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Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Charles Saatchi, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000 [assoc director]
  2. Jeremy Sacher, English National Ballet
  3. Dr Jeffrey Sachs, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  4. Rolf Sachs, Design Museum
  5. Jacqueline Sackler, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  6. Mortimer Sackler, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  7. Sarah Sackman, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  8. Stephen Sacks, English National Ballet
  9. Thomas 'Tom' Sackville, British-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [treasurer]
  10. Prof Paul Saffo, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  11. Carl Safina, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  12. Rishi Saha, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  13. Wafic Said, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair] [also an NSPCC life patron]
  14. ::: Rosemary Said, NSPCC [life patron]
  15. Lord David Sainsbury, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [major donor]; British Influence [main donor]; Britain Stronger in Europe ['David Sainsbury was closely involved']; Progress [largest single donor]
  16. Lord John Sainsbury [cousin of Lord David], Butrint Foundation [non-exec director] [Lord Sainsbury has provided joint funding for Butrint with Lord Jacob Rothschild]
  17. Sakong II, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  18. Dr Enric Sala, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  19. Marcello Sala, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  20. David Salkeld, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  21. Ferdinando Salleo, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  22. Maureen Salmon, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  23. Tomáš Salomon, Aspen Institute Central Europe [board member]
  24. Michael Salter, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  25. Elizabeth Saltzman, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  26. Carla Salvado, Global Ports Holding Plc [director of cruise marketing]
  27. Chag Sameach, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [exec c'ttee]
  28. Jorge Sampaio, B'berg 1999
  29. Anthony Sampson, Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc
  30. Neil Sampson, GBCC [director]
  31. Prof Lord David Samuel, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [hon c'ttee]
  32. Lady Elizabeth Samuel, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  33. Dr Ivo Sanader, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  34. Orlando Sanchez, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  35. Ignacio Sanchez Amor, Tertulias
  36. Aitana Sanchez Gigon, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  37. John Sanders, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [COO/Exec Directors board]
  38. Brian Sanderson, Economist Group [trustee]
  39. John Sanderson, SRU (SRU London Ltd)
  40. Joel Sandhu, Policy Network [policy officer]
  41. Laura Sandys, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe; Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence; Open Britain Ltd
  42. Dr Joshua Sanes, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  43. Mark Sanford, B'berg 2008
  44. Hanisah Binte Abdullah Sani, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  45. Dev Sanyal, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  46. André Sapir, Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [commissioner]
  47. Hon Paul Sarbanes, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  48. Nicolas Sarkozy, W.E.F. Davos 2010
  49. June Sarpong, Britain Stronger in Europe; Open Britain Ltd
  50. Anas Sarwar, Progress [vice-chair]
  51. Gad Sassower, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  52. Yasuhiro Sato, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  53. Stephan Sattler, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  54. Jo (Lindley) Saucek, Brit-American Prjct [UK prjct director]
  55. Christopher Saul, English National Ballet
  56. Rachael Saunders, Strategy Board of Progress
  57. Cllr Andrew Sawdon, Lambeth Council [Larkhall ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  58. Sir John Sawers, B'berg 2014; Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; W.E.F. Davos 2015
  59. Emre Sayin, Global Ports Holding Plc [ceo]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  2. Hugh Scanlon, TUC
  3. Anthony Scaramucci, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  4. Dame Marjorie Scardino, The Economist
  5. Arthur Scargill, World Youth Fest 1978
  6. Margaret Scargill [daughter of Arthur], World Youth Fest 1978
  7. Luigi Scazzieri, Centre for European Reform [research fellow]
  8. Michael Schaefer, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  9. Kori Schake, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  10. Mary Schapiro, N Am. grp of Trilateral CommWEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  11. Dr Wolfgang Schäuble, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  12. Nick Scheele, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [FS steering grp]
  13. Kai Schellhorn, German Brit Forum [non-exec director]
  14. Lord Justice Konrad Schiemann, English National Ballet
  15. Lior Shiff, Moon Active Ltd [one of Moon Active's investors]
  16. Eric Schmidt, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014; The Economist; N Am. grp of Trilateral CommWEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015
  17. Tamara Schmidt, Lab Friends of Israel [research & policy intern Sep.2010-May '11]
  18. Rolf Schmidt-Holtz, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  19. Henry Schmill, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  20. Dr Friedrich Schmitz, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  21. Steven Schneebaum, Brit-American Prjct Inc [advisory board]
  22. Jiří Schneider, Aspen Institute Central Europe [exec. director 2015-]
