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Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Jeff Le, Brit-American Prjct Inc [exec c'ttee]
  2. Lord David Lea, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  3. Felicity Leabeater,  'Mandelson: The Real PM?' [production manager]
  4. Sir John Leahy, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  5. Michael Leahy, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  6. Prof Jim Leape, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  7. John Lebor, Labour Friends of Israel [on national executive]
  8. Eric Le Boucher, B'berg 1999
  9. Rabbi Steven Leder, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  10. Bethany Lee, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  11. Prof Donna Lee, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  12. Lee Hong-Koo, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  13. Lee Jay Y., Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  14. John Lee, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  15. Keith Lee, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  16. Lee Shin-wha, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  17. Prof Lee Sook-Jong, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  18. Eli Leenars, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  19. Carly Lees, Global Counsel [finance director]
  20. Cllr Richard Leese, Progress [patron]
  21. Kenneth Leet, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  22. Sir Thomas Legg, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  23. Alfred Legner, German Brit Forum [mgmt board; non-exec director]
  24. Peter Lehmann, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  25. Prof Michael Leifer, Chatham House [council member]
  26. Lady Prue Leith, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]
  27. Pierre Lellouche, AMEURUS
  28. Jean Lemierre, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  29. Dr Nina Lemmens, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  30. Tania le Moigne, Aspen Institute Central Europe [board member]
  31. Frédéric Lemoine, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  32. Chrisanthe Lemos, English National Ballet
  33. George Lemos, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  34. Noëlle Lenoir, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  35. Cllr Lloyd Leon, Lambeth Council [Herne Hill ward, Labour, 1982-]
  36. Cllr Vince Leon, Lambeth Council [Vassall ward, Labour, 1982-]
  37. Mark Leonard, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Centre for European Reform [director of foreign policy]; Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  38. Richard 'Dick' Leonard, Fabian Soc [c'ttee member]
  39. Joachim-Felix Leonhard, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  40. Monique Leroux, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  41. Robert Lerwill, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  42. Jan Leschly, B'berg 1999
  43. Nick Leslau, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  44. Chris Leslie, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; Progress [vice-chair]
  45. Lady Mariot Leslie, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  46. Mary Leslie, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  47. Sir Peter Leslie, Chatham House [council member]
  48. Prof Lawrence Lessig, B'berg 2013
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Enrico Letta, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  2. Sir Oliver Letwin, GBCC [hon vice pres]
  3. Hans Leukers, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  4. Ellie Levenson, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  5. Sir Paul Lever, Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  6. Daniel Levin, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  7. Christopher Levine, Global Counsel [director of finance & operations]; Global Counsel Ltd [comp. secretary]; Global Counsel Ventures Ltd [secretary]
  8. Marne Levine, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  9. Philip Levine, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  10. Yigal Levine, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [hon secretary]
  11. Ariel Levite, B'berg 2012
  12. Bernard-Henri Lévy, Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine [co-founder]
  13. Lord Michael Levy, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [hon c'ttee]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  14. Santiago Levy, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  15. Gigi Levy-Weiss, Moon Active Ltd [shareholder]
  16. Gill Lewis, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  17. Ivan Lewis, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-chair]; Lab Friends of Israel [vice-chair; 'LFI supporter']
  18. Mark Lewis, German Brit Forum [non-exec director]
  19. Dr Patricia Lewis, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  20. Sam Lewis, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [vice-chair; exec c'ttee]
  21. Simon Lewis, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  22. Prof Veronica Lewis, English National Ballet
  23. Zachary Lewy, English National Ballet
  24. Cllr Gordon Ley, Lambeth Council [Princes ward, Labour, 1982-; chair of Police C'ttee]
  25. Thomas Leysen, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  26. Dr Charles Quan Li, GBCC [non-exec director]
  27. Cheng Li, B'berg 2011; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2014
  28. Jet Li, W.E.F. Davos 2009
  29. Li Zhaoxing, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  30. Lady Helen Liddell, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  31. Johanna Liddle, German Brit Forum [secretary only]
