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Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Evan Bayh, B'berg 1999; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]; W.E.F. Davos 2009
  2. Jérôme Bayle, Global Ports Holding Plc
  3. Hugh Bayley, Fabian Soc [chair Yorkshire region]
  4. Sir Nicholas Bayne, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  5. Cllr Anthony Bays, Lambeth Council [Streatham South ward, Conservative, May 1978-]
  6. Cllr Andrew Beadle, Lambeth Council [St Leonard's ward, Conservative, 1974-'82]
  7. Valerie Beale, Friends of Arundells
  8. Clayton Beauchamp, Green Rubber Global Ltd [SVP factory dvlpmnt & product R&D]
  9. Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  10. Cllr Stephen Beaven, Lambeth Council [Clapham Park ward Oct.1975-; Streatham Wells ward Dec.1979-; Conservative]
  11. Ferdinando 'Nani' Beccalli, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]
  12. Stuart Beck, TerraMar Prjct Inc [board of directors & 'supporting citizen']
  13. Wendy Becker, Design Museum; English National Ballet
  14. Margaret Beckett, Fabian Soc [member]; W.E.F. Davos 2007
  15. David Beckham, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  16. ::: Victoria Beckham, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  17. Cllr James Beckles, Strategy Board of Progress
  18. Robert 'Rob' Beckley, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  19. Peter Beckwith, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [FS steering grp]
  20. Susan Beddoes, The Economist
  21. Lord Jeremy Beecham, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  22. Joseph Beenstock, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [exec c'ttee]
  23. Lady Janet Beer, Britain Stronger in Europe; Open Britain Ltd
  24. Stephen Beer, Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  25. Ida Beerhalter, Green Rubber Global Ltd
  26. Roger Beetham, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  27. Yves Béhar, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  28. Lord Alan Beith, Friends of Arundells
  29. Erik Belfrage, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]; Trilateral Comm [exec c'tte & Euro grp]
  30. Marek Belka, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  31. Sir David Bell, The Economist
  32. Prof John Bell, B'berg 2013
  33. Quentin Bell, English National Ballet
  34. John Bellinger, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  35. Linda Bellingham, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  36. Richard Belluzzo, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  37. Michal Benari, Lab Friends of Israel [intern Jun.2012]
  38. Jarrett Benavidez, BlueVoyant LLC [vice-chair of BlueVoyant Int'l; Latin America business head]
  39. Sir Brian Bender, Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [commissioner]
  40. Elías Bendodo, Tertulias
  41. Florella Benjamin, NSPCC [Hall of Fame 2005]
  42. Nell Benjamin, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  43. Hilary Benn, Friends of Arundells; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  44. Tony Benn, Friends of Arundells
  45. Dick Benschop, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  46. Aysegul Bensel, Global Ports Holding Plc
  47. Catherine Benson, Brit-American Prjct
  48. Daisy Benson, Brit-American Prjct
  49. Nicky Bentham, Brit-American Prjct
  50. Joe Benton, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  51. Luciana Berger, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [treasurer; vice-chair]; Lab Friends of Israel [the Director; 'LFI supporter']; Tertulias
  52. Prof Dr Roland Berger, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche BankAdvisory Board of Sapinda Group; W.E.F. Davos 2009
  53. Shoshana Berger, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  54. Nicolas Berggruen, B'berg 2014
  55. Baron Jean-Pierre Berghmans, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  56. C Fred Bergsten, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]
  57. Joe Berinson, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  58. Fay Berk, English National Ballet
  59. Nate Berkus, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  60. John Berman, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  61. Dr Azriel Bermant, Lab Friends of Israel [research paper for LFI]
  62. Ben Bernanke, B'berg 2008
  63. Ria Bernard, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  64. Lord Alexander Bernstein, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  65. Danielle Berrin, Brit-American Prjct Inc [trustee]
  66. Lynne Berry, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  67. Peter Berry, UK-Japan C21st Group
  68. Georges Berthoin, Trilateral Comm [Euro hon chair; exec c'ttee; Euro grp]
  69. Catherine Bertini, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]
  70. Sophia Besch, Centre for European Reform [snr. research fellow; research fellow]
  71. Dr Paul Bevan, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  72. John Bew, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  73. Jeff Bezos, B'berg 2011; B'berg 2013; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Ashish Bhatt, Ditchley Fdn [secretary only]
  2. Jasdeep 'Jazz' Bhogal, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  3. Cllr Joseph Bhugon, Lambeth Council [Town Hall ward, Labour, May 1982-]
  4. Mariasole Bianco, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  5. Lord Michael Bichard, Design Museum
  6. Cllr David Bick, Lambeth Council [Knight's Hill ward, Conservative, Mar.1980-]
  7. Edward Bickham, Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  8. Justin Bickle, English National Ballet
  9. Jim Bieda, BlueVoyant LLC [snr advisor]
  10. Dr Kurt Biedenkopf, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  11. Jan Krzysztof Bielecki, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  12. Alan Bigg, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  13. Carl Bildt, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  14. Lord Karan Bilimoria, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  15. Lady Angela Billingham, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  16. Jiang Bing, GBCC [the dep director]
  17. Sarah Binion, Brit-American Prjct Inc [trustee]
  18. Prince Hassan Bin Talal, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [member]
  19. Dr David Birch, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  20. Sir John Birch, Chatham House [council member]
  21. Cllr Ronald Bird, Lambeth Council [Thornton ward, Conservative, May 1978-]
  22. Birgitte Duchess of Gloucester, Prince Charles' 50th bday party at Spencer House Nov 1998 [attendee]
  23. Michael Birkin, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  24. John Birt, LWT/Weekend World
  25. Richard 'Bob' Bischof, German Brit Forum [chair; mgmt board; trustee/non-exec director]
  26. Manfred Bischoff, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  27. Sir Winfried Bischoff, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  28. Graham Bishop, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  29. Terry Bishop, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  30. Gottfried von Bismarck, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  31. Alan Black, GBCC [vice-chair; non-exec director]