  23. Neil Schneider, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  24. Phillip Schofield, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  25. Magnus Schöldtz, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  26. Gabriele Schöler, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  27. Olaf Scholz, Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  28. Rupert Scholz, Advisory board of the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine
  29. Guy Schory, BlueVoyant LLC [board member]
  30. Bruno Schroder, English National Ballet 
  31. Gerhard Schröder, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism; Königswinter Conf. 2000
  32. Wolfgang Schuessel, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  33. Hollie Mae Schultz, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  34. Gunnar Schuppert, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  35. Jacques Schuster, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  36. Prof Klaus Schwab, W.E.F. Davos [exec. chair; the founder]
  37. ::: Hilde Schwab, W.E.F. Davos 2012, 2015
  38. Prof Susan Schwab, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  39. Jonathan Schwartz, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  40. Pedro Schwartz, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]
  41. Urs Schwarzenbach, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [FS Appeal patron]
  42. ::: Francesca Schwarzenbach-Mulhall (Mrs Urs Schwarzenbach), Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair. also a FS Appeal patron]
  43. Karel Schwarzenberg, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  44. Stephen Schwarzman, W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
  45. Burkhard Schwenker, W.E.F. Davos 2009
  46. Christoph Schwöbel, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  47. Martin Scicluna, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  48. Austen Science, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [chair; exec c'ttee]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Lady Patricia Scotland, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board; fellow]
  2. Andrew Scott, The&Partners London Ltd
  3. Isadore Scott, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board; early supporter]
  4. Jean Scott, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  5. Martin Scott, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  6. Nicholas Scott, Governing body of Youthaid
  7. Peter Scott, SRU (SRU London Ltd)
  8. Lady Rosalind Scott, UK-Japan C21st Group
  9. Sally Scott, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [exec c'ttee]
  10. Selina Scott, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  11. Cllr Kennard Scott-Simpson, Lambeth Council [Knight's Hill ward, Conservative, May 1978-]
  12. Frank Scruggs, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  13. Debbie Scully, RC School of Speech & Drama [dep principal; comp secretary 1992-]
  14. Francoise Seacroft, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  15. Charles Seaford, NS Publishing 1991 Ltd
  16. Elizabeth Sears, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  17. Kathleen Sebelius, B'berg 2008
  18. Carlo Secchi, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  19. Jiří Šedivý, New Nuclear Challenge Forum of Aspen Institute Central Europe
  20. Jean-Francois Seguin, Trilateral Comm [fellow]
  21. Gerald Seib, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  22. Toger Seidenfaden, B'berg 1999
  23. Michael Seignior, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  24. Dr Chris Seiple, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  25. Manfred Seitz, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  26. Hon Raymond Seitz, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  27. Dr Datuk Vinod Sekhar, Green Rubber Global Ltd [chair & founder]
  28. Shah Selbe, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  29. Lincoln Seligman, Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  30. Max Seligman, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [chair]
  31. Maurizio Sella, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  32. Hopi Sen, Strategy Board of Progress
  33. Seo Kwanghyeon, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  34. Hong Seok-Hyun, Trilateral Comm [Asia Pac dep chair]
  35. Dr Kim Seok-Ki, Sapinda Group [co-investor; chief investment officer; head of risk management]
  36. Gilad Seror, Moon Active Ltd [chief information security officer]
  37. Nicholas Serota, Prince Charles & Camilla's Mar 1998 VIP wkend party at Sandringham [attendee]
  38. ::: Teresa Gleadowe [Serota], Prince Charles & Camilla's Mar 1998 VIP wkend party at Sandringham [attendee]
  39. Eduardo Serra, Tertulias [chair]
  40. Jaime Serra, Trilateral Comm [dep chair/exec c'ttee N Am. grp]
  41. Rufus Sewell, Soho House [Member as of 1998]
  42. David Seymour, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  43. Richard Seymour, Design Museum
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Henna Shah, Progress ['editorial asst'/'academy coordinator'/'programmes & policy lead']
  2. Rajiv Shah, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  3. Samir Shah, LWT
  4. Dr Tom Shakespeare, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  5. Dari Shalon, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  6. David Shambaugh, B'berg 2012
  7. Mikhail Shamolin, Sistema [president; ceo; non-exec director]
  8. Priya Shankar, Policy Network [snr. prjct manager & researcher; policy researcher]
  9. Prof Daniel Shapiro, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  10. Robert Shapiro, B'berg 1999
  11. Kamalesh Sharma, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  12. Virendra Sharma, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  13. Lord Colin Sharman, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board; non-exec director]
  14. Nick Sharman, Brit-American Prjct
