02-28-2018, 12:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2018, 02:51 PM by The Apprentice.)
(02-27-2018, 11:59 PM)Greg D Wrote: Hi Guys. You are certainly correct, most of the worlds religions worship the sun, you left out the Mayans, who also practiced human sacrifice. The Druids who are of Hebrew, Celtic origin built Stonehenge for sun worship. Most of the remainder of humanity, worship their ancestors in one form or another. Islam worship the moon god by the way. All of this is not surprising as Genesis speaks of two great lights, one to rule the night and one to rule the day.
If we can lump all the worlds religions into one basket, as evil and misguided, even though they all do some good works, what is the alternative. In every good Science fiction, it always has good verses evil, a force for light and a force for the dark side, I hope you don't think modern thinking is the force for good. It appears from what you have written, the bad guys are these Archon-Reptilians, I would simplify this by calling him Satan (the father of all lairs) which by the way is an anagram of Santa. Santa is the first lie we are told as a child and in turn pass on to our children. I know the origins of the Santa myth, it is St Nicholas or the Nicolaitans of the book of Revelation (Nimrod, mother and child worship)
Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Lucifer is the original serpent of the garden of Eden.
John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth(speaking in other tongues). If God by his Holy Spirit permeates every part of human beings and knows them inside and out.
Likewise the devil through nano technology is once again trying to be like the most High. He may be the son of the morning, or the light bringer (Illuminati) but as Paul the apostle said we are not ignorant of his devices.
Having said all this nothing unites society like religion does, perhaps we need a new religion to lead humanity against this oppression. Or perhaps the King will return and finally shut him up (Satan) for a thousand years.
Once I learned the Astonomical positionings of the stars, sun and moon throughout a tropical or siderial year, thereafter every parable from all of the bible codex's cames clearly into view for what is really is, they are all based on the Sun and Moon and are a code of control mechanism or codex using the chosen global language to be, English, brought in by Bacon & Co. where the latest 160 thousand new words were added in the final stages of the elites program.
In all of the paragraphs you have shared here, they all pertain to the sun on the great wheel of years of astronomy, every one has a fixed and or a mutable point of reference, IE, retrograde, but never begin where they started, this is why the very precise quantum clock does not work alongside nature, and those who follow the parables without the celestial knowledge will never be able to resolve them.
Human DNA is already pre-programmed for the individuals life time and up until recently supposedly could not be altered, but going by direct observations and human actions, we have been able do this for millenia. In other words our god and devil seed or reptilian and advanced brain mass are already installed and only need to be programmed like a body computer to their eventual outcome, our so called leaders are programmed to be devoid of empathy and why they do what most would not, they are not themselves as they were first born, in other words, they are programmed to use their devil seed over their natural instinct within them.
Here is a short clip from a film to explain how their magic works.
One large clue with the Masonic Model is, they have a ceremony which involves walking in circles, called to Circumambulate, Circumambulation, where they walk around their alter in exactly the same way that a runner bean plant winds up its pole, here we have the actions of nature which follow the light, or a staiway to heaven if you like, it is purely based upon the Sun. I have also studdied this effect during full moon periods as the plant will continue following the moon after the sun has gone down and the next morning will be in a different place to evening, this phenomenon also continues when there is no moonlight, try it yourself.
More on this natural phenomenon here below, see also the vine upon Herculese shaft, this is the same science in plain sight.
Observe in the film clip of the winding plant/circum-nutating, where the sunlight from the window above the plant is gone/set, even with the growing lights still on how the plant continues to follow the natural energy waves that the earth is bathed in regardless of wheather its night or day, plants can see this and we used to be able to also.
In all the ultimate weapon for the governance of man is understanding how the mind is to be conditioned, it was in the plant and animal world where the early Magi learned much of their magic and medicines of illusionary properties, you can also do to plants as you can do to humans by manipulation as we see rolling out before our very eyes.
Religion is not only a programmed illness for those under its spell, it is the most known and practiced science of them all.
If you use the Hebrew codex for 666, it translates into the words Holy Holy Holy, which means we have been praying to their holy science and control mechanism all along, it was devised that way as not to be questioned and those who worked it out were in grave danger if ever they exposed it.
The spirt is natural and pre-programmed and humans have been de-programmed away from what are the Circadium Rthyms, our natural link with the earths energy under the sun, and in my humble opinion the further we are removed from the natural the more we will be controlled/governed we will become.
I see that Eden/mind and the Earth/physical are one when in perfect balance with each other, it is a physical model in the trim, and the best way to retain it is by using our hand to eye coordination or skills in tune with what true nature gives us in any given season.
Simply observe nature and how it is adapt to thrive regardless of the seasons and or their timing, and view humanity which is now totally out of balance with it, the closest fraternity to this is the Amish, but they are decimated with mind control and religion, which is not a part of true nature, she only follows one common denomenator and that is the Sun and Moon, the true physical clock and guide.