  32. Alice Black, Design Museum [The Co-Director; comp secretary]
  33. Cilla Black, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  34. Conrad Black, B'berg 1999
  35. David Blackburn, Design Museum
  36. Janice Blackburn, Arts & Business Ltd [trustee; non-exec director]
  37. Peter Blackburn, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  38. John Blackledge, Hartlepool UFC Ltd ['ultimate beneficial owner']
  39. ::: Janet Blackledge, Hartlepool UFC Ltd ['ultimate beneficial owner']
  40. Lady Tessa Blackstone, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  41. Cllr Theo Blackwell, Strategy Board of Progress
  42. Adm Dennis Blair, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]
  43. Tony Blair, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [supporter]; Britain Stronger in Europe [supporter]; Fabian Soc [member, patron]; Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Königswinter Conf. 2000; Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015
  44. ::: Cherie Blair, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]; W.E.F. Davos 2015
  45. Visct Michael Blakenham, UK-Japan C21st Group
  46. Kate Blanchett, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  47. Herminio Blanco Mendoza, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  48. Sir (Francis) Christopher Bland, LWT
  49. Sir Victor Blank, W.E.F. Davos 2009
  50. Lloyd Blankfein, W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008
  51. Christopher Blanshard Cowdray, English National Ballet
  52. Hazel Blears, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-chair]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; Progress [patron]
  53. Philip Blond, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  54. Prof David Bloom, W.E.F. Davos 2012, 2015
  55. Michael Bloomberg, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm; Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000 [assoc director]
  56. Janet Bloomfield, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Prof David Blumenthal, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  2. Sidney Blumenthal, AMEURUS
  3. Cllr John Blundell, Lambeth Council [Thurlow Park ward, Conservative, 1978-'82]
  4. David Blunkett, Fabian Soc [member]; Lab Friends of Israel [policy council; 'LFI supporter']
  5. Lord Paul Boateng, Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; World Youth Fest 1978
  6. ::: Cllr/Lady Janet Boateng, Lambeth Council [Oval ward, Labour, May 1982-; Chair of Social Services C'ttee May 1982-Apr '86]
  7. Moss Boddy, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  8. Sergei Boev, Sistema [dep. chair; non-exec director]
  9. Cllr Valerio Bogazzi, Lambeth Council [St Leonard's ward, Conservative, 1968-'82]
  10. Prof Vernon Bogdanor, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  11. Sandy Bohrer, Brit-American Prjct
  12. Nick Boles, B'berg 2012; Tertulias
  13. Marc Bolland, B'berg 2011
  14. Ian Bond, Centre for European Reform [director of foreign policy]
  15. Jane Bonham-Carter, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  16. Philippe Bonnefoy, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  17. Bono (Paul Hewson), W.E.F. Davos 2006
  18. Giuseppe Bono, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  19. Leni Boorstin, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  20. Max Boot, B'berg 2009
  21. Nick Booth, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [Campaign Director]
  22. Betty Boothroyd, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  23. Antie Borcherdt, Sapinda Deutschland GmbH ['geschäftsführer']
  24. Thomas Borgen, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  25. Scott Borgerson, TerraMar Prjct Inc [board of directors]
  26. Antonio Borges, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  27. Lara Boro, The Economist
  28. Jane Borochoff, Brit-American Prjct Inc [trustee]
  29. Josep Borrell, Tertulias
  30. David Borrow, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Fabian Soc [member]
  31. Dr Clemens Börsig, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  32. Susan Boster, English National Ballet
  33. Lee Bostock, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  34. Cllr Janet Boston, Lambeth Council [Town Hall ward, Labour, May 1982-]
  35. J Henry Bostwick, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  36. Ana Patricia Botin, Euro grp of Trilateral CommWEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  37. Lady Virginia Bottomley, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]; Economist Group [trustee]; Friends of Arundells; NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]
  38. ::: Sir Peter Bottomley, Friends of Arundells
  39. Ian Bounds, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  40. Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  41. Robert Bourne, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  42. Duncan Bowie, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  43. Erskine Bowles, Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC
  44. Anna Bownes, Design Museum [secretary only]
  45. Cllr Bill Bowring, Lambeth Council [Angell ward? or Herne Hill ward?, Labour, May 1978-]
  46. Rosie Boycott, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Old Vic Theatre Trust
  47. Charles G Boyd, B'berg 1999
  48. Prof Deborah Boyd, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  49. Sir John Boyd, UK-Japan C21st Group
  50. Cllr John Boyle, Lambeth Council [Ferndale ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  51. Neil Bradbury, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  52. Dr (Stephen) John Brademas Jr, Ditchley Fdn [advisory board; governor]
  53. Nichol Bradford, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  54. Dr Peter Bradford, New Nuclear Challenge Forum of Aspen Institute Central Europe
  55. Ben Bradlee, Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc [also a non-exec director]
  56. Dr Stephen Bradley, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  57. Stuart Bradley, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  58. Ben Bradshaw, German Brit Forum [advisory board]; Königswinter Conf. 2003
  59. Dr Arlo Brady, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  60. Hugo Brady, Centre for European Reform [Brussels representative; snr. research fellow; research fellow 2005-]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Graham Brady, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  2. Lady Karren Brady, Britain Stronger in Europe; Open Britain Ltd
  3. Jorge Braga de Macedo, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  4. Lord Melvyn Bragg, LWT ['Head of Arts' 1982-90]
  5. Lael Brainard, Trilateral Comm [member]
  6. Sir Rodric Braithwaite, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  7. Roger Bramble, English National Ballet
  8. Dan Branch, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  9. Simon Brandenburger, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  10. Godfrey Brandt, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  11. Sir Richard Branson, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter] [also an NSPCC life patron]; TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2009, 2015