  15. Ann Shaw, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  16. David Shaw, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  17. Rowsch Shaways, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  18. William Shawcross, Prince Charles & Camilla's Mar 1998 VIP wkend party at Sandringham [attendee]
  19. Alan Shearer, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [NSPCC ambassador at the time]
  20. Michael Shears, UK-Japan C21st Group
  21. Tom Shebbeare, British Youth Council [gen secretary 1975-80]; World Youth Fest 1978
  22. Josette Sheeran, B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011; B'berg 2012
  23. Barry Sheerman, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  24. Owen Sheers, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  25. Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board; fellow]; Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence [chair]; Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  26. Prof Joseph 'Joe' Shennan, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  27. Lady Gillian Shephard, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [NSPCC 'parliamentary ambassador' at the time. Has also been Patron of the West Norfolk NSPCC branch]
  28. Anthony Shepherd, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  29. Dr Simon Shepherd, RC School of Speech & Drama [director of programmes]
  30. Maeve Sherlock, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  31. Neil Sherlock, Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  32. Lilia Shevtsova, B'berg 1999
  33. Masahide Shibusawa, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  34. Jordan Shields, Brit-American Prjct Inc [exec c'ttee; treasurer; fellow]
  35. Shin Dong-Bin, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  36. Godfrey Shingles, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  37. Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Trilateral Comm [member]
  38. Susan Shirk, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  39. Faryar Shirzad, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  40. Nimrod Shlomi, Moon Active Ltd [VP finance]
  41. Ben Shore, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  42. Lily Shore, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  43. Mara Shore, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  44. Clare Short, Fabian Soc [member]
  45. George Shultz, B'berg 2008
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Tulip Siddiq, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  2. Prof Mona Siddiqui, Open Britain Ltd
  3. Sangeeta Sidhu-Robb, Open Britain Ltd; PV Campaign Ltd
  4. Sir David Sieff, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [hon c'ttee]; UK-Japan C21st Group
  5. William Sieghart, Arts & Business Ltd [hon vice-pres]
  6. Henry Siegman, AMEURUS
  7. Tomasz Sielicki, Euro grp of Trilateral CommWEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  8. Slawomir Sikora, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  9. Dr Reinhard Silberberg, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  10. Steven Silberstein, BlueVoyant LLC [coo]
  11. Lord David Simon, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [vice chair; non-exec director]; Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Franco-British Colloque [founder]; Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  12. Rebecca Simon, Lab Friends of Israel [Vice-Chair of the Board Jan.2010-; the Director May 2005-Sep.'08]; Lab Friends of Israel Ltd [non-exec director]
  13. Siôn Simon, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Commons]; Tertulias
  14. Tobby Simon, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  15. Haig Simonian, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  16. Allen Simpson, Strategy Board of Progress
  17. Heather Simpson, Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  18. Jeffrey Simpson, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  19. Marie-Anne von Simson, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  20. Coral Shabshin Sinai, Moon Active Ltd [Snr. Controller]
  21. Cllr Jo Sinclair, Lambeth Council [Ferndale ward, Labour, 1982-]
  22. Nigel Sinden, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  23. Renee Singer, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [Administrator]
  24. NK Singh, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  25. Rita Singh, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  26. Sukhraj Singh, Hartlepool UFC Ltd ['ultimate beneficial owner']
  27. Vanesha Singh, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  28. Domenico Siniscalco, B'berg 2009; Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC
  29. Sio Chi Wai, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  30. Storme Sixeas, Brit-American Prjct Inc [treasurer]
  31. Alan Sked, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  32. Amanda Skelton, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  33. Brian Skerry, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  34. Kathryn Skidmore, Policy Network [head of operations & events]
  35. Paul Skinner, W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
  36. Rebecca Skippage, Brit-American Prjct
  37. Kristin Skogen Lund, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  38. Hans Skov Christensen, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]
  39. Felicity Slater, Progress ['outreach-'/'outreach & mbrship officer']
  40. Nora Slatkin, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  41. Prof Anne-Marie Slaughter, B'berg 2013; N Am. grp of Trilateral CommW.E.F. Davos 2015
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Susan Sloan, English National Ballet
  2. Anne Sloman, Chatham House [council member]
  3. Kathleen Smalley, Brit-American Prjct Inc [advisory board]
  4. Linda Smeaton, Design Museum [secretary only]
  5. Michael Smeeth, Brit-American Prjct [UK treasurer; conf. co-chair; non-exec director]
  6. Ruth Smeeth, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  7. Alan Smith, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  8. Andrew Smith, Fabian Soc [member]; Univ Ox Labour Club ['contemporary of Mandelson'?]