  32. Lord Roger Liddle, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe; Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence; Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]; Lambeth Council [Alliance grp leader 1982-'86, served again 1994-'95]; Policy Network & Comms Ltd [has also served as Chair of Policy Network & Vice-Chair- Policy]; Strategy Board of Progress; Progressive Britain Ltd
  33. Bo Lidegaard, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  34. Sir David Lidington, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; GBCC [hon vice pres]; Tertulias
  35. Joe Lieberman, Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  36. Anatol Lieven, Brit-American Prjct [Member]
  37. Candy Lightner, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  38. Erkki Liikanen, B'berg 1999; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  39. Christopher Lincoln-Jones, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  40. Sven-Olaf Lindblad, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  41. Luis María Linde, Tertulias
  42. Elizabeth Linder, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  43. Jo Lindley, Brit-American Prjct [UK prjct director]
  44. Gary Lineker, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  45. Sally Lines, Brit-American Prjct
  46. Donald Link, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  47. Paavo Lipponen, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  48. Lord David Lipsey, Brit-American Prjct [member]; Fabian Soc [chair]
  49. John Lipsky, B'berg 2012; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2009
  50. Gordon Lishman, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  51. John Litherland, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  52. Rick Little, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  53. Andrew Litton, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  54. Ariel Litvin, BlueVoyant LLC [board member]
  55. Henry H Liu, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  56. Andrew Liveris, B'berg 2012; N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2015
  57. Lord Spencer Livermore, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  58. Ken Livingstone, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008
  59. Tzipi Livni, W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Dr Michael Lloyd, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  2. Sir Richard Butler Lloyd, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  3. Stephanie Lloyd, Progress [the Dpty Director]
  4. Lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery; Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  5. ::: Lady Madeleine Lloyd-Webber (Gurdon), Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  6. Bobo Lo, Centre for European Reform [director of the Russia & China programmes]
  7. Rob LoCascio, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  8. Stephen Lock, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  9. Robert Lockyer Nibbs, English National Ballet
  10. Dan Lodge, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  11. Prof Juliet Lodge, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  12. Anthony Loehnis, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]; UK-Japan C21st Group
  13. Princess Dora Loewenstein, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  14. Michael Logan, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  15. Dr Michael Lomax, Brit-American Prjct Inc [advisory board; fellow]
  16. (Janis) Rachel Lomax, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  17. Joe Lonsdale, BlueVoyant LLC [board member]
  18. Estela Lopez, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  19. Edward Lord, Brit-American Prjct [member? unverified]
  20. Winston Lord, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  21. Robert Lorentz,  Policy Network [policy researcher]
  22. Linda Koch Lorimer, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  23. Pierre Lortie, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  24. Charles Low 2nd Baron Aldington, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; finance c'ttee chair]
  25. Philip Lowe, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  26. Sam Lowe, Centre for European Reform [snr. research fellow]
  27. Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  28. Caroline Lucas, Britain Stronger in Europe; Open Britain Ltd
  29. Ian Lucas, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  30. Greg Lucier, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  31. Sir Peter Luff, Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence; Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group; Friends of Arundells
  32. Franjo Luković, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]
  33. Lulu, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  34. Joanna Lumley, Arts & Business Ltd [hon vice-pres]; NSPCC [life patron in same period as the Full Stop Appeal]; RC School of Speech & Drama [on 2009 judging panel with Stephen Fry & Helen Mirren evaluating which students to admit]
  35. Carl Lundin, TerraMar Prjct Inc [Member of the Council]
  36. Rebecca Lury, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  37. Edith 'Edie' Lush, Brit-American Prjct [chair; conf. co-chair; non-exec director]
  38. Lu Shemin, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  39. Jack Lusk, Brit-American Prjct Inc [advisory board]
  40. Howard Lutnick, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
  41. Edith 'Edie' Lutnick [sister of Howard], TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  42. Loretta Lynch, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  43. Sir Roderic Lyne, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Sarah Macauley, Soho House [organized 1995 Xmas party with Julia Hobsbawm attended by Mandelson & Gordon Brown]