  12. ::: Lady Joan Templeman Branson, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair] [also an NSPCC life patron]
  13. Paul Brant, Strategy Board of Progress
  14. Avishay Braverman, W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007
  15. Algirdas Brazauskas, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  16. Dr Ahron Bregman, Lab Friends of Israel [LFI briefing author]
  17. Sophie Brendel, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  18. Clayton Brendish, Economist Group [trustee]
  19. Lord Daniel Brennan, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [president; chair; co-chair; vice-chair]
  20. David Brennan, W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008
  21. Kevin Brennan, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [treasurer]
  22. Prof Tim Brennan, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  23. Patrick Bresnan, The Economist
  24. Boris Brevnov, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  25. Sir David Brewer, GBCC [hon vice-pres]
  26. Flavio Briatore, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  27. John Bridge, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  28. Lord J George Bridges, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  29. Cllr Mike Bright, Lambeth Council [Larkhall ward, Labour, 1974-'85]
  30. Sam Bright, Progress ['digital editor'/'associate - digital strategy']
  31. Carol Brigstocke, English National Ballet
  32. Samir Brikho, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm; UK-Japan C21st Group
  33. Esther Brimmer, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  34. Sergey Brin, W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008
  35. Lord Leon Brittan, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member; advisory board]; Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  36. Sir Samuel Brittan, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  37. George Brock, Brit-American Prjct [member]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  38. Udo Brockhausen, Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine [the vice-president; co-founder]
  39. Ian Brodie, B'berg 2008
  40. Prof Sir Alec Broers, Royal Academy of Engineering [president 2001-'06]
  41. Elmar Brok, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  42. Po Bronson, Brit-American Prjct [member? unverified]
  43. Annette Brooke, Friends of Arundells
  44. Cllr Christopher Brooks, Lambeth Council [Clapham Town ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  45. David Brooks, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  46. Kobi Brooks, Moon Active Ltd [R&D director]
  47. Richard Brooks, Fabian Soc [member]
  48. Thom Brooks, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  49. Tom Brooks Pollock, Progress ['events & office mngr'/'events & comms mngr'/'comms & website mngr']
  50. Sir Nigel Broomfield, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]; German Brit Forum [advisory board]; Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  51. Emily Brothers, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  52. Barry Brown, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  53. Brad Brown, Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC
  54. Chris Brown, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [the NSPCC Director during the Appeal until March 2000 when he retired suddenly "due to a stress-related illness"]
  55. Gord Brown, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  56. Gordon Brown, Fabian Soc [member]; Britain Stronger in Europe [supporter]; Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Lab Friends of Israel [member]; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2015
  57. ::: Sarah Brown, Soho House [Member as of 2002]
  58. Harold Brown, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  59. Larissa Brown, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  60. Martin Brown, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  61. Micaela Brown, Brit-American Prjct Inc [trustee]
  62. Nick Brown, Lab Friends of Israel [policy council; 'LFI supporter']
  63. Ross Brown, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  64. Scott Brown, BlueVoyant LLC [gen. counsel & corporate secretary]
  65. Sir Stephen Brown, GBCC [Council of Advisors]
  66. Tina Brown, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000 [assoc director]; W.E.F. Davos 2015
  67. Tris Brown, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  68. Lord John Browne, Royal Academy of Engineering [president 2006-'11]
  69. Matthew 'Matt' Browne, Policy Network & Comms Ltd [non-exec director; the Director of Policy Network]
  70. Malcolm Bruce, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]
  71. Robert Bruce 12th Lord Balfour, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  72. Jean-Louis Bruguière, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  73. John Bruton, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  74. Annie Bruzzone, Policy Network [policy researcher]
  75. Chris Bryant, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]; Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [Secretary; chair]; Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Commons; 'LFI supporter']; Tertulias
  76. Lisa Bryer, 'Mandelson: The Real PM?' [exec producer for Clandestine Films]
  77. Dr Erik Brynjolfsson, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  78. Cllr Stephen Bubb, Lambeth Council [Clapham Town ward, LabourMay 1982-Mar.'86; also member of Social Services C'ttee 1982-; vice chair of Social Services C'ttee 1983-'85; chief whip to the Labour Grp 1985-'86]
  79. Duncan Buchanan, Global Counsel [an adviser] [he was Private Secretary to Mandelson 2008-09]
  80. Simon Buckby, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [campaign director; non-exec director]
  81. Robert Buckland, Friends of Arundells
  82. Sir Colin Budd, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe; Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence
  83. Patrick Buffet, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  84. Lady Deborah Buffini, English National Ballet
  85. Donal Buggy, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [CFO/Exec Directors board]
  86. François Bujon de l'Estang, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  87. Deborah Bull, Arts & Business Ltd [hon vice-pres]
  88. Nicholas Bull, Design Museum
  89. Edelgard Bulmahn, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  90. Prof Victor Bulmer Thomas, UK-Japan C21st Group
  91. Arabella Bunce, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  92. Emma Bunton, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  93. Simon Burall, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  94. Richard Burge, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  95. Edward Burke, Centre for European Reform [research fellow]
  96. Gerald Burke, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  97. Tom Burke, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  98. Dr Tony Burks II, Brit-American Prjct [US exec c'ttee]
  99. Lord Tom Burlison, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Lords]