  9. Angela Smith, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  10. Bradford L Smith, W.E.F. Davos 2009, 2015
  11. Brenda Smith, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  12. Lord Chris Smith, Brit-American Prjct [Member]; Fabian Soc [Univ Cambs chair; nat exec c'ttee 1989-]; Tertulias
  13. Lady Elizabeth Smith [widow of John Smith], Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  14. Cllr Hazel Smith, Lambeth Council [St Martin's ward, Labour, 1982-]
  15. Jack Smith, Lambeth Council [employee] [Principal Officer Social Work during Mandelson's tenure]
  16. Jeff Smith, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  17. Rt Hon John Smith, UK-Japan C21st Group
  18. Lesley Smith, UK-Japan C21st Group
  19. Sir Martin Smith, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  20. Maureen Smith, Hartlepool UFC Ltd [secretary only]
  21. Mel Smith, RC School of Speech & Drama [vice-pres 2002/03-]
  22. Michael Smith, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  23. Nick Smith, Strategy Board of Progress
  24. Owen Smith, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  25. Robert I Smith, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  26. Karin Smyth, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  27. Rev Martin Smyth, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-chair]
  28. Gareth Snell, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  29. Olympia Snowe, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  30. Maria Snyder, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Alex Sobel, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  2. Donald Sobey, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  3. Tony Sobrado, Lab Friends of Israel [research intern 2008]
  4. Jacob Soetoyo, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  5. Sohn Jie-Ae, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  6. Elena Sokova, New Nuclear Challenge Forum of Aspen Institute Central Europe
  7. Javier Solana Madariaga, B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011
  8. Inge Solheim, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['polar ambassador'; 'supporting citizen']
  9. John Solomon, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  10. Bernard Somers, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [non-exec director]
  11. José Manuel Soria López, Tertulias
  12. George Soros, W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2015
  13. Jonathan Soros, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  14. Sir Martin Sorrell, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]; Global Counsel LLP [supplied start-up funding through his firm WPP, which part-owns Global Counsel]; Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015
  15. Ramez Sousou, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  16. Nancy Southern, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  17. Ronald Southern, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  18. Sarah Southern, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  19. Helen Southworth, Fabian Soc [member]
  20. Kevin Spacey, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  21. Giovanni Spadolini, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  22. David Speedie, AMEURUS
  23. Eoin Speight, Tennor Holding BV (UK) [non-exec director]
  24. John Spellar, Lab Friends of Israel [officer; policy council; 'LFI supporter']
  25. Caroline Spelman, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through EuropeAdvisory/Campaign Council of British Influence
  26. Prof Jack Spence, Chatham House
  27. Prof Michael Spence, B'berg 2014
  28. Lady Rosemary Spencer, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  29. Jerry Speyer, B'berg 2012
  30. Radek Špicar, Aspen Institute Central Europe [exec. director until Oct 2015]
  31. Michael Spindelegger, Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine [president; co-founder]
  32. Sir James Spooner, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  33. Richard Spring, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  34. Stephanie Spring, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  35. Stevie Spring, Arts & Business Ltd [trustee]
  36. John Springford, Centre for European Reform [the Dep. Director; non-exec director; director of research; snr. research fellow; research fellow]; Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [report co-author; CEO sr research fellow]
  37. Ivan Šramko, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  38. Cllr Sheila Stace, Lambeth Council [Town Hall ward, Labour, May 1978-; chair of Social Services C'ttee 1981-'82]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Elisabeth 'Lisbee' Stainton, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  2. Caroline Stanley Countess of Derby, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery; Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter/ball organizer & host]
  3. ::: Edward Stanley Earl of Derby, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery; Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter/ball organizer & host]
  4. Cllr Stephen Stannard, Lambeth Council [Clapham Park ward, Labour, Dec.1979-]
  5. Maria Staszkiewiczova, Aspen Institute Central Europe [dep. exec director]
  6. Thomas Stat, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  7. Ying Staton, Global Counsel [Head of Asia]
  8. James Stavridis, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  9. Wilfred St Clair-Daniel, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  10. Lord David Steel, UK-Japan C21st Group