  2. Penny MacBeth, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  3. Deirdre MacBride, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  4. Prof Tod Machover, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  5. Lord Gus MacDonald, Lab Friends of Israel [policy council; Parliamentary Exec- Lords; 'LFI supporter']
  6. Lord Ken MacDonald, Advisory Council of the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine
  7. Col. Gordon MacDougall, Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  8. Greg MacGillivray, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  9. Lord John MacGregor, Friends of Arundells; Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  10. Dr Howard Machin, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  11. Andrew Mackay, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  12. Sir Francis Mackay, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]
  13. Sally Mackey, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  14. Rowan MacKinnon, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  15. Matt Mackowiak, Brit-American Prjct Inc [vice-chair]
  16. Hon Roy MacLaren, B'berg 1999; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]
  17. Michael Maclay, AMEURUS; Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]; LWT/Weekend World
  18. Nicolas Maclean, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  19. Lord Robert Maclennan, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  20. Merethe Borge MacLeod, GBCC [Exec Director; also a non-exec director]
  21. Alexander Macmillan 2nd Earl of Stockton, Friends of Arundells
  22. ::: Katherine Macmillan Visc. Macmillan [mother of Alexander], Friends of Arundells
  23. Margaret MacMillan, B'berg 1999
  24. Edward Macmillan-Scott, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  25. Stuart Macnaughtan, Progress ['events officer'/'acting events & membership mngr']
  26. Elle MacPherson, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  27. (Alyson) Pia MacRae, GBCC [non-exec director]
  28. Dr Denis MacShane, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]; Franco-British Colloque 2001; German Brit Forum [board]; Königswinter Conf. 2003; Lab Friends of Israel [policy council]; Tertulias [chair]
  29. Fiona Mactaggart, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  30. Bronwen Maddox, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]; Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  31. Antonio Madero, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  32. Prof Pattie Maes, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  33. Gregory 'Greg' Maffei, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  34. George Magan, German Brit Forum [advisory board]; Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [dep chair] [also chaired the FS steering group]
  35. Bryan Magee, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  36. Monica Maggioni, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  37. Peter Maher, German Brit Forum [board; advisory board]
  38. Hans Mahr, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  39. Thomas Maier, Global Ports Holding Plc
  40. Sir Donald Maitland, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  41. Nahid Majid, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  42. Sir John Major, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]; Britain Stronger in Europe [supporter]; GBCC [vice-pres]; Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  43. Miroslav Majoroš, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  44. Minoru Makihara, Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Asia Pac grp]
  45. Daniel Malarkey, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  46. Frederic Malek, Int'l Advisory Board of Aspen Institute Central Europe [has also been an AICE board member; 'contributed to' AICE's founding]
  47. Seema Malhotra, Fabian Soc [chair, exec c'ttee]; Progress [vice-chair]
  48. Kiran Malik, The Economist
  49. Naz Malik, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  50. Floris Maljers, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]
  51. Shelly Malkin, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  52. John Malkovich, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000 [assoc director]
  53. Sir Christopher Mallaby, AMEURUS; Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  54. Davina von Mallinckrodt, Design Museum
  55. George Mallinckrodt, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  56. Philip Mallinckrodt, The Economist; German Brit Forum [board]
  57. Dr Karen Malmgren, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  58. Dr Philippa 'Pippa' Malmgren, Ditchley Fdn [governor]; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  59. Cllr Michael Malynn, Lambeth Council [Streatham Wells ward, Conservative, Mar.1977-]
  60. Baroness Rosario de Mandat-Grancey, English National Ballet
  61. Dr Klaus Mangold, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  62. John Manley, Trilateral Comm [dep chair/exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]
  63. Marie Manley, Tertulias
  64. Amb Simon Manley, Tertulias
  65. Joe Mann, Strategy Board of Progress
  66. Cllr Marisa Mann, Lambeth Council [Clapham Park Wells ward, Conservative, May 1982-]
  67. Sir David Manning, AMEURUS
  68. Jonathan Manning, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  69. Stephen 'Steve' Mannix, Brit-American Prjct [treasurer; non-exec director]
  70. Samantha Mant, Brit-American Prjct
  71. Prof Moshe Many, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [hon c'ttee]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Lord John Maples, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  2. Lady Susan Mar, Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  3. Luis Marco Aguirano, Tertulias