  100. Adrian Burn, NSPCC [Treasurer elected Oct 1999]
  101. Andy Burnham, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; Progress [vice-chair]
  102. Ada Burns, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  103. Conor Burns, Friends of Arundells
  104. Kevin Burns, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  105. Rowena Burns, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  106. Nicola 'Nicky' Burton, British Influence [non-exec director]
  107. Clemecy Burton-Hill, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  108. Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Trilateral Comm [member]
  109. Hans-Martin Bury, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  110. Dr Erhard Busek, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  111. Dr Jet Bussemaker, Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  112. Arpad Busson, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  113. Jose Mauricio Bustani, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  114. Sally Butcher, Friends of Arundells
  115. Sue Butcher, English National Ballet
  116. Dr Hugo Bütler, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  117. Sir Michael Butler, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]; Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  118. Nicholas 'Nick' Butler, Brit-American Prjct [founder]; Centre for European Reform [co-founder with David Miliband in Sept 1996; chair of advisory board; chair of management c'ttee; non-exec director]; Chatham House [council member]; Fabian Soc [vice pres; chair; treasurer 1982-]; Franco-British Colloque [Secretary]; German Brit Forum [mgmt board; non-exec director]
  119. Lord (Frederick Edward) Robin Butler, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  120. Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter] [also NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board president. *See note]
  121. Martin Bútora, Int'l Advisory Board of Aspen Institute Central Europe
  122. Kemi Butt, Progress ['finance & membership officer']
  123. Leslie Butterfield, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  124. Sir John Butterfill, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [vice-chair; member]
  125. Prof Dr Rocco Buttiglione, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  126. Winnie Byanyima, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  127. Roger Byatt, English National Ballet
  128. Catherine Byers, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  129. Stephen Byers, Fabian Soc [member]; Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [chair]; Lab Friends of Israel [policy council]
  130. Andrea Byrne, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  131. Colin Byrne, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  132. Liam Byrne, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Centre for European Reform [member of management c'ttee; non-exec director]; GBCC [non-exec director]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; Policy Network & Comms Ltd; Progress [co-founder]
  133. Steven Byrne, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Alfredo Cabral, Policy Network [strategic planning & policy officer; policy researcher]
  2. Sir Dominic Cadbury, The Economist
  3. Matthew J Cadbury [Sir Dominic's nephew], WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  4. Erin Caddell, Global Counsel [director & pres. of Global Counsel USA]
  5. Michael Caine, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  6. Alison Cairns, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  7. David Cairns, Lab Friends of Israel [chair; convenor]
  8. Catie Callender, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  9. Ariadne Calvo-Platero, TerraMar Prjct Inc [secretary of board & treasurer/CFO]
  10. David Cameron, B'berg 2013; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012
  11. Jonathan Cameron, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  12. Dr Lisa Cameron, UK-Japan C21st Group
  13. Alastair Campbell, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  14. ::: Fiona Millar, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  15. Anne Campbell, Fabian Soc [exec vice chair]
  16. Christopher Campbell, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  17. Lord Gordon Campbell, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-pres.]
  18. Kurt Campbell, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  19. Lord W Menzies 'Ming' Campbell, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; UK-Japan C21st Group
  20. Naomi Campbell, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [face of NSPCC's FS tv campaign in 2000. Identified as a 'Life Patron' in 1999 annual report]] 
  21. David Candler, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  22. Jeanette Cannon, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [hon membership secretary; exec c'ttee]
  23. Sherban Cantacuzino, Design Museum
  24. Ivor Caplin, Lab Friends of Israel [vice-chair]
  25. Mel Cappe, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  26. Michael Cappucci, Brit-American Prjct Inc [trustee]
  27. Catherine 'Kay' Carberry, Progressive Britain Ltd
  28. Joseph 'Joe' Carberry [son of Kay & Lord Mandelson's godson], Open Britain Ltd
  29. Alberto Cardenas Jr, Brit-American Prjct Inc [chair]
  30. Bernard Carey, German Brit Forum [mgmt board; non-exec director]
  31. Richard Caring, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter/ball organizer]
  32. Prof Wendy Carlin, Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [commissioner]
  33. Jeff Carman, BlueVoyant LLC [cfo]
  34. Neil Carmichael, Friends of Arundells; Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  35. Lara Carmona, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  36. Hervé de Carmoy, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  37. Mark Carney, B'berg 2011
  38. Dame Alison Carnwath, Economist Group [trustee]
  39. Jane Carr, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  40. Jean Carr, SRU (SRU Investments Ltd & SRU London Ltd)
  41. Sir Roger Carr, English National Ballet
  42. Lord Peter Carrington, Brit-American Prjct [patron]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  43. (Michael) John Carroll, Lambeth Council [employee] [Dep Officer-in-Charge at Highland Rd care home Mar 1978-; Officer-in-Charge at Angel Rd care home Jan 1981-'90]
  44. ::: June Mellor (June Carroll), Lambeth Council [employee] [Dep Officer-in-Charge at Highland Rd care home 1977-]
  45. Ashton Carter, Trilateral Comm [member]
  46. Jean Carter, Friends of Arundells
  47. Ron Carter, Friends of Arundells
  48. Richard Carter, German Brit Forum [vice pres]
  49. Prof Ronald Carter, Design Museum
  50. Ted Carter, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  51. Cllr Peter Cary, Lambeth Council [St Leonard's ward, Conservative, 1974-'82]
  52. Roger Casale, Fabian Soc [member]
  53. Rathi Casey, Brit-American Prjct Inc [trustee]
  54. Henry Casley, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [FS steering grp]