  11. Cyril Stein, Lab Friends of Israel [major donor]
  12. Prof James Steinberg, B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011; Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]
  13. Lord Leonard Steinberg, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [while not specifically listing himself as a member of the Council as such, Lord Steinberg was a vice-chair of the Parliamentary C'ttee Against Anti-Semitism - a constituent member of the Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism]
  14. Peer Steinbrück, Advisory board of the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine
  15. Barbara Janom Steiner, B'berg 2011
  16. Dr Constanze Stelzenmüller, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  17. Andrew 'Cobb' Stenham, Design Museum
  18. Elan Stephens, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  19. Philip Stephens, AMEURUS; Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; vice-chair; governor]
  20. Aurelia Stephenson, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice chair]
  21. Barbara Stephenson, Brit-American Prjct Inc [advisory board]
  22. Brigitte Stepputtis, German Brit Forum [advisory board; non-exec director]
  23. Sir Sigmund Sternberg, Fabian Soc [member]; German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  24. Rainer Sternfeld, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  25. John Stevens, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  26. Lord (Henry Dennistoun) 'Dennis' Stevenson, The Economist;; Franco-British Colloque [chair]; SRU Group [co-founder, chair & non-exec director]
  27. Col. Bob Stewart, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  28. Gordon Stewart, Brit-American Prjct Inc [exec c'ttee]
  29. Sir Jackie Stewart, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  30. ::: Lady Helen Stewart, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  31. Rory Stewart, B'berg 2011; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  32. Thomas Stewart, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  33. Christopher Stibbs, The Economist
  34. Björn Stigson, B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]
  35. Cllr David Stimpson, Lambeth Council [Oval ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  36. Will Stirling, German Brit Forum [COO; board; 'ultimate beneficial owner']
  37. Lord Anthony St John, Sapinda ['Adviser on Africa']
  38. Dr Caroline St John-Brooks, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  39. Mark St John Qualter, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  40. Dr Howard Stoate, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  41. Dr Paul Stoffels, W.E.F. Davos 2015
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Lord Andrew Stone, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Lords; 'LFI supporter']
  2. Carole Stone, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  3. Greg Stone, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  4. Peter Stone, SRU (SRU London Ltd)
  5. Sharon Stone, W.E.F. Davos 2009
  6. Patricia 'Patty' Stonesifer, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  7. Mike Storey, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  8. David Stout, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  9. Peter Stračár, Aspen Institute Central Europe [board member]
  10. Dominique Strauss-Khan, Policy Network & Comms Ltd; W.E.F. Davos 2010
  11. Ed Straw, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  12. Jack Straw, Fabian Soc [member]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; W.E.F. Davos 2006
  13. Will Straw [son of Jack], Britain Stronger in Europe [exec director]; Open Britain Ltd
  14. Edward Streator, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  15. Wes Streeting, Fabian Soc [vice-chair]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  16. Julia Streets, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee; fellow]
  17. Graham Stringer, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  18. Prof Dr Jürgen Strube, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  19. Dr Peter Struck, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  20. Andrew 'Andy' Stuart, Global Ports Holding Plc
  21. Gisela Stuart, Konigswinter [non-exec director]; Königswinter Conf. 2003; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  22. Alexander Stubb, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  23. Sukhvinder Kaur Stubbs, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  24. István Stumpf, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  25. Prof Michael Stürmer, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  26. Madeleine Sturrock, GBCC [non-exec director]
  27. Ion Sturza, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  28. Sir John Stuttard, GBCC [Council of Advisors]
  29. Deyan Sudjic, Design Museum [The Co-Director]
  30. Shigemitsu Sugisaki, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  31. Mustafa Suleyman, The Economist
  32. Dr Kathryn Sullivan, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  33. Shuzo Sumi, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  34. Lawrence 'Larry' Summers, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2014; N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2009, 2010, 2015
  35. György Surányi, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  36. David Suratgar, Chatham House [council member]