  4. Lucy Marcus, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  5. Princess Margaret, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [NSPCC Pres at the time]
  6. Mikhail Margelov, AMEURUS
  7. Phillip Margolis, Israel, Britain & Cth Association [exec c'ttee]
  8. Hervé Mariton, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  9. Christopher Marks, English National Ballet
  10. Timothy Marlow, Design Museum [chief exec]
  11. Donald Marron, AMEURUS
  12. David Marsh, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; German Brit Forum [pres; mgmt board; non-exec director]
  13. Lady Mary Marsh, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [NSPCC chief exec from Sept 1 2000
  14. Lord Colin Marshall, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [the Chair/non-exec director]
  15. Giles Marshall, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  16. Harvey Marshall, English National Ballet
  17. John Marshall, Design Museum
  18. Sir Michael Marshall, Chatham House [council member]
  19. William Marshall III, Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  20. Ricardo Martí Fluxá, Tertulias [chair]
  21. Connie Martin, German Brit Forum [non-exec director]
  22. Geoff Martin, Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe
  23. Sir Laurence Martin, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  24. Sandy Martin, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  25. Vidal Martinez, Brit-American Prjct Inc [advisory board]
  26. Carlos Martínez de Campos, Tertulias [chair]
  27. Angela Mason, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  28. Nick Mason, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]; TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  29. Dr Abdullah Masry, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  30. Ivan Massow, Soho House [Member/diner as of 2002]
  31. Aideen Masterson, English National Ballet
  32. Peter Mather, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  33. Chris Matheson, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  34. Jessica Mathews, B'berg 1999; B'berg 2008; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2013
  35. Prof Peter Mathieson, Tertulias
  36. Angela Matthews, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  37. Raghav Mathur, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  38. Kyle Matous, Brit-American Prjct Inc [exec c'ttee]
  39. Abel Matutes, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  40. Lord Francis Maude, Trilateral Comm [member]
  41. Lord John Maxton, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  42. Christine Maxwell, TerraMar Prjct Inc [treasurer]
  43. Ghislaine Maxwell, TerraMar Prjct Inc/TerraMar (UK)
  44. Kevin Maxwell, Lambton Place Health Club [Member as of 1998]
  45. Yuri Maxwell Malina, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  46. Simon Maxwell, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  47. Christian May, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  48. Prof James Mayall, Chatham House [council member]
  49. Marissa Mayer, W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2015
  50. Prof Roland Mayer, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd
  51. Judith Mayhew, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  52. Dr Richard Mayne, Chatham House [council member]
  53. Philippe Maystadt, B'berg 2009
  54. Prof Mariana Mazzucato, Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [commissioner]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Andrew McAfee, B'berg 2014; W.E.F. Davos 2015
  2. Lyndsey McAllister, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd [secretary only]
  3. Ingrid McAlpine, German Brit Forum [advisory board; mgmt board; non-exec director]
  4. Cecilia McAnulty, English National Ballet
  5. Linda McAvan, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  6. Edward McBride, B'berg 2009 [rapporteur]
  7. Teresa McBride, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  8. Steve McCabe, Lab Friends of Israel [chair; 'LFI supporter']
  9. Fiona McCafferty, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  10. Sen. John McCain, W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007
  11. Andrew McCallum, Design Museum
  12. Gillian McCallum, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  13. Michael McCann, Lab Friends of Israel [vice-chair]
  14. Prof Philip McCann, Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [report co-author]
  15. Arlene McCarthy, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  16. James McCarthy, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [non-exec director]
  17. Gordon McCartney, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  18. Ian McCartney, Lab Friends of Israel [policy council]
  19. Jason McCartney, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  20. Stella McCartney, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  21. Lord Jack McConnell, UK-Japan C21st Group
  22. David McCormick, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  23. Charlie McCreevy, B'berg 2008
  24. Siobhain McDonagh, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  25. Sheena McDonald, Arts & Business Ltd [hon vice-pres]
  26. Sir Trevor McDonald, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery
  27. William McDonough, B'berg 1999; B'berg 2008
  28. Michael McDowell, B'berg 2011
  29. Eamon McElroy, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  30. Pat McFadden, Lab Friends of Israel [officer]; Progress [patron]
  31. Lord John McFall, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  32. Conor McGinn, Fabian Soc [vice chair, exec c'ttee]; Lab Friends of Israel [officer; 'LFI supporter']