  55. Barbara Cassani, Design Museum; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  56. Peter Cassells, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  57. Jaime Castellanos, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  58. Anthony Castro, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  59. John Caudwell, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair; also an FS Appeal patron]
  60. Andrew Cavendish 11th Duke of Devonshire, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]; Prince Charles' 50th bday party at Spencer House Nov 1998 [co-organizer]
  61. ::: Deborah Cavendish Duchess of Devonshire, Prince Charles' 50th bday party at Spencer House Nov 1998 [co-organizer]
  62. Sir Peter Cazalet, Chatham House [council member]
  63. David Cesarani, Lab Friends of Israel [LFI book author]
  64. Margaret Chadd, Friends of Arundells
  65. Lady Shami Chakrabarti, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  66. Lady Lynda Chalker, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  67. Nigel Challis, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [secretary only]
  68. Cllr Henry Chamarette, Lambeth Council [Streatham South ward, Conservative, May 1978-]
  69. Wendy Chamberlin, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  70. Cllr Hugh Chambers, Lambeth Council [Streatham Wells ward, Conservative, May 1978-]
  71. Doris Chan, GBCC [the dep director]
  72. Grace Chan, English National Ballet [secretary only]
  73. Martin Chandler, UK-Japan C21st Group
  74. Tina Chandris, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  75. Catherine Chang, BlueVoyant LLC [cfo; head of US strategy]
  76. David Chaplin, Fabian Soc [treasurer]
  77. Dave Chapman, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  78. Honor Chapman, Design Museum
  79. Jenny Chapman, Progress [vice-chair]
  80. Edwin Chappell, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  81. Dita Charanzová, Aspen Institute Central Europe [board member]
  82. Jean Charest, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  83. Janice Charette, Ditchley Fdn [Member of the Council ex-officio]
  84. Richard Charkin, Whitechapel Gallery [chair 1997-]
  85. Prince Charles, Arts & Business Ltd [president]; Prince Charles & Camilla's Mar 1998 VIP wkend party at Sandringham [host]; Prince Charles' 50th bday party at Spencer House Nov 1998 [attendee]
  86. ::: Camilla Parker Bowles Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles & Camilla's Mar 1998 VIP wkend party at Sandringham [attendee]; Prince Charles' 50th bday party at Spencer House Nov 1998 [attendee]
  87. ::: Diana Princess of Wales, English National Ballet [honorary patron until date of her death]
  88. Jonas Chartock, Brit-American Prjct [US board]
  89. Debra Chase, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  90. Simon Chelton, UK-Japan C21st Group
  91. Chen Naiqing, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Asia Pac grp]
  92. Selia Chen, Fabian Soc [sr research fellow]
  93. Xiangming Chen, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  94. Eugene Chernya, Moon Active Ltd [head of Kiev operations]
  95. Michael Chertoff, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008
  96. Alison Chilcott, Global Ports Holding Plc [secretary only]
  97. Mary Chilton, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  98. Sir Trevor Chinn, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter'; major donor]
  99. Nick Chism, Tertulias
  100. Fujio Cho, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  101. Matan Chorev, Trilateral Comm [fellow]
  102. Cho Suck-Rai, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  103. Raymond Chrétien, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  104. Lord Tony Christopher, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  105. Edgar Chua, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  106. Chung Mong-Joon, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  107. Chung Mong-Gyu, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  108. Chung Mong-Hyuck, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  109. Charlotte Church, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  110. Sir Winston Churchill, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism ['a founder member']
  111. Sarah Churchwell, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; fellow]
  112. Claudia Chwalisz, Policy Network [policy researcher]
  113. Alexandra Ciardi, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  114. Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Advisory board of the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine
  115. James Clanwilliam, Sistema [non-exec director June 2015-]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. James Clappison, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-chair]
  2. Feryal Clark, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  3. Tim Clark, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Economist Group [trustee]
  4. Charles Clarke, Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Policy Network & Comms Ltd; World Youth Fest 1978 [on organizing c'ttee]
  5. Lord Kenneth Clarke, B'berg 1999; B'berg 2008; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2013; Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [supporter]; Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence [also Co-President]; Edward Heath Int'l Lecture Oct 2016; Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc
  6. Prof Michael Clarke, Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  7. Lord Tony Clarke, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Lords; 'LFI supporter']
  8. Nicholas Clarry, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  9. David Claydon, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  10. Janet Clayton, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  11. Dan Clayton-Jones, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  12. Anthony Cleaver, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  13. John Cleese, Lambton Place Health Club [Member as of 1998]
  14. Nick Clegg, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member; advisory board]
  15. Sir David Clementi, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]
  16. Kristin Clemet, B'berg 2008
  17. Elzbieta Clemmow, The&Partners London Ltd
  18. Simon Clemmow, Soho House [site of his business with Jonathan Hornby as of May 2001]; The&Partners London Ltd
  19. Glafcos Clerides, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  20. Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  21. Bill Clinton, Hartwell House 'Third Way' confer.; Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery; Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter: attended Amulet Ball in 2000, Winter Ball in 2002 & Napoleonic Ball in St Petersberg in 2005]; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2009, 2010
  22. ::: Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  23. Lord Stanley Clinton-Davis, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Lords; 'LFI supporter']
  24. Jack Clipsham, Green Rubber Global Ltd [cfo]
  25. Lucy Clive, TerraMar (UK) [board of directors]
  26. Charles Clover, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  27. Martin Clunes, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  28. Vernon Coaker, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  29. Dr Steven Coan, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  30. Ryan Coatzee, Britain Stronger in Europe [director of strategy]
