead and decaying cells and tissue, dissolving them so that new cellular activity can thrive.
A good analogy:
Quote:Flies appear on dead matter but are not the cause of the dead matter. They are scavengers that break down dead matter. In this way, viruses and bacteria operate in the same exact manner within the body. Without scavengers on Earth to clean up waste, Earth’s air would become toxic. The same processes are carried out in the body on a microscopic macro level.
Science states the opposite of what reality dictates to us through our own observation of nature. This is impossible because our bodies are microcosms for the way nature operates outside our bodies. Assuming the opposite of this goes against our observable nature and is foolish.
As stated, when the normal janitorial functions of the body have been largely diminished and killed due to systemic toxicity, cells can no longer maintain themselves. Red blood cells come together as a whole unit to save themselves and conspire to cleanse themselves by manufacturing solvent protein constructs (virus) that disassemble and break down dead and dying cells, cellular waste, tissue, and foreign debris.
Cells manufacture viruses in their whole form cellularly. In this process, viruses are manufactured directly within the cell using pre-existing viral protein in the cell and genome, and are embedded/encoded with RNA and/or DNA by the host cell.
The cell ejects the virus, which is then regulated by white blood cells through that encoding (antibodies), which oversee the processes of the virus. This allows the viral activity to be controlled and regulated properly.
These two functions are united as one process, and they do not act separately. Once the cell ejects this virus, the cell is partially damaged but is not destroyed. The viruses, which are many, consume and dissolve dead, dying and foreign tissue, debris, unhealthy cells, and cellular waste.
This process takes time depending on the toxicity involved. The effects of their elimination are the symptoms experienced in cold or flu. Viruses break these substances down into tiny particles that can then be expelled via mucous, skin, and bowels.
When the process is complete, the body becomes stronger, so long as that person does not continue to toxify his or her body further. If he or she does, such extreme detoxifications will always occur.
Viral Facts
Quote:Viruses cannot enter through the skin or eyes. Such vectors do not work because the mucus membranes and the immune system discard small amounts of foreign proteins such as viruses.
Viruses cannot enter through wounds because we bleed outwardly, not inwardly.
Viruses do not ‘exist’ outside of petri-dish solutions or a living body.
Viruses cannot function without a host cell that manufactures them and encodes them, and viruses cannot replicate without a host cell.
Viruses do not ‘infect’ or ‘invade’ cells. They are not alive to do so in the first place.
Viruses almost never dissolve living tissue, unless in specific circumstances such as polio and degenerative nervous system diseases where metal toxicity is present.
Viruses’ primary function is to dissolve dead matter.
Cells produce different viral strains depending on the condition of the tissue involved.
There are 320,000 viral strains inherent to the human body, and each cell contains the viral protein makeup to manufacture each strain when the body calls for it.
Viruses are sequenced/encoded by blood cells via RNA/DNA to break down specific dead and dying tissue and waste.
Viruses are very specific protein structures.
Coughing, sneezing, and spitting is not a vector for the transmission of viruses. Saliva and mucus membranes break down any such particles.
Skin is not a vector either because viruses cannot cross dead skin layers.
Viruses are a result of internal toxicity caused by the environment.
Viruses are cyclical in animals.
Viruses feed upon waste products in the blood and tissue.
The only way to get a virus outside of natural means is via direct injection (vaccine) or blood transfusions of a patient who has a virus. However, in such cases, the body only analyzes it as foreign tissue that must be eliminated.
Since the virus did not originate within the bodily host, that body does not know the time and place that the virus will be active nor does it have the key to decode it (RNA or DNA encoded by the cell) and cannot find the time of its activity.
As such, it is analyzed as a foreign substance that must be eliminated. Protein solvents (viruses) are manufactured of varying strengths to discard this waste if living microbes cannot eliminate it.
Throughout the year, upon season and climatic/temperature changes, the body will dump mass amounts of toxins into the blood for removal. Some of these toxins are so toxic in nature, such as mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemical byproducts, that living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate them without dying.
Non-living proteins are then manufactured by each cell in the corresponding location of the body where this cleansing is necessary. Those toxic substances are disassembled and broken down by viruses so that the body can eliminate them, restoring homeostasis.
The only way viruses can be used as biological weapons is via injection, period. It is possible that such manmade viral strains are included in regular existing vaccines, and this should not be ruled out as a possibility, but as previously stated, viral strains from outside the body are not recognized.
However, man-made substances that are injected can be designed to provoke extreme reactions in humans via various levels of tissue sterilization and adjuvants.
Viruses cannot cross-species ie; from animal to mankind. It is impossible for humans to develop animal flus—A. Because viruses are not contagious, and, B. Because animal RNA/DNA is not compatible with human RNA/DNA.
The only way animal tissue can be observed in the blood is through injection of animal tissues, which make their way to the blood, bypassing the digestive tract. Only then will swine tissue, or bird tissue, or any such animal tissue appear in the body.
When animal meat is consumed by a human, it is converted into human tissue. Human cells cannot produce animal cells or viruses. If we develop viruses, they are human viruses. Even if animal viruses ‘hijacked’ human cells, human cells cannot possibly produce animal viruses
Coronavirus is a respiratory virus manufactured by cells in the lungs and respiratory areas to cleanse themselves of systemic toxicity.