  33. Richard McGinn, B'berg 1999
  34. Alison McGovern, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]; Progress [chair; a vice-chair; Strategy Board]
  35. Kevin McGrath, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  36. Ewan McGregor, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]
  37. James McGrory, Britain Stronger in Europe ['chief campaign spokesman']; Open Britain Ltd
  38. Gerry McGuinness, Indpndnt News & Media Plc [non-exec director]
  39. Aidan McGuire, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  40. Anne McGuire, Lab Friends of Israel [chair; 'LFI supporter']
  41. Judith McHale, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  42. Karen McHugh, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  43. Alisdair McIntosh, Campaign Council of British Influence
  44. Andrew McIntosh, NS Publishing 1991 Ltd
  45. Ian McIntyre, British Influence [non-exec director]
  46. Bruce McKendrick, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  47. Frank McKenna, B'berg 2009
  48. Tom McKillop, B'berg 2008
  49. Catherine McKinnell, Lab Friends of Israel [officer; 'LFI supporter']
  50. Henry McKinnell, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  51. Tom McLain, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  52. Thomas McLarty III, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  53. Sybil McLaughlin, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  54. Susan McLeod, Brit-American Prjct
  55. Jim McMahon, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  56. Michael McManus, Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn
  57. Martin McMillan, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  58. Kirsty McNeill, Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence
  59. Tom McNulty, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [treasurer]
  60. Tony McNulty, Königswinter Conf. 2000
  61. Carole McPhee, English National Ballet
  62. Cllr John 'Jock' McPherson Quinn, Lambeth Council [Oval ward, Labour, 1974-]
  63. Maire McQueeney, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  64. Michael McTernan, Policy Network [Dep Director; editor & snr. researcher; snr. comms & research officer]
  65. Oliver McTernan, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  66. Bruce McVicar, British Influence [non-exec director]
  67. Douglas McWilliams, Tertulias
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Peter Mead, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  2. Anja Medau, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  3. Ambra Medda, Design Museum
  4. Richard Medley, Aspen Institute [attendee, 1993-94 global transatlantic young leaders' program with Mandelson]; Medley Global Advisors [founder]
  5. Dmitry Medvedev, W.E.F. Davos 2007
  6. Cllr John Medway, Lambeth Council [Bishop's ward, SDP/Lib party, Jul.1981-]
  7. Prof Elizabeth Meehan, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  8. Christine Megson, Fabian Soc [vice-pres]
  9. Ken Mehlman, B'berg 2012
  10. Yogesh Mehta, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  11. Dr Johannes Meier, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  12. Yossi Mekelberg, Lab Friends of Israel [LFI briefing author]
  13. Robert Meier, German Brit Forum [advisory board]
  14. Dr Craig Mello, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  15. Prof Sir David Melville, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  16. David Mencer, Lab Friends of Israel [the Director June 1998-May 2004]
  17. Lord Jonathan 'Jon' Mendelsohn, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [the Director]; Lab Friends of Israel [chair]; Policy Network & Comms Ltd; Progress Ltd [non-exec director; treasurer]
  18. Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, Tertulias
  19. Dennis Mendoros, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  20. Alan Mendoza, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  21. Carlos Menem, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  22. Philip Mengel, The Economist
  23. Prof Anand Menon, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  24. Lee Menzies, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  25. Mark Menzies, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  26. Calum Mercer, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  27. Lord Merlyn Merlyn-Rees, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [president]
  28. Carlo Messina, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  29. Nicholas Metcalfe, LWT/Weekend World [director]
  30. Jonathan Metliss, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [Secretary]
  31. Oskar Metsavaht, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  32. Zach Meyers, Centre for European Reform [research fellow]
  33. Andreas Meyer-Schwickerath, German Brit Forum [advisory board; non-exec director]
  34. Hugo Meynell, The Economist
  35. Alun Michael, Lab Friends of Israel [policy council]
  36. Frederic Michel, Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  37. (Richard) John Micklethwait, B'berg 1999 [rapporteur]; B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014; Economist Newspaper Ltd [from 2006 a non-exec director & the editor]; W.E.F. Davos 2012
  38. Stefano Micossi, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]
  39. Sir Peter E Middleton, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  40. Peter J Middleton, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  41. Alan Milburn, Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Policy Network & Comms Ltd; Progress [hon president]