  31. Murphy Cobbing, Brit-American Prjct [vice-chair; treasurer]
  32. Lord David Lytton Cobbold, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  33. Dr Lawrence Coben, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  34. Lord Arthur Cockfield, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  35. Lady Valerie Cocks, Lab Friends of Israel [the Director]
  36. Lord Sebastian Coe, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  37. Luc Coene, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  38. Adrian Cohen, Lab Friends of Israel [Lay Chair]; Lab Friends of Israel Ltd [non-exec director]
  39. Barry Cohen, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  40. Norma Cohen, British Youth Council [at the same time as Mandelson]
  41. Tatiana Cohen, Sapinda UK Ltd [non-exec director]
  42. Gary Cohn, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  43. Elbridge Colby, Trilateral Comm [fellow]
  44. Stephen Colegrave, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee; fellow]
  45. Jeremy Coleman, Lab Friends of Israel [LFI policy report author]
  46. William Coleman III, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  47. William Coleman Jr, Trilateral Comm [lifetime trustee & N Am. grp]
  48. Sir John Coles, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  49. Peter Collett, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  50. Dr Francis Collins, W.E.F. Davos 2012, 2015
  51. Lord Ray Collins, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  52. Dr Stephen Collins, German Brit Forum [mgmt board; non-exec director]
  53. Timothy Collins, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  54. Bertrand Collomb, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  55. Hugh Collum, UK-Japan C21st Group
  56. Geoffrey Colman, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  57. Tony Colman, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-chair]
  58. Antoine Colombani, Policy Network ['associated researcher']
  59. Patrick Combes, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  60. Catherine Comerford, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  61. Dan Conaghan, Global Counsel [a senior adviser]
  62. Joe Coney, British Influence [campaign director]
  63. Brendan Conlon, BlueVoyant LLC [vice-chair]
  64. Iain Conn, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  65. John Connolly, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]
  66. Michael Connor, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  67. Sebastian Conran, Design Museum
  68. Terence Conran [son of Sebastian], Design Museum
  69. Richard Conroy, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  70. Cesar Consing, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  71. David Constantine, Design Museum
  72. Prof Marie Conte-Helm, UK-Japan C21st Group
  73. Elliot Conway, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  74. Robert Conway, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  75. William Conway Jr, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  76. Robin Cook, Fabian Soc [member]
  77. Peter Cooke, Chatham House [council member]
  78. Lady Janet 'Poppy' Cooksey, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  79. Linda Cookson, RC School of Speech & Drama [dir. of quality & academic services)
  80. Cllr Christabel Cooper, Strategy Board of Progress
  81. John Cooper/Norwich 2nd Visct Norwich, Prince Charles & Camilla's Mar 1998 VIP wkend party at Sandringham [attendee]
  82. ::: Mary 'Mollie' Cooper/Norwich, Viscountess Norwich, Prince Charles & Camilla's Mar 1998 VIP wkend party at Sandringham [attendee]
  83. Kirstine Cooper, English National Ballet
  84. Moogeega Cooper, Brit-American Prjct
  85. Nicholas Cooper, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  86. Prof Richard Cooper, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  87. Sir Robert Cooper, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  88. Rosie Cooper, Lab Friends of Israel [officer; Parliamentary Exec- Commons; 'LFI supporter']
  89. Yvette Cooper, Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; Progress [patron]
  90. Nathanial Copsey, Policy Network [head of publication & research fellow; 'associated researcher']
  91. Richard Corbett, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Univ Ox Labour Club ['contemporary of Mandelson'?]
  92. Ian Corfield, Fabian Soc [research director; president]
  93. Elisabetta Cornago, Centre for European Reform [research fellow]
  94. E Gerald Corrigan, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  95. Alfonso Cortina, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  96. Megan Corton Scott, Progress ['events officer & editorial asst']
  97. Jon Corzine, B'berg 1999
  98. Nick Cosgrave, Lab Friends of Israel [the Director]
  99. Peter Cosgrove, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [non-exec director]
  100. Eduardo Costa, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  101. David Cote, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  102. Alison Cottrell, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  103. Brian Count, UKBCSE [chair]
  104. Simon Court, British Influence [non-exec director]
  105. Colin Cowie, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  106. Sherard Cowper-Coles, B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014
  107. Barry Cox, LWT/Weekend World
  108. Prof David Cox, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  109. Jim Cox, BlueVoyant LLC [board member; chief investment officer]
  110. Joe Cox, Progress ['digital asst']
  111. Vivienne Cox, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  112. Gary Coxall, Hartlepool UFC Ltd [non-exec director]
  113. Bernice Coyle, Soho House [mem'ship & admin director Nov.2000-]
  114. Diane Coyle, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member; advisory board]; Brit-American Prjct [member]
  115. Neil Coyle, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  116. Prof Nicholas Crafts, Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [commissioner]
  117. Christopher Cragg, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  118. Marian Craig, Strategy Board of Progress
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Olaf Cramme, Policy Network [the Director; head of research; researcher]
  2. David Cramond, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  3. Mike Craven, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Soho House [Member/diner as of 1998]
  4. Claudia Crawford, German Brit Forum [non-exec director]
  5. Michael Crawford, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair] [also FS steering grp]
  6. Lady Christine Crawley, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  7. William Crawley, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  8. Mary Creagh, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  9. Timothy 'TJ' Creamer, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  10. Caroline Criado Perez, Open Britain Ltd
  11. Sir Bernard Crick, Fabian Soc [member]