  37. Veton Surroi, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  38. Prof Dr Rita Süssmuth, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]; Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  39. Peter Sutherland, B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014; Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Trilateral Comm [hon chair/exec c'ttee; Euro grp]; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
  40. Lady Alison Suttie, Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence
  41. David Svendsen, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair; also on the FS steering group & a FS Appeal patron] [also Corporate Dvlpmnt chair; also chair]
  42. ::: Susanne Svendsen, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [patron]
  43. Sir John Swan, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  44. Luke Swanson, The Economist
  45. Thomas Swaren, UK-Japan C21st Group
  46. Ashley Swearengin, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  47. Matthew Swindells, Global Counsel [a senior adviser]
  48. Helen Symonds, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  49. Lady Elizabeth Symons, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  50. Dr Gyorgy Szabad, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  51. Dr Tibor Szanyi, Policy Network & Comms Ltd
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Paul Taaffe, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  2. Dato' Sri Dr. Tahir, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  3. Paul Taiano, RC School of Speech & Drama [chair of governors May '06-; non-exec director]
  4. Cameron Tait, Fabian Soc [staff & exec c'ttee]
  5. Keizo Takemi, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  6. Shmulik Tal, Moon Active Ltd [VP R&D]
  7. John Talbot, English National Ballet
  8. Strobe Talbott, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  9. Nigel Talboys, UK-Japan C21st Group
  10. Richard Tallboys, Chatham House [council member]
  11. João Talone, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  12. Rana Talwar, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]
  13. Genichi Tamatsuka, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  14. Yo-Hann Tan, Global Counsel [a senior adviser]
  15. Prof Akihiko Tanaka, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral CommWEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  16. Hitoshi Tanaka, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  17. Naoki Tanaka, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  18. Nobuo Tanaka, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  19. Mihai Tanasescu, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  20. Sir David Tang, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  21. Edward Tang, Whitechapel Gallery [co-chair of the young patrons scheme]
  22. Somkiat Tangkitvanich, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  23. Dr Borys Tarasyuk, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  24. Asmah Tareen, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  25. Dr Ali Tarhouni, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  26. Sally Tattersall, Friends of Arundells
  27. Daniel Taub, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [hon c'ttee]
  28. Lord Dick Taverne, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  29. Suzanna Taverne, Design Museum
  30. Ann Taylor, Fabian Soc [Nat Exec C'ttee 1990-]
  31. Carole Taylor, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  32. Christopher Taylor, The Economist
  33. Dari Taylor, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Commons]
  34. Helen Taylor, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  35. Ian Taylor, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]; German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  36. John Taylor - Lord John Kilclooney, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [vice-chair]
  37. Martin Taylor, B'berg 1999; B'berg 2008; B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011
  38. Matthew Taylor, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  39. Michael Taylor, MetroPolis [co-lead]
  40. Prof Norman Taylor, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  41. Phoebe Taylor, Design Museum [secretary only]
  42. Philip Taylor, Progress Ltd [non-exec director]
  43. Russell Taylor, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  44. Stephen Taylor, UK-Japan C21st Group
  45. Alan Taylor-Brigg, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  46. Serge Tchuruk, Sistema [non-exec director]
  47. Anthony Teasdale, Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  48. Sir Kevin Tebbit, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  49. Emil Tedeschi, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  50. Teh Kok Peng, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  51. Terence Tehranian, Brit-American Prjct
  52. Rony Teitelbaum, Moon Active Ltd [cmo]
  53. Mandy Telford, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Strategy Board of Progress
  54. Luis Téllez Kuenzler, N Am. grp of Trilateral CommWEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  55. Philip Temple, Lambeth Council [employee] [House Father at Rowan House, Shirley Oaks 1975-Jul '77]
  56. Lord Peter Temple-Morris, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  57. Robert Terry, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  58. Federica Tesoriero, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  59. Tania Tetlow, Brit-American Prjct Inc [chair; advisory board; fellow]
  60. Lord Robin Teverson, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe; UK-Japan C21st Group
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