  42. Jonathon Mildenhall, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  43. David Miliband, Centre for European Reform [co-founder with Nick Butler in Sept 1996]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Königswinter Conf. 2003; Progress [patron]; Tertulias; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008, 2009
  44. Ed Miliband, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]; Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Policy Network & Comms Ltd; Progress [vice-chair]; Tertulias; W.E.F. Davos 2009, 2012
  45. Andrew Miller, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Commons]
  46. J Bradford 'JB' Miller, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  47. Maggie Miller, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  48. Matthew Miller, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  49. Prof Paul S Miller, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  50. Derek Mills, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  51. Cllr Douglas Mills, Lambeth Council [Thornton ward, Conservative, May 1978-]
  52. Yasmin Mills, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [campaign t's model with Lady Victoria Hervey & Jemma Kidd]
  53. Alain Minc, AM Conseil [founder, owner & principal]; Policy Network & Comms Ltd 
  54. Kylie Minogue, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [NSPCC ambassador at the time]
  55. Zanny Minton Beddoes, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  56. Eckard Minx, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  57. Carlos Miranda, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  58. Helen Mirren, RC School of Speech & Drama [on 2009 judging panel with Stephen Fry & Joanna Lumley evaluating which students to admit]
  59. Jami Miscik, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  60. Mike Misner, TerraMar Prjct Inc [director of comms & 'supporting citizen']
  61. Bhupendra Mistry, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  62. Andrea Mitchell, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  63. Austin Mitchell, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  64. George Mitchell, Brit-American Prjct [patron; fellow]
  65. Jason Mitchell, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  66. Karen Mitchell, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; vice-chair]
  67. Lord Parry Mitchell, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Lords; 'LFI supporter']
  68. Cllr Patrick Mitchell, Lambeth Council [Stockwell ward alongside fellow Labour council members Mandelson & Paul Ormerod, May 1978-]
  69. John Mitchinson, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  70. Sunil Bharti Mittal, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  71. Lakshmi Mittal, W.E.F. Davos 2009
  72. Peter Mitterbauer, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  73. Ihor Mityukov, B'berg 1999
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. Jürgen Mlynek, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  2. Kathleen Moazed, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  3. Michael Mocatta, Lab Friends of Israel [consultant Oct.2010-Feb.'11]
  4. William Moggridge, Design Museum
  5. Yuzaburo Mogi, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  6. Liz Mohn, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]
  7. Dominique Moïsi, B'berg 1999; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  8. Raphael Mokades, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]
  9. Eric Molobi, Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc
  10. Bernard Molloy, German Brit Forum [board]
  11. Gebhard von Moltke, AMEURUS
  12. Andrea Moltrasio, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  13. Lord John Monks, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  14. David Monsma, New Nuclear Challenge Forum of Aspen Institute Central Europe
  15. Clare Montagu, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  16. Lord Michael Montague, Progress [major donor: "donations from Montague, the 2nd largest donor to Progress, were made at least 2 yrs after his death via a trust whose trustees are unknown"
  17. Cllr Marie Montaut, Lambeth Council [Angell? or Coldhabour? ward, Labour, Nov.1976-]
  18. Lord David Montgomery, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [vice-chair]
  19. Mario Monti, B'berg 1999; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Trilateral Comm [hon chair/exec c'ttee; Euro grp]
  20. Justus Montyn, UK-Japan C21st Group
  21. Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chatham House [council member]; Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  22. Lisa Eakman Moon, Trilateral Comm [fellow]
  23. Lord Charles Moore, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  24. Colin Moore, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  25. Cllr David Moore, Lambeth Council [Thornton ward, Conservative, May 1982-]
  26. Graham Moore, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  27. Cllr Kevin A Moore, Lambeth Council [Larkhall ward? or Prince's ward?, Labour, May 1978-]
  28. Cllr Paul D Moore, Lambeth Council [Angell ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  29. Rt Hon Michael Moore, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  30. Hon Michael Kenneth 'Mike' Moore, Policy Network & Comms Ltd; Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  31. Stephen Moore, Brit-American Prjct Inc [exec c'ttee]
  32. Warren Moore, The&Partners London Ltd
  33. John Moores, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  34. Claude Moraes, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  35. Santiago Moral Rubio, BlueVoyant LLC [ceo of BlueVoyant Spain]
  36. Catherine Moran, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  37. Margaret Moran, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group