  12. Andrew Crisp, UK-Japan C21st Group
  13. Sir Nigel Crisp, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  14. Prof Chester Crocker, B'berg 2008
  15. Steve Crocker, Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC
  16. Andrew Crockett, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  17. Jeremy Crook, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  18. Cllr Helen Crossfield, Lambeth Council [Angell ward, Labour, 1982-; Chair of Women's Rights C'ttee]
  19. Prof Gary Crossley, RC School of Speech & Drama [principal & ceo; non-exec director]
  20. Harlan Crow, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  21. Sir Brian Crowe, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  22. Hon William Crowe, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  23. Vincent Crowley, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [chief exec]
  24. Jon Cruddas, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  25. Bill Crumm, BlueVoyant LLC [snr advisor]
  26. Lee Cullum, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  27. Lord John 'Jack' Cunningham, UK-Japan C21st Group
  28. Lord David Currie, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  29. Duncan Currie, TerraMar Prjct Inc [Member of the Council]
  30. David Curry, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  31. Katie Curtis, Progress [events manager]
  32. Tony Curtis, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  33. Frederick Curzon 7th Earl Howe, Tertulias
  34. Andrew Cutler, Friends of Arundells [chair]
  35. Janet Daby, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  36. Paul Dacre, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]
  37. Roni Dafnai, Moon Active Ltd [Controller]
  38. Willem Dafoe, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000 [assoc director]
  39. Lord Ralf Dahrendorf, Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  40. Stephen Daldry, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery; Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  41. Lady Caroline Dalmeny, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  42. Charles Daly, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [non-exec director]
  43. Dr Darren Dancey, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  44. Caroline Daniel, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  45. Mitch Daniels, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  46. Lord Richard Dannatt, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board; fellow]
  47. Jay Dardenne, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  48. Lord N Kim Darroch, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  49. Keith Darvill, Fabian Soc [member]
  50. Tarun Das, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Asia Pac grp]
  51. Thomas Daschle, B'berg 2008
  52. Dr Carlos Baptista da Silva, Gulbenkian Fdn [secretary of board of trustees]
  53. Reinaldo Avila da Silva [Mandelson's partner], R Avila Empreendimentos Imobiliarios Sociedade Simples Limitada; Willbury Ltd
  54. Marta Dassù, Policy Network & Comms Ltd; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  55. Alfonso María Dastis, Tertulias
  56. Judith Dauncey, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  57. Bruce Davey, Green Rubber Global Ltd [dpty chair]
  58. Peter David, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  59. Wayne David, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Commons; 'LFI supporter']
  60. Sir Martin Davidson, GBCC [chair; non-exec director; ex-officio director]
  61. Michel David-Weill, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Andrew Davies, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  2. Cllr/Lord Brinley 'Bryn' Davies, Lambeth Council [Dpty Leader. Bishop's ward, Labour, May 1978-'81]
  3. Sir David Davies, Royal Academy of Engineering (president 1996-'01)
  4. Lord Garfield Davies, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Lords; 'LFI supporter']
  5. Sir Howard Davies, UK-Japan C21st Group
  6. Hugh Davies, Friends of Arundells [treasurer]; GBCC [vice-chair; non-exec director; Council of Advisors]
  7. Lord Mervyn Davies, W.E.F. Davos 2009
  8. Quentin Davies, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group; Königswinter Conf. 2003
  9. Etienne Davignon, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]
  10. Carl Davis, English National Ballet
  11. David Davis, Tertulias
  12. Evan Davis, Brit-American Prjct [Member]
  13. Ian Davis, B'berg 2013; W.E.F. Davos 2006
  14. Paige Davis, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  15. Pamela 'Pam' Davis, Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence [also a non-exec director]
  16. Cllr Peter Davis, Lambeth Council [Streatham Hill ward, Conservative, May 1978-]
  17. Sir Peter Davis, Arts & Business Ltd [hon vice-pres]
  18. William Davis, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  19. Morny Davison, Design Museum
  20. Joseph Davy, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [non-exec director]
  21. Janet Dawson, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  22. Mark Day, Progress [head of comms & programmes; Acting Dep Director]
  23. Lady Brenda Dean, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  24. Harry Dean, LWT/Weekend World [producer]
  25. Cllr Peter Dean, Lambeth Council [Clapham Park ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  26. Dr Marcelo de Andrade, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  27. Derek Deane, English National Ballet [artistic director]
  28. Janice Deane, Friends of Arundells
  29. Sir Richard Dearlove, B'berg 2009
  30. Thierry Déau, Global Ports Holding Plc; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  31. Pepper de Callier, Aspen Institute Central Europe [founder; chair of supervisory board]
  32. John de Chastelaine, B'berg 1999
  33. Jean-Luc Decornoy, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  34. Arthur DeFehr, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  35. Prof Paul De Grauwe, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [commissioner]
  36. Karel de Gucht, B'berg 2010 [*see note]
  37. Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, Trilateral Comm [fellow]
  38. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2009; Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  39. Lord Paul Deighton, The Economist
  40. Yigal Deitcher, Moon Active Ltd [Legal Director]
  41. Luis de la Calle, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  42. Arpak Demircan, Global Ports Holding Plc [chief business dvlpmnt officer]
  43. Thierry de Montbrial, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011
  44. Christopher DeMuth, B'berg 2012
  45. Dame Judi Dench, Old Vic Theatre Trust
  46. John Denham, British Youth Council [head of youth affairs 1979-83]; Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]; Progress [patron]
  47. Christine Dennison, TerraMar Prjct Inc [board of directors]
  48. Prof Otto Depenheuer, Advisory Board of the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine
  49. Gloria DePiero, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; Strategy Board of Progress
  50. Oleg Deripaska, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]; W.E.F. Davos 2005, 2009, 2015