Such a cold virus occurs and functions in the following way:
Quote:Chemically toxic substances from the air are breathed into the lungs and respiratory system>Toxic particles land onto the surface of the lungs and the fluid-filled sacs in the lungs (alveoli) where they cannot be dislodged or dissolved by living microbes because of their toxicity and nature>Specific non-living protein solvent structures (virus) are then manufactured by cells in the respiratory system to disassemble and break down these substances in the lungs>Mild flu-like symptoms usually result, including coughing and fever, which initiates the cleansing and healing process.
Coughing brings blood and nutrients to the respiratory system. The symptoms associated with their removal are what occurs during SARS. Such airborne toxic substances are caused by burning plastics, formaldehyde, and factory tainted air, which encompasses a wide array of very toxic byproducts.
Older individuals with already weakened immune systems are prone to more advanced respiratory virus detoxifications and will account for most deaths. This illness may crop up in millions due to dense populations like in China breathing in such air on a daily basis. This does not mean it is contagious—it’s not.
The 4 Main Steps For Coronavirus Creation
Quote:1. Chemically toxic substances from the air are breathed into the lungs and respiratory system.
2. Toxic particles land onto the surface of the lungs and the fluid-filled sacs in the lungs (alveoli), where they cannot be dislodged or dissolved by living microbes because of their toxicity and nature.
3. Specific non-living protein solvent structures (virus) are then manufactured by cells in the respiratory system to disassemble and break down these substances in the lungs.
4. Mild flu-like symptoms usually result, including coughing and fever, which initiate the cleansing and healing process.
Why Viruses Arise In The Body
As previously stated, the processes of phagocytosis, fungal, parasitical, and bacterial, which are all living microbes, are responsible for consuming and eliminating dead cells, cellular waste, and foreign debris. But when tissue is so toxic that those living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate those substances without being poisoned to death, cells will conspire to cleanse themselves by manufacturing specific non-living solvents know as viruses, which break down and disassemble those substances into particles to be expelled out through the skin, mucus, and bowels.
Viruses leave the cell, damaging only a part of the cell, but not destroying it. Once out of the cell, they are regulated by white blood cell antibodies to dissolve specific tissues and debris necessary to restore relative homeostasis.
Viruses do not destroy the cell wherein they are replicated, yet science states they infect other cells and DO destroy other cells indiscriminately, which has no proof and makes no logical sense. Such a theory is obviously untrue because then viruses would attack every living cell without a cause, killing the body every time, but this does not happen. Viruses only dissolve dead and dying waste in almost all circumstances.
The only time a virus would appear to attack living tissue is when metals are embedded in the tissue, such as polio cases, where viruses have to get into spinal column areas and cleanse tissue. Since metal is hard to remove from the body, it is natural for viruses to break down living tissue to remove those metals, which gives the illusion that the virus is somehow working against the body. In reality, the virus is attempting to heal the systemic toxicity of the body and reverse it.
There is no other explanation for how the human body maintains itself. It is the only logical answer. The truth has been hidden by science for almost 200 years, yet was revealed long ago in the 1800s by scientists such as Antoine Béchamp, who documented in his own experiments that viruses are terrain dependent, non-living agents that break down waste matter, that they come from within, not from without.
Viruses are nothing more than proteins that cleanse. The same is true about cancer. Cancer is another way the body tries to heal itself, by cocooning dead cells in a tumor in which the body is incapable of removing properly so that it can dissolve and cleanse those cells from the body at a later time. The body is miraculous and finds ways to heal no matter the circumstances. It has ways of short-circuiting and short-cutting pathways in times of trouble.
It is sad that modern science has led so many astray in their thinking with regard to their own bodies and how it functions creating nothing but fear and panic, whilst reaping massive amounts of money for those in power as a result. Such fear places a distrust in our own bodies, our neighbors and nature itself, making it appear as if we are powerless in the face of disease; that it is beyond our control and only the medical establishment can save us from ourselves.
How might those in power benefit from such chaos? Explore that thought. This confusion has led to the coronavirus ‘outbreak’ and the resulting fear and chaos which surrounds this manufactured and blown out of proportion event.
This virus is obviously being used to institute police state style laws and measures around the world and these will only increase if the majority do not wake up to the lies surrounding the nature of viruses and disease.
The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination, 1956, by Eleanor McBean M.D., N.D. (shows the many dangers of vaccinations, manipulated statistics throughout history, how polio arose, and the nature of virus and disease.)
Béchamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E. Douglas Hume, 1923
The Blood and Its Third Element by Antoine Béchamp, 1912
Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, by Walene James, 1942 (discusses Béchamp’s ‘Terrain Theory’ of bacteria and viruses.)
The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur, R.B. Pearson, 1942 (First published in 1942 under the title ‘Pasteur Plagiarist Imposter!-the Germ Theory Exploded’. Shows that Louis Pasteur plagiarized and distorted the work of professor Antoine Béchamp. The author propounds the viewpoint that bacteria in the body are a result, not a cause of disease, that vaccinations are harmful or at best, ineffective and that Pasteur did not realize the consequences of the vaccines he and his followers created.)

For some reason I could not get the Brighteon video to embed.
Here is the link for when YouTube rips this down