  38. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Tertulias
  39. Dr Glen Moreno, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  40. Lady Delyth Morgan, Progress [vice-chair]
  41. Prof Roger Morgan, Chatham House [council member]
  42. Steve Morgan, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  43. Hugh Morgan-Williams, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  44. Stephen Morgan, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  45. Marc Morial, Brit-American Prjct Inc [advisory board; fellow]
  46. Jane Morrice, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  47. Ian Morris, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  48. Nigel Morris, The Economist
  49. Shrutisha 'Shru' Morris, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]
  50. Hunter Morrison, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  51. Sara Morrison, Gulbenkian Fdn ["the Gulbenkian invited Sara Morrison to be chairman of an Advisory Committee to guide a feasibility study the Gulbenkian had commissioned from the British Youth Council. The study was carried out by Peter Mandelson"]
  52. Sir Jeremy Morse, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  53. Camino Mortera-Martinez, Centre for European Reform [Brussels representative; research fellow]
  54. Edward Mortimer, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  55. Robert Mosbacher Jr, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  56. Gilad Moscovich, Lab Friends of Israel [public affairs asst 2008]
  57. Siegmar Mosdorf, Königswinter Conf. 2000
  58. Lord Claus Moser, The Economist
  59. Kate Mosse, Arts & Business Ltd [trustee; non-exec director]
  60. Constance Motte,  Policy Network [policy researcher]
  61. Sir Richard Mottram, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  62. Kathleen Motzenbecker, Brit-American Prjct Inc [vice-chair]
  63. Marjorie 'Mo' Mowlam, Brit-American Prjct [Member]; Fabian Soc [member]; UK-Japan C21st Group
  64. Dambisa Moyo, B'berg 2010 [*see note]
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. John Mroz, AMEURUS
  2. Tara Mukherjee, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  3. Dr Geoff Mulgan, Brit-American Prjct [member]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  4. Nigel Mullan, Arts & Business Ltd [secretary only]
  5. Adm Michael Mullen, Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC; N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  6. Cllr Alfred Muller, Lambeth Council [Clapham Town ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  7. Josef Müller, Aspen Institute Central Europe [dep exec. director]
  8. Klaus-Peter Müller, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  9. Brian Mulroney, Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc
  10. Craig Mundie, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014; W.E.F. Davos 2006
  11. Manuel Muñiz, Trilateral Comm [fellow]
  12. Peter Munk, W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2009
  13. Meg Munn, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Executive- Commons; vice-chair; 'LFI supporter']; Progress [vice-chair]
  14. Roger Munnings, Sistema [non-exec director]
  15. Catriona Munro, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  16. Dr Catriona Munro, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']
  17. Chris Munro, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  18. Heather Munroe-Blum, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  19. Cameron Munter, Int'l Advisory Board of Aspen Institute Central Europe
  20. Jon Murad, Brit-American Prjct Inc [chair; vice-chair; fellow]
  21. Satoru Murase, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  22. Rupert Murdoch, W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008, 2009
  23. ::: Jerry Hall, NSPCC [Hall of Fame 2004]
  24. James Murdoch [son of Rupert], W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2009
  25. Lachlan Murdoch [son of Rupert], WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  26. Jerry Murdock, Moon Active Ltd [shareholder via 'Insight Partners', his US venture capital & private equity fund with Jeff Horing]
  27. Henri Murison, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  28. Annie Murphy, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000
  29. Darren Murphy, Progress Ltd [non-exec director; has also been Exec Director (unverified)]
  30. Jim Murphy, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-chair]; Lab Friends of Israel [chair; vice-chair; 'LFI supporter']
  31. Lord Paul Murphy, Lab Friends of Israel [policy council; 'LFI supporter']
  32. Simon Murphy, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  33. Alasdair Murray, Centre for European Reform [Dep. Director; snr. researcher; Economics Director; economist; non-exec director]
  34. Charles Murray, B'berg 2014
  35. Christopher Murray, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  36. Lord Lionel 'Len' Murray, Economics Dept at the TUC [TUC general secretary]
  37. Lori Esposito Murray, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm
  38. Vanda Murray, Manchester Metropolitan University [chair of board of governors]
  39. Jonah Myerberg, Brit-American Prjct [member]
  40. Jodi Myers, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]
  41. Dr Nathan Myhrvold, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  42. Lord Paul Myners, Global Counsel [vice-chair 2016-]
  43. Na Kyung-Won, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


  1. David Nabarro, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  2. Satya Nadella, W.E.F. Davos 2015
  3. Andras Nagy,  Policy Network [policy researcher]
  4. Roger Naik, Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence
  5. Moisés Naím, B'berg 2010 [*see note]