  51. Chris DeRose, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  52. Lucinda Derry, Design Museum [secretary only]
  53. Lord Meghnad Desai, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  54. Philippe de Schoutheete, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]
  55. Barry Desker, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Asia Pac grp]
  56. André Desmarais, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  57. John Deutch, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  58. Prof Alex Deutsch, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [chair; vice-chair; exec c'ttee]
  59. Hugh Devlin, Design Museum
  60. Kate Devlin, Brit-American Prjct
  61. Katrina Dewey, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  62. Parmjit Dhanda, Progress [patron]
  63. Daman Nath Dhunga, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Patrick Diamond, Policy Network & Comms Ltd [also snr research fellow; acting director in 2006]; Strategy Board of Progress & non-exec director; also Exec Director (unverified)
  2. Prof Peter Diamond, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  3. Brian Dickie, Sistema [non-exec director]; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  4. Victoria Dickie, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  5. Davina Diclson, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  6. Robert Dilenschneider, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  7. Ben Dilks, Progress ['membership officer & editorial asst']
  8. Barry Diller, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  9. Cllr Sylvia Dimmick, Lambeth Council [Larkhall ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  10. James 'Jamie' Dimon, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012
  11. David Dinkins, Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc
  12. Brian Dinsdale, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  13. Adm Giampaolo Di Paola, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  14. Andrew Dismore, Fabian Soc [treasurer; member]; Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [hon secretary]; Lab Friends of Israel [vice-chair]
  15. Guido Di Tella, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  16. Judith Dixey, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  17. Michael Dixon, English National Ballet [secretary only]
  18. Frank Dixon-Ward, Lambeth Council [chief exec 1977-'82]
  19. Milo Djukanovic, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  20. Vladimír Dlouhý, Aspen Institute Central Europe [board member]; New Nuclear Challenge Forum of Aspen Institute Central Europe; Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee/dep chair & Euro grp]
  21. Tim Dobbins, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  22. Paula Dobriansky, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  23. Prof Wendy Dobson, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  24. William Dobson, Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  25. Christopher Dodd, B'berg 1999
  26. Anneliese Dodds, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  27. Mathias Döpfner, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank; W.E.F. Davos 2009
  28. Dr Klaus von Dohnanyi, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  29. Hector Dominguez, Brit-American Prjct
  30. Thomas Donilon, B'berg 1999; B'berg 2008; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2014; N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  31. Alan Donnelly, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; UK-Japan C21st Group
  32. Lord Bernard Donoughue, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  33. Diana Donovan, English National Ballet
  34. Kevin Doran, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  35. Stephen Dorrell, Brit-American Prjct [Member]; Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  36. Amir Dossal, TerraMar Prjct Inc [board of directors; 'supporting citizen']
  37. Prof Jennifer Doudna, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  38. Stephen Doughty, Progress [vice-chair]
  39. Patrick Douglas, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  40. David Douglas-Home 15th Earl of Home, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  41. Jessica Douglas-Home, Butrint Foundation [non-exec director]
  42. Pamela Dow, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  43. Lady Ann Dowling, Royal Academy of Engineering (president 2014-'19)
  44. Michael Downey, Hartlepool UFC Ltd [non-exec director]
  45. Derek Doyle, Tertulias
  46. Matthew Doyle, Progress ['associate- stakeholder relations & strategic comms']
  47. Dana Drábová, New Nuclear Challenge Forum of Aspen Institute Central Europe
  48. Cllr Michael Drake, Lambeth Council [St Martin's ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  49. Wiebe Draijer, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  50. Derek Draper, Progress Ltd [co-founder; non-exec director; Exec Director]; Soho House [Member as of Jul.1998. Draper worked for Mandelson']
  51. Dr Jeffrey Drazen, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  52. Dr Daniel Drezner, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  53. Dr Janez Drnovsek, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  54. Sergei Drozdov, Sistema [VP]
  55. Kenneth Duberstein, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]
  56. Andrei Dubovskov, Sistema [non-exec director June 2015-]
  57. Lord Alf Dubs, Fabian Soc [vice pres; exec c'ttee]
  58. Brian Duck, English National Ballet [secretary only]
  59. Dame Vivien Duffield, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair] [also on the FS steering group & an NSPCC life patron]
  60. ::: George Duffield [son of Vivien], TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  61. Karen Duffy, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  62. Michael Duffy, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  63. Simon Duffy, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]; Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  64. Terry Duffy, TUC
  65. Robert Dufton, Arts & Business Ltd [secretary only]
  66. Michael Dugher, Lab Friends of Israel [vice-chair]
  67. Sir Alan Duncan, Tertulias
  68. Megan Dunn, Britain Stronger in Europe; Open Britain Ltd
  69. Charles Dunstone, Advisory board of Clemmow Hornby Inge
  70. Gwyneth Dunwoody, Lab Friends of Israel [president; chair]
  71. Tamsin Dunwoody-Kneafsey, Lab Friends of Israel [vice-chair]
  72. Mark Durkan MP, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  73. Tracey Durning, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  74. Maurice Dwyer, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  75. Sam Dwyer,  'Mandelson: The Real PM?' [archive producer]
  76. Karsten Dybvad, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  77. Richard Dye, Arts & Business Ltd [secretary only]
  78. Dominic Dyer, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  79. Greg Dyke, LWT
  80. Lord Hugh Dykes, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [vice-chair; member]
  81. Claire Dykta, Brit-American Prjct
  82. James Dyson, Design Museum
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