  6. Sir Patrick Nairne, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director; governor]
  7. Giogio Napolitano, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  8. Janet Napolitano, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  9. Michael Naschke, Sapinda Deutschland GmbH ['geschäftsführer']
  10. Pamela Nash, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  11. Matthias Nass, B'berg 1999; B'berg 2008; B'berg 2009; B'berg 2011
  12. Adam Nathan, British Influence [dpty director]
  13. Clemens Nathan, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  14. James Naughtie, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board; fellow]
  15. Shane Naughton, Economist Group Trustee Co Ltd
  16. Ruben Navarrette, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  17. David Naylor, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  18. Peter Naylor, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]
  19. Saba Nazar, Design Museum
  20. Flora Nedelcu Smith, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]
  21. Sir Richard Needham, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; UK-Japan C21st Group
  22. Beretitara Neeti, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism
  23. Diana Negroponte, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board]
  24. Nicholas Negroponte, W.E.F. Davos 2006
  25. Jerome Neil, Progress [events officer & editorial asst]
  26. Peter Neill, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['supporting citizen']
  27. R Anthony Nelson, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [chair; council member; non-exec director]
  28. Elena Nemirovskaya, AMEURUS
  29. Benjamin Netanyahu, W.E.F. Davos 2009
  30. Birgit Neu, Brit-American Prjct
  31. Rabbi Julia Neuberger, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]
  32. Lady (Lilian) Pauline Neville-Jones, AMEURUS; Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  33. Seamus Nevin, Policy Network [commissioning editor]
  34. Jacqueline Newbury, Konigswinter [secretary only]
  35. Lord Richard 'Dick' Newby, NS Publishing 1991 Ltd
  36. Cllr Patrick Newman, Lambeth Council [St Martin's ward, Labour, 1982-]
  37. Paul Newman, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]
  38. Mee Ling Ng, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  39. Philip Ng, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  40. Dr Robin Niblett, Konigswinter [non-exec director]; W.E.F. Davos 2015
  41. Sir Bryan Nicholson, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [advisory board]
  42. Christian Nicholson, Lab Friends of Israel [comms intern Jun-Jul.2010]
  43. Lady Emma Nicholson, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  44. George Nicholson, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  45. Lesley Nicol, German Brit Forum [secretary only]
  46. Mrs Paddy Nicoll, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  47. Sir William Nicoll, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  48. Steve Nieto, Green Rubber Global Ltd [SVP global marketing]
  49. Takeshi Niinami, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  50. Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]
  51. Aleksandar Nikolić, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  52. Achinoam (Noa) Nini, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]
  53. Masashi Nishihara, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm
  54. Simone Niven, UK-Japan C21st Group
  55. Sir Edwin Nixon, UK-Japan C21st Group
  56. Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu, Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc
  57. Alan Noble, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd
  58. Cllr Malcolm Noble, Lambeth Council [Town Hall ward, Labour, May 1978-]
  59. Yoshiji Nogami, Ditchley Fdn [governor]
  60. Prof Nitin Nohria, W.E.F. Davos 2012
  61. Lord Gulam Noon, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member; advisory board]
  62. Michael Noonan, B'berg 2012
  63. Peggy Noonan, B'berg 2012
  64. Timothy Norkett, Open Britain Ltd
  65. Alexander Norman, Konigswinter [non-exec director]
  66. Archibald 'Archie' Norman, Global Counsel [non exec vice-chair]
  67. Richard Norman, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]
  68. Sir Ron Norman, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]
  69. Ziba Norman, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]
  70. Alex Norris, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']
  71. Dan Norris, Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Commons]
  72. Geoffrey Norris, Global Counsel [a senior adviser]
  73. Enrique Norten, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank
  74. Charlotte Norton, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]
  75. Hugh Norton, Chatham House [council member]
  76. John Norton, NSPCC [the Chairman]
  77. Lord Philip Norton, Friends of Arundells
  78. Cllr Graham Norwood, Lambeth Council [Angell ward, Labour, 1982-; Dep Council Leader 1985-'86]
  79. Cllr Florence Nosegbe, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]; Strategy Board of Progress
  80. Jared Novick, Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC
  81. Dr Wolfgang Nowack, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank [managing director/spokesman]; Policy Network & Comms Ltd
  82. Dr Eva Nowotny, AMEURUS
  83. Ewald Nowotny, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm
  84. Phillip Noyes, NSPCC [director of public policy during Full Stop Appeal]
  85. Conn Nugent, TerraMar Prjct Inc [Member of the Council]
  86. Christopher Nunn, UK-Japan C21st Group
  87. Prof Joseph Nye Jr, AMEURUS; Trilateral Comm [chair/exec c'ttee & N Am. grp]; W.E.F. Davos 2